1: //========================================================================================
     2: //
     3: //    en:Screen mode test
     4: //    ja:表示モードテスト
     5: //  Copyright (C) 2003-2024 Makoto Kamada
     6: //
     7: //  This file is part of the XEiJ (X68000 Emulator in Java).
     8: //  You can use, modify and redistribute the XEiJ if the conditions are met.
     9: //  Read the XEiJ License for more details.
    10: //
    11: //========================================================================================
    13: package xeij;
    15: import java.awt.event.*;  //ActionEvent,ActionListener,ComponentAdapter,ComponentEvent,ComponentListener,FocusAdapter,FocusEvent,FocusListener,InputEvent,KeyAdapter,KeyEvent,KeyListener,MouseAdapter,MouseEvent,MouseListener,MouseMotionAdapter,MouseWheelEvent,WindowAdapter,WindowEvent,WindowListener,WindowStateListener
    16: import java.lang.*;  //Boolean,Character,Class,Comparable,Double,Exception,Float,IllegalArgumentException,Integer,Long,Math,Number,Object,Runnable,SecurityException,String,StringBuilder,System
    17: import java.util.*;  //ArrayList,Arrays,Calendar,GregorianCalendar,HashMap,Map,Map.Entry,Timer,TimerTask,TreeMap
    18: import javax.swing.*;  //AbstractSpinnerModel,Box,ButtonGroup,DefaultListModel,ImageIcon,JApplet,JButton,JCheckBox,JCheckBoxMenuItem,JDialog,JFileChooser,JFrame,JLabel,JList,JMenu,JMenuBar,JMenuItem,JPanel,JRadioButton,JScrollPane,JSpinner,JTextArea,JTextField,JTextPane,JViewport,ScrollPaneConstants,SpinnerListModel,SpinnerNumberModel,SwingConstants,SwingUtilities,UIManager,UIDefaults,UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
    19: import javax.swing.event.*;  //CaretListener,ChangeEvent,ChangeListener,DocumentEvent,DocumentListener,ListSelectionListener
    21: public class ScreenModeTest {
    23:   public static final boolean SMT_ON = true;  //true=表示モードテストを有効にする
    25:   //ウインドウ
    26:   public static final int SMT_MARGIN = 4;  //周囲のマージン
    27:   public static final int SMT_ITEM_GAP = 4;  //アイテムの間隔
    28:   public static final int SMT_ITEM_GAP_2 = 8;  //アイテムの間隔2
    29:   public static final int SMT_ITEM_GAP_3 = 12;  //アイテムの間隔3
    30:   public static JFrame smtFrame;
    32:   //周波数
    33:   public static JTextField smtFreqTextField;
    34:   public static String smtFreqLastText;  //前回表示した周波数
    36:   //モード
    37:   public static JTextField smtModeTextField;
    38:   public static final int SMT_MODE_LIMIT = 6;  //モードを表示する数の上限
    39:   public static final int SMT_MODE_SPAN  = 5;  //モードを表示する時間(s)
    40:   public static final String[] smtModeName = new String[SMT_MODE_LIMIT];  //モードの名前のリスト。名前昇順
    41:   public static final long[] smtModeTime = new long[SMT_MODE_LIMIT];  //モードの時刻のリスト。名前昇順。時刻昇順ではない
    42:   public static int smtModeCount;  //リストの現在の長さ
    44:   //アイテム
    45:   public static SMTItem[] smtItemArray;
    47:   public static SMTGroup smtCRTItemGroup1;
    48:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtHFEd;  //$E80000 R00 7-0
    49:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtHSEd;  //$E80002 R01 7-0
    50:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtHBEd;  //$E80004 R02 7-0
    51:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtHDEd;  //$E80006 R03 7-0
    52:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtVFEd;  //$E80008 R04 9-0
    53:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtVSEd;  //$E8000A R05 9-0
    54:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtVBEd;  //$E8000C R06 9-0
    55:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtVDEd;  //$E8000E R07 9-0
    57:   public static SMTGroup smtCRTItemGroup2;
    58:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtIRQ;  //$E80012 R09 9-0
    59:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtTxX;  //$E80014 R10 9-0
    60:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtTxY;  //$E80016 R11 9-0
    61:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGrMM;  //$E80028 R20 10-8
    62:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtHigh;  //$E80028 R20 4
    63:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtVRes;  //$E80028 R20 3-2
    64:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtHRes;  //$E80028 R20 1-0
    65:   public static SMTItem smtItemSysHRL;  //$E8E007 1
    66:   public static SMTItem smtItemSysCont;  //$E8E001 3-0
    68:   public static SMTGroup smtCRTItemGroup3;
    69:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr0X;  //$E80018 R12 9-0
    70:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr0Y;  //$E8001A R13 9-0
    71:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr1X;  //$E8001C R14 8-0
