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February 20, 2005 2005 年 2 月 20 日 (Bruce Dodson)

# via ECMNET

n=233: c162(1042288882......) = 20131492120828919814484857298874674155298711142397769181347 * c103(5177405013......)

# ECM B1=260000000, sigma=4114600819

# P59 is the largest factor found by ECM so far. Congratulations!

# At present, the smallest repunit which has not been factored is not (10^233-1)/9 but (10^239-1)/9.

February 6, 2005 2005 年 2 月 6 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=1473: c966(3619047545......) = 389755606027916458411954009 * c939(9285427814......)

# GMP-ECM 5.0.3

February 4, 2005 2005 年 2 月 4 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=1413: c936(9990000009......) = 38804754425786270574100394355523 * c905(2574426808......)

# GMP-ECM 5.0.3

February 3, 2005 2005 年 2 月 3 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=1141: c910(2546609483......) = 9313832128101558825723279409 * c882(27342230......)

# GMP-ECM 5.0.3

February 2, 2005 2005 年 2 月 2 日 (Yousuke Koide)

n=1079: c955(6179948369......) = 1993153275992807616812220950325317 * c922(3100588622......)

# GMP-ECM 5.0.3

February 2, 2005 2005 年 2 月 2 日 (Kazumaro Aoki, Yuji Kida, Takeshi Shimoyama and Hiroki Ueda)

# via Sam Wagstaff

n=305: c150(6975249551......) = 15036424216810835394267218232384724378143658798913881034271601 * p89(4638901810......)

# gnfs

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