Table of contents目次

  1. Last updated最終更新
  2. Abbribiations略語
    1. wclass
    2. status
  3. Plain text versionプレーンテキスト版
  4. Near-near-near-repdigit palindrome (probable) prime numbersニアニアニアレプディジット回文数の(おそらく)素数

1. Last updated最終更新

Tue, 14 Jan 2025 14:32:17 GMT

2. Abbribiations略語

2.1. wclass

  1. rp:repunit
  2. nr:near-repdigit
  3. n2:near-near-repdigit(quasi-repdigit)
  4. n3:near-near-near-repdigit
  5. m1:k*10^n-1
  6. p1:k*10^n+1
  7. mk:10^n-k
  8. pk:10^n+k
  9. pl:palindrome
  10. pd:plateau-and-depression

2.2. status

  1. pr:proven
  2. tw:twin
  3. cs:cousin
  4. sx:sexy
  5. tr:triplet
  6. qd:quadruplet

3. Plain text versionプレーンテキスト版


4. Near-near-near-repdigit palindrome (probable) prime numbersニアニアニアレプディジット回文数の (おそらく) 素数

(probable) prime numbers with more than 1,000 digits and within the top 10,0001,000 桁以上かつ上位 10,000 個以内の (おそらく) 素数

Near-near-near-repdigit palindrome (probable) prime numbers
rankdigitsflabel_nwlabel[:v]:wwclass(probable) prime numberstatust5kcomment
1283,3559w2629w:141676n3 pl10283,355 − 737×10141,676 − 1prid=130908Kebbaj Mohamed Reda / OpenPFGW / May 19, 2020
2223,6639w5459w:111830n3 pl10223,663 − 454×10111,830 − 1prid=120863Serge Batalov / OpenPFGW / Jan 7, 2016
3220,2859w0509w:110141n3 pl10220,285 − 949×10110,141 − 1prid=120848Serge Batalov / OpenPFGW / Jan 5, 2016
4219,1139w4649w:109555n3 pl10219,113 − 535×10109,555 − 1prid=120838Serge Batalov / OpenPFGW / Jan 5, 2016
5214,4799w4649w:107238n3 pl10214,479 − 535×10107,238 − 1prid=120827Serge Batalov / OpenPFGW / Jan 2, 2016
675,63110w80w1:37814n3 pl1075,630 + 8×1037,815 + 1prid=296Daniel Heuer / OpenPFGW / Nov 1, 2002
769,88310w30w1:34940n3 pl1069,882 + 3×1034,941 + 1prid=343Daniel Heuer / OpenPFGW / Sep 3, 2002
868,88510w30w1:34441n3 pl1068,884 + 3×1034,442 + 1prid=354Daniel Heuer / OpenPFGW / Aug 26, 2002
961,23510w80w1:30616n3 pl1061,234 + 8×1030,617 + 1prid=440Daniel Heuer / OpenPFGW / May 21, 2002
1059,52510w60w1:29761n3 pl1059,524 + 6×1029,762 + 1prid=552Daniel Heuer / OpenPFGW / Apr 29, 2002