    72:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr1Y;  //$E8001E R15 8-0
    73:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr2X;  //$E80020 R16 8-0
    74:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr2Y;  //$E80022 R17 8-0
    75:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr3X;  //$E80024 R18 8-0
    76:   public static SMTItem smtItemCrtGr3Y;  //$E80026 R19 8-0
    78:   public static SMTGroup smtVcnItemGroup1;
    79:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnGrMM;  //$E82400 Reg1 2-0
    80:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnSpPr;  //$E82500 Reg2 13-12
    81:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnTxPr;  //$E82500 Reg2 11-10
    82:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnGrPr;  //$E82500 Reg2 9-8
    83:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG4th;  //$E82500 Reg2 7-6
    84:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG3rd;  //$E82500 Reg2 5-4
    85:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG2nd;  //$E82500 Reg2 3-2
    86:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG1st;  //$E82500 Reg2 1-0
    88:   public static SMTGroup smtVcnItemGroup2;
    89:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnAHOn;  //$E82600 Reg3 14
    90:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnExOn;  //$E82600 Reg3 12
    91:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnHalf;  //$E82600 Reg3 11
    92:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnPLSB;  //$E82600 Reg3 10
    93:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnGrGr;  //$E82600 Reg3 9
    94:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnGrST;  //$E82600 Reg3 8
    95:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnSpOn;  //$E82600 Reg3 6
    96:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnTxOn;  //$E82600 Reg3 5
    97:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnGxOn;  //$E82600 Reg3 4
    98:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG4On;  //$E82600 Reg3 3
    99:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG3On;  //$E82600 Reg3 2
   100:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG2On;  //$E82600 Reg3 1
   101:   public static SMTItem smtItemVcnG1On;  //$E82600 Reg3 0
   103:   public static SMTGroup smtSprItemGroup1;
   104:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprBg0X;  //$EB0800 Reg0 9-0
   105:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprBg0Y;  //$EB0802 Reg1 9-0
   106:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprBg1X;  //$EB0804 Reg2 9-0
   107:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprBg1Y;  //$EB0806 Reg3 9-0
   108:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprDisp;  //$EB0808 Reg4 9
   109:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprB1Tx;  //$EB0808 Reg4 5-4
   110:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprB1On;  //$EB0808 Reg4 3
   111:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprB0Tx;  //$EB0808 Reg4 2-1
   112:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprB0On;  //$EB0808 Reg4 0
   114:   public static SMTGroup smtSprItemGroup2;
   115:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprHFEd;  //$EB080A Reg5 7-0
   116:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprHBEd;  //$EB080C Reg6 5-0
   117:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprVBEd;  //$EB080E Reg7 7-0
   118:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprHigh;  //$EB0810 Reg8 4
   119:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprVRes;  //$EB0810 Reg8 3-2
   120:   public static SMTItem smtItemSprHRes;  //$EB0810 Reg8 1-0
   122:   //タイマー
   123:   public static final int SMT_INTERVAL = 10;
   124:   public static int smtTimer;
   126:   //smtInit ()
   127:   //  初期化
   128:   public static void smtInit () {
   130:     //ウインドウ
   131:     smtFrame = null;
   133:     //周波数
   134:     smtFreqLastText = "";
   136:     //モード
   137:     smtModeCount = 0;
   139:     //タイマー
   140:     smtTimer = 0;
   142:   }  //smtInit()
   144:   //smtStart ()
   145:   public static void smtStart () {
   146:     if (RestorableFrame.rfmGetOpened (Settings.SGS_SMT_FRAME_KEY)) {
   147:       smtOpen ();
   148:     }
   149:   }  //smtStart()
   151:   //smtOpen ()
   152:   //  表示モードテストを開く
   153:   public static void smtOpen () {
   154:     if (smtFrame == null) {
   155:       smtMakeFrame ();
   156:     } else {
   157:       smtUpdateFrame ();
   158:     }
   159:     XEiJ.dbgVisibleMask |= XEiJ.DBG_SMT_VISIBLE_MASK;
   160:     XEiJ.pnlExitFullScreen (false);
   161:     smtFrame.setVisible (true);
   162:   }  //smtOpen()
   164:   //smtMakeFrame ()
