Previous month前月 | September 2003 2003 年 9 月 | September 2009 2009 年 9 月 October 10 月 November 11 月 December 12 月 January 1 月 February 2 月 March 3 月 | Recent changes 最近の更新 | Next month翌月

December 29, 2009 2009 年 12 月 29 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=11871: c7903(7012839329......) = 20223755333040703231 * c7884(3467624688......)

n=11879: c10167(1530912897......) = 80185371360551065001 * c10147(1909217194......)

n=11885: c9504(9000090000......) = 8604263535579401 * c9489(1046003526......)

n=11907: c6785(9493864841......) = 51484270509253 * c6772(1844032118......)

n=11911: c11592(9000000000......) = 13386919786453 * c11579(6722980449......)

n=11913: c6836(4196919461......) = 112681268587603 * x6822(3724593726......)

n=11913: x6822(3724593726......) = 38559172317460477 * x6805(9659423434......)

n=11913: x6805(9659423434......) = 5247237200039932813 * c6787(1840858925......)

n=11915: c9518(7546757253......) = 7425330461141041 * c9503(1016353048......)

n=11917: c11200(9000000000......) = 33845420836745747093 * c11181(2659148498......)

n=11919: c7617(1109999999......) = 19959747627241 * c7603(5561192559......)

December 30, 2009 2009 年 12 月 30 日 (Bo Chen)

n=70549: x70542(7158856676......) = 607877133719 * x70531(1177681521......)

n=68237: x60481(1111111111......) = 608176455797 * x60469(1826955155......)

n=96059: x96050(8273937856......) = 609640172563 * x96039(1357183832......)

n=72150: c17272(7983958726......) = 610072622251 * c17261(1308689889......)

n=78341: x78328(5587679047......) = 610176740249 * x78316(9157476315......)

n=94787: x73801(1111110999......) = 610913210293 * x73789(1818770622......)

n=87949: x85521(1238792261......) = 611948262511 * x85509(2024341497......)

n=74243: x68491(1583767299......) = 612580180889 * x68479(2585404081......)

n=80995: x63727(8446152677......) = 612640996321 * x63716(1378646340......)

n=67315: x53848(9000090000......) = 613702777201 * x53837(1466522612......)

n=83374: c41666(4513519967......) = 613810643491 * c41654(7353277456......)

n=97450: c38961(1000009999......) = 614346628801 * c38949(1627761841......)

n=74481: c43200(9009009009......) = 614440394107 * c43189(1466213662......)

n=83079: x51835(3009174977......) = 614589696667 * x51823(4896234014......)

n=96536: c43841(1000099999......) = 615974978081 * c43829(1623604911......)

n=83155: x66520(9000090000......) = 616188029671 * x66509(1460607731......)

n=71997: x47312(1273213496......) = 616209651529 * x47300(2066201808......)

n=65784: c21921(1000099999......) = 616286878561 * c21909(1622783211......)

n=68343: c38880(9009009009......) = 616561158511 * c38869(1461170377......)

n=73292: c35995(1531163729......) = 617243163109 * c35983(2480649153......)

n=70127: x67034(1512687582......) = 617975814227 * x67022(2447810330......)

n=79138: c39540(7279228732......) = 617986980103 * c39529(1177893542......)

December 29, 2009 2009 年 12 月 29 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=6145: c4901(9234726285......) = 53683725869502871631 * c4882(1720209641......)

n=6185: c4914(6107680095......) = 28435607748357302547581671 * c4889(2147898560......)

n=6391: c4914(1168384138......) = 41714144764876397700041 * c4891(2800930345......)

n=6391: c4891(2800930345......) = 61167436642415444724307 * c4868(4579120033......)

December 28, 2009 2009 年 12 月 28 日 (Bo Chen)

n=82961: x79332(9000000000......) = 601761761551 * x79321(1495608490......)

n=66698: c33332(6883375644......) = 602506978583 * c33321(1142455753......)

n=70301: x54106(1212524254......) = 602903906837 * x54094(2011140151......)

n=81276: c24960(9901000000......) = 603270947449 * c24949(1641219429......)

n=78224: c39089(8116174445......) = 603411566033 * c39078(1345047874......)

n=99289: x99280(2423273451......) = 605221461107 * x99268(4003945013......)

n=74270: c25433(3091028978......) = 605593717961 * c25421(5104129859......)

n=79047: x52692(9990000009......) = 605673449119 * x52681(1649403655......)

n=80132: c34848(9900990099......) = 606346423541 * c34837(1632893295......)

December 27, 2009 2009 年 12 月 27 日 (Bo Chen)

n=91264: c42241(1000000000......) = 600166848769 * c42229(1666203326......)

n=92883: x53065(1109999889......) = 601530370729 * x53053(1845293177......)

n=95582: x47785(1585182223......) = 661494251819 * x47773(2396365833......)

December 27, 2009 2009 年 12 月 27 日 (Serge Batalov and Bruce Dodson)

n=496: c199(1461847400......) = 2212893713887918222645451169509853038253459532292347577233 * p141(6606044344......)

December 23, 2009 2009 年 12 月 23 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=1015: c630(9674786380......) = 48278098759483485602720550880248958959001 * c590(2003970046......)

December 22, 2009 2009 年 12 月 22 日 (Kurt Beschorner)

n=6695: c4851(1874413179......) = 1139883456819590625481 * c4830(1644390194......)

n=7389: c4886(1351658694......) = 11645218805042275277623528231 * c4858(1160698409......)

n=8673: c4868(2882426137......) = 872631440218353308955944181841 * c4838(3303142661......)

n=8985: c4767(1904896864......) = 1375019889239587614504511 * c4743(1385359499......)

December 21, 2009 2009 年 12 月 21 日 (Bruce Dodson, Serge Batalov and NFS@Home)

n=269: c233(4655005385......) = 2211459886311754779116554026679494335670326227547524190235297713426923019604371977151573671 * p143(2104946788......)

December 13, 2009 2009 年 12 月 13 日 (Bo Chen)

n=11971: c11971(1111111111......) = 73102193849058359 * c11954(1519942224......)

# GMP-ECM B1=11e3, sigma=3029559502

November 30, 2009 2009 年 11 月 30 日 (Alfred Reich)

n=12141: c7536(1318080131......) = 91485590888682271 * c7519(1440751618......)

n=31006: c15039(4803277069......) = 7647002183531 * c15026(6281254999......)

n=31014: c10318(1156927603......) = 786936816333228133 * c10300(1470165811......)

n=31032: c10307(9945448546......) = 3329613226873 * c10295(2986968115......)

n=31046: c14353(4845310667......) = 48593832786769 * c14339(9971040335......)

n=31182: c10365(1061747650......) = 265037683640981161 * c10347(4006025242......)

n=31530: c8389(3304488167......) = 1262502946981201 * c8374(2617410260......)

December 5, 2009 2009 年 12 月 5 日 (Bo Chen)

n=67549: x65340(9000000000......) = 553995963307 * x65329(1624560573......)

n=69388: c29516(1426881796......) = 554081984149 * c29504(2575217815......)

n=83168: c39425(1000000000......) = 554442715553 * c39413(1803612838......)

December 1, 2009 2009 年 12 月 1 日 (Serge Batalov and Bruce Dodson)

n=488: c215(3942949547......) = 89376848303370085832547257811113680017983140270444916137 * p159(4411600567......)

plain text versionプレーンテキスト版
Previous month前月 | September 2003 2003 年 9 月 | September 2009 2009 年 9 月 October 10 月 November 11 月 December 12 月 January 1 月 February 2 月 March 3 月 | Recent changes 最近の更新 | Next month翌月