n=50001: c28540(3766712582......) = 16394029310816957664439 * c28518(2297612448......)
# ECM B1=50000, sigma=0:18156120826299042012
n=207248: x103605(1508007522......) is (probable) prime
$ ./pfgw64 -tc -q"(10^103624+1)/66312666552826658897" PFGW Version [GWNUM 28.6] Primality testing (10^103624+1)/66312666552826658897 [N-1/N+1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge] Running N-1 test using base 5 Running N-1 test using base 7 Running N+1 test using discriminant 17, base 6+sqrt(17) Calling N-1 BLS with factored part 0.01% and helper 0.00% (0.05% proof) (10^103624+1)/66312666552826658897 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1190.5565s+0.0398s)
# 1164 of 300000 Φn(10) factorizations were finished. 300000 個中 1164 個の Φn(10) の素因数分解が終わりました。
n=6140L: c1196(5745251207......) = 13250162724903585950689727396593851617218121 * c1153(4335985396......)
# ECM B1=11e6, sigma=1403731729
n=202173: x134758(8951445383......) is (probable) prime
$ ./pfgw64 -tc -q"(10^202173-1)/(10^67391-1)/1117138023153389393496399" PFGW Version [GWNUM 28.6] Primality testing (10^202173-1)/(10^67391-1)/1117138023153389393496399 [N-1/N+1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge] Running N-1 test using base 3 Running N-1 test using base 7 Running N+1 test using discriminant 17, base 1+sqrt(17) Calling N-1 BLS with factored part 0.01% and helper 0.00% (0.04% proof) (10^202173-1)/(10^67391-1)/1117138023153389393496399 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (2201.5909s+0.0707s)
# 1163 of 300000 Φn(10) factorizations were finished. 300000 個中 1163 個の Φn(10) の素因数分解が終わりました。
n=8220L: c1074(1494365910......) = 6097790664173896352923803646734195061 * c1037(2450667779......)
# ECM B1=11e6, sigma=2907575830
n=277314: x92430(3302215685......) is (probable) prime
$ ./pfgw64 -tc -q"11*(10^138657+1)/1001/(10^46219+1)/3327769" PFGW Version [GWNUM 28.6] Primality testing 11*(10^138657+1)/1001/(10^46219+1)/3327769 [N-1/N+1, Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge] Running N-1 test using base 2 Running N+1 test using discriminant 11, base 2+sqrt(11) Calling N+1 BLS with factored part 0.01% and helper 0.01% (0.04% proof) 11*(10^138657+1)/1001/(10^46219+1)/3327769 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (740.6582s+0.0852s)
# 1162 of 300000 Φn(10) factorizations were finished. 300000 個中 1162 個の Φn(10) の素因数分解が終わりました。
# via yoyo@home
n=973: c824(3083142372......) = 3715631189441610182664346038535448639 * p787(8297762117......)
# ECM B1=43000000, sigma=0:1221013246906637789
# 1161 of 300000 Φn(10) factorizations were finished. 300000 個中 1161 個の Φn(10) の素因数分解が終わりました。