   165:   //  表示モードテストを作る
   166:   //  ここでは開かない
   167:   public static void smtMakeFrame () {
   169:     //アイテム
   170:     smtItemArray = new SMTItem[] {
   172:       smtItemCrtHFEd = new SMTItem_CrtHFEd (),
   173:       smtItemCrtHSEd = new SMTItem_CrtHSEd (),
   174:       smtItemCrtHBEd = new SMTItem_CrtHBEd (),
   175:       smtItemCrtHDEd = new SMTItem_CrtHDEd (),
   176:       smtItemCrtVFEd = new SMTItem_CrtVFEd (),
   177:       smtItemCrtVSEd = new SMTItem_CrtVSEd (),
   178:       smtItemCrtVBEd = new SMTItem_CrtVBEd (),
   179:       smtItemCrtVDEd = new SMTItem_CrtVDEd (),
   181:       smtItemCrtIRQ = new SMTItem_CrtIRQ (),
   182:       smtItemCrtTxX = new SMTItem_CrtTxX (),
   183:       smtItemCrtTxY = new SMTItem_CrtTxY (),
   184:       smtItemCrtGrMM = new SMTItem_CrtGrMM (),
   185:       smtItemCrtHigh = new SMTItem_CrtHigh (),
   186:       smtItemCrtVRes = new SMTItem_CrtVRes (),
   187:       smtItemCrtHRes = new SMTItem_CrtHRes (),
   188:       smtItemSysHRL = new SMTItem_SysHRL (),
   189:       smtItemSysCont = new SMTItem_SysCont (),
   191:       smtItemCrtGr0X = new SMTItem_CrtGr0X (),
   192:       smtItemCrtGr0Y = new SMTItem_CrtGr0Y (),
   193:       smtItemCrtGr1X = new SMTItem_CrtGr1X (),
   194:       smtItemCrtGr1Y = new SMTItem_CrtGr1Y (),
   195:       smtItemCrtGr2X = new SMTItem_CrtGr2X (),
   196:       smtItemCrtGr2Y = new SMTItem_CrtGr2Y (),
   197:       smtItemCrtGr3X = new SMTItem_CrtGr3X (),
   198:       smtItemCrtGr3Y = new SMTItem_CrtGr3Y (),
   200:       smtItemVcnGrMM = new SMTItem_VcnGrMM (),
   201:       smtItemVcnSpPr = new SMTItem_VcnSpPr (),
   202:       smtItemVcnTxPr = new SMTItem_VcnTxPr (),
   203:       smtItemVcnGrPr = new SMTItem_VcnGrPr (),
   204:       smtItemVcnG4th = new SMTItem_VcnG4th (),
   205:       smtItemVcnG3rd = new SMTItem_VcnG3rd (),
   206:       smtItemVcnG2nd = new SMTItem_VcnG2nd (),
   207:       smtItemVcnG1st = new SMTItem_VcnG1st (),
   209:       smtItemVcnAHOn = new SMTItem_VcnAHOn (),
   210:       smtItemVcnExOn = new SMTItem_VcnExOn (),
   211:       smtItemVcnHalf = new SMTItem_VcnHalf (),
   212:       smtItemVcnPLSB = new SMTItem_VcnPLSB (),
   213:       smtItemVcnGrGr = new SMTItem_VcnGrGr (),
   214:       smtItemVcnGrST = new SMTItem_VcnGrST (),
   215:       smtItemVcnSpOn = new SMTItem_VcnSpOn (),
   216:       smtItemVcnTxOn = new SMTItem_VcnTxOn (),
   217:       smtItemVcnGxOn = new SMTItem_VcnGxOn (),
   218:       smtItemVcnG4On = new SMTItem_VcnG4On (),
   219:       smtItemVcnG3On = new SMTItem_VcnG3On (),
   220:       smtItemVcnG2On = new SMTItem_VcnG2On (),
   221:       smtItemVcnG1On = new SMTItem_VcnG1On (),
   223:       smtItemSprBg0X = new SMTItem_SprBg0X (),
   224:       smtItemSprBg0Y = new SMTItem_SprBg0Y (),
   225:       smtItemSprBg1X = new SMTItem_SprBg1X (),
   226:       smtItemSprBg1Y = new SMTItem_SprBg1Y (),
   227:       smtItemSprDisp = new SMTItem_SprDisp (),
   228:       smtItemSprB1Tx = new SMTItem_SprB1Tx (),
   229:       smtItemSprB1On = new SMTItem_SprB1On (),
   230:       smtItemSprB0Tx = new SMTItem_SprB0Tx (),
   231:       smtItemSprB0On = new SMTItem_SprB0On (),
   233:       smtItemSprHFEd = new SMTItem_SprHFEd (),
   234:       smtItemSprHBEd = new SMTItem_SprHBEd (),
   235:       smtItemSprVBEd = new SMTItem_SprVBEd (),
   236:       smtItemSprHigh = new SMTItem_SprHigh (),
   237:       smtItemSprVRes = new SMTItem_SprVRes (),
   238:       smtItemSprHRes = new SMTItem_SprHRes (),
   240:     };
   242:     //アイテムグループ
   243:     smtCRTItemGroup1 = new SMTGroup (
   244:       smtItemCrtHFEd,
   245:       smtItemCrtHSEd,
   246:       smtItemCrtHBEd,
   247:       smtItemCrtHDEd,
   248:       smtItemCrtVFEd,
   249:       smtItemCrtVSEd,
   250:       smtItemCrtVBEd,
   251:       smtItemCrtVDEd
   252:       );
   253:     smtCRTItemGroup2 = new SMTGroup (
   254:       smtItemCrtIRQ,
   255:       smtItemCrtTxX,
   256:       smtItemCrtTxY,
   257:       smtItemCrtGrMM,
   258:       smtItemCrtHigh,
   259:       smtItemCrtVRes,
   260:       smtItemCrtHRes,
   261:       smtItemSysHRL,
   262:       smtItemSysCont
   263:       );
   264:     smtCRTItemGroup3 = new SMTGroup (
   265:       smtItemCrtGr0X,
   266:       smtItemCrtGr0Y,
   267:       smtItemCrtGr1X,
   268:       smtItemCrtGr1Y,
   269:       smtItemCrtGr2X,
   270:       smtItemCrtGr2Y,
   271:       smtItemCrtGr3X,
   272:       smtItemCrtGr3Y
   273:       );
   274:     smtVcnItemGroup1 = new SMTGroup (
   275:       smtItemVcnGrMM,
   276:       smtItemVcnSpPr,
   277:       smtItemVcnTxPr,
   278:       smtItemVcnGrPr,
   279:       smtItemVcnG4th,
   280:       smtItemVcnG3rd,
