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January 30, 2006 2006 年 1 月 30 日 (CWI)

# via Yousuke Koide

n=383: 23181229247696012268805890210990826546682789683

January 21, 2006 2006 年 1 月 21 日 (Makoto Kamada and Torbjörn Granlund)

n=1620M: 2187911623791867750065408022595894263802921

Number: 10001_810a
  ( 108 digits)
Divisors found:
 r1=2187911623791867750065408022595894263802921 (pp43)
 r2=79802900676249574386310013540996547368285959759708473463717727701 (pp65)
Version: GGNFS-0.77.1-20050930-pentium4
Total time: 18.72 hours.
Scaled time: 11.51 units (timescale=0.615).
Factorization parameters were as follows:
name: 10001_810a
n: 174601694001874347255805749546028712001883150079648147890917445185989799312355477070999037232383781006414621
skew: 5126.41
# norm 1.93e+14
c5: 103740
c4: 5489741268
c3: -13075289527817
c2: -139084549632406609
c1: 119742151420102586749
c0: 271623207935125340303085
# alpha -5.35
Y1: 259012632439
Y0: -278750831169188009758
# Murphy_E 1.45e-09
# M 134662390696672647263499356795199525153224044769487875113261803659845520946252776074226595599860047310328984
type: gnfs
rlim: 2500000
alim: 2500000
lpbr: 26
lpba: 26
mfbr: 49
mfba: 49
rlambda: 2.6
alambda: 2.6
qintsize: 150000
Factor base limits: 2500000/2500000
Large primes per side: 3
Large prime bits: 26/26
Max factor residue bits: 49/49
Sieved algebraic special-q in [1250000, 2600001)
Primes: RFBsize:183072, AFBsize:182575, largePrimes:4597622 encountered
Relations: rels:4798738, finalFF:516298
Max relations in full relation-set: 28
Initial matrix: 365731 x 516298 with sparse part having weight 45217492.
Pruned matrix : 265981 x 267873 with weight 25469744.
Total sieving time: 15.82 hours.
Total relation processing time: 0.35 hours.
Matrix solve time: 2.37 hours.
Time per square root: 0.17 hours.
Prototype def-par.txt line would be:
total time: 18.72 hours.
 --------- CPU info (if available) ----------

January 20, 2006 2006 年 1 月 20 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=1620M: 292833529380862495499652402770042860551961

January 9, 2006 2006 年 1 月 9 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=613: 157818501697366913685542354577959717

n=613: 417832220121515364538149502380148831

January 1, 2006 2006 年 1 月 1 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=867: 20086446755059947304637543254330027

plain text versionプレーンテキスト版
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