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August 30, 2011 2011 年 8 月 30 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=11147: c10920(9000000000......) = 33606531913351107101439043 * c10895(2678050809......)

August 30, 2011 2011 年 8 月 30 日 (Marty)

# via yoyo@home

n=1030: c315(5253439406......) = 165796914244952278117852679114529063857981242517889432600011 * c256(3168599024......)

# ECM B1=260000000, sigma=3809711854

August 26, 2011 2011 年 8 月 26 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=11119: c11085(1010587932......) = 472852174163666228503043 * c11061(2137217480......)

August 23, 2011 2011 年 8 月 23 日 (Bruce Dodson)

# via ECMNET

n=634: c262(3057680777......) = 274615609644013922993995246232974390841373964547585372623 * p206(1113440267......)

# ECM B1=600e6, sigma=2571417257

# Phi_634(10) is the 1038th factorized number of the form Phi_n(10) (n<=100000, L and M are combined).

August 22, 2011 2011 年 8 月 22 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=4179: c2308(2314879498......) = 189991949923908745009575716606234640517 * c2270(1218409253......)

August 18, 2011 2011 年 8 月 18 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=11051: c10745(9741696745......) = 89534232140534809084879 * c10723(1088041580......)

n=11075: c8796(3226684598......) = 17847213860411217072850201 * c8771(1807948637......)

n=12378: c4079(2745926313......) = 10823248852061230771866733 * c4054(2537062901......)

August 14, 2011 2011 年 8 月 14 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=11039: c8817(3813843742......) = 68727735872513046674129 * c8794(5549206144......)

n=11057: c11047(4452027470......) = 886158205954988655763 * c11026(5023964615......)

August 13, 2011 2011 年 8 月 13 日 ([AF>Le_Pommier>]Bertrand)

# via yoyo@home

n=1029: c520(2813975538......) = 52518838018103617383219679938357301789388002597 * c473(5358030840......)

# ECM B1=110000000, sigma=1061980424

August 10, 2011 2011 年 8 月 10 日 (Serge Batalov and Bruce Dodson)

n=554: c259(3746405973......) = 357860022058291030637547388712539215949789354777863692262948494477223727474739887 * p179(1046891449......)

# Phi_554(10) is the 1037th factorized number of the form Phi_n(10) (n<=100000, L and M are combined).

August 10, 2011 2011 年 8 月 10 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=11009: c10789(4017088122......) = 12213119164556288905757 * c10767(3289158214......)

n=11015: c8771(5889921419......) = 18265693612480465842121 * c8749(3224581307......)

n=11027: c11005(5156662967......) = 171986147213455013573 * c10985(2998301346......)

August 6, 2011 2011 年 8 月 6 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=10963: c10324(1698122601......) = 63348542591426674517203 * c10301(2680602476......)

n=10967: c9944(7029969629......) = 7621407428492645230763 * c9922(9223978242......)

n=10999: c10329(3788223012......) = 151165179465191804182987 * c10306(2506015621......)

n=14020M: c2794(9684173815......) = 1285275483162735923257254678701 * c2764(7534706716......)

August 1, 2011 2011 年 8 月 1 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=10901: c9896(4127872311......) = 4721979547031928159520609 * c9871(8741825901......)

n=10933: c9670(3998653764......) = 1764276780580599393551 * c9649(2266454905......)

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