   281:       smtItemVcnG2nd,
   282:       smtItemVcnG1st
   283:       );
   284:     smtVcnItemGroup2 = new SMTGroup (
   285:       smtItemVcnAHOn,
   286:       smtItemVcnExOn,
   287:       smtItemVcnHalf,
   288:       smtItemVcnPLSB,
   289:       smtItemVcnGrGr,
   290:       smtItemVcnGrST,
   291:       smtItemVcnSpOn,
   292:       smtItemVcnTxOn,
   293:       smtItemVcnGxOn,
   294:       smtItemVcnG4On,
   295:       smtItemVcnG3On,
   296:       smtItemVcnG2On,
   297:       smtItemVcnG1On
   298:       );
   299:     smtSprItemGroup1 = new SMTGroup (
   300:       smtItemSprBg0X,
   301:       smtItemSprBg0Y,
   302:       smtItemSprBg1X,
   303:       smtItemSprBg1Y,
   304:       smtItemSprDisp,
   305:       smtItemSprB1Tx,
   306:       smtItemSprB1On,
   307:       smtItemSprB0Tx,
   308:       smtItemSprB0On
   309:       );
   310:     smtSprItemGroup2 = new SMTGroup (
   311:       smtItemSprHFEd,
   312:       smtItemSprHBEd,
   313:       smtItemSprVBEd,
   314:       smtItemSprHigh,
   315:       smtItemSprVRes,
   316:       smtItemSprHRes
   317:       );
   319:     //ウインドウ
   320:     smtFrame = Multilingual.mlnTitle (
   321:       ComponentFactory.createRestorableSubFrame (
   322:         Settings.SGS_SMT_FRAME_KEY,
   323:         "Screen Mode Test",
   324:         null,
   325:         ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
   326:           Box.createVerticalStrut (SMT_MARGIN),
   328:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   329:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_MARGIN),
   330:             Multilingual.mlnTitledBorder (
   331:               ComponentFactory.setTitledLineBorder (
   332:                 ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
   333:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   334:                     smtFreqTextField = ComponentFactory.setEditable (
   335:                       ComponentFactory.setHorizontalAlignment (
   336:                         ComponentFactory.createTextField ("", 30),
   337:                         JTextField.CENTER),
   338:                       false)
   339:                     ),
   340:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   341:                     smtCRTItemGroup1.smgBox,
   342:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   343:                     smtItemCrtHFEd.smiBox,
   344:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   345:                     smtItemCrtHSEd.smiBox,
   346:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   347:                     smtItemCrtHBEd.smiBox,
   348:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   349:                     smtItemCrtHDEd.smiBox,
   350:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   351:                     smtItemCrtVFEd.smiBox,
   352:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   353:                     smtItemCrtVSEd.smiBox,
   354:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   355:                     smtItemCrtVBEd.smiBox,
   356:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   357:                     smtItemCrtVDEd.smiBox,
   358:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   359:                     ),
   360:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   361:                     smtCRTItemGroup2.smgBox,
   362:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   363:                     smtItemCrtIRQ.smiBox,
   364:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   365:                     smtItemCrtTxX.smiBox,
   366:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   367:                     smtItemCrtTxY.smiBox,
   368:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_3),
   369:                     smtItemCrtGrMM.smiBox,
   370:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   371:                     smtItemCrtHigh.smiBox,
   372:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   373:                     smtItemCrtVRes.smiBox,
   374:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   375:                     smtItemCrtHRes.smiBox,
   376:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   377:                     smtItemSysHRL.smiBox,
   378:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_3),
   379:                     smtItemSysCont.smiBox,
   380:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   381:                     ),
   382:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   383:                     smtCRTItemGroup3.smgBox,
   384:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   385:                     smtItemCrtGr0X.smiBox,
   386:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   387:                     smtItemCrtGr0Y.smiBox,
   388:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   389:                     smtItemCrtGr1X.smiBox,
   390:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   391:                     smtItemCrtGr1Y.smiBox,
   392:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   393:                     smtItemCrtGr2X.smiBox,
   394:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   395:                     smtItemCrtGr2Y.smiBox,
   396:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   397:                     smtItemCrtGr3X.smiBox,
   398:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   399:                     smtItemCrtGr3Y.smiBox,
   400:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   401:                     )
   402:                   ),
   403:                 "CRTC / System port"),  //setTitledLineBorder
   404:               "ja", "CRTC / システムポート"),  //Multilingual.mlnTitledBorder
   405:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_MARGIN)
   406:             ),
   408:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   409:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_MARGIN),
   410:             Multilingual.mlnTitledBorder (
   411:               ComponentFactory.setTitledLineBorder (
   412:                 ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
   413:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   414:                     smtModeTextField = ComponentFactory.setEditable (
   415:                       ComponentFactory.setHorizontalAlignment (
   416:                         ComponentFactory.createTextField ("", 30),
   417:                         JTextField.CENTER),
   418:                       false)
   419:                     ),
   420:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   421:                     smtVcnItemGroup1.smgBox,
   422:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   423:                     smtItemVcnGrMM.smiBox,
   424:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_3),
   425:                     smtItemVcnSpPr.smiBox,
   426:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   427:                     smtItemVcnTxPr.smiBox,
   428:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   429:                     smtItemVcnGrPr.smiBox,
   430:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   431:                     smtItemVcnG4th.smiBox,
   432:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   433:                     smtItemVcnG3rd.smiBox,
   434:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   435:                     smtItemVcnG2nd.smiBox,
   436:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   437:                     smtItemVcnG1st.smiBox,
   438:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   439:                     ),
   440:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   441:                     smtVcnItemGroup2.smgBox,
   442:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   443:                     smtItemVcnAHOn.smiBox,
   444:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   445:                     smtItemVcnExOn.smiBox,
   446:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   447:                     smtItemVcnHalf.smiBox,
   448:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   449:                     smtItemVcnPLSB.smiBox,
   450:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   451:                     smtItemVcnGrGr.smiBox,
   452:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   453:                     smtItemVcnGrST.smiBox,
   454:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   455:                     smtItemVcnSpOn.smiBox,
   456:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   457:                     smtItemVcnTxOn.smiBox,
   458:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   459:                     smtItemVcnGxOn.smiBox,
   460:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   461:                     smtItemVcnG4On.smiBox,
   462:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   463:                     smtItemVcnG3On.smiBox,
   464:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   465:                     smtItemVcnG2On.smiBox,
   466:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   467:                     smtItemVcnG1On.smiBox,
   468:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   469:                     )
   470:                   ),
   471:                 "Video Controller"),  //setTitledLineBorder
   472:               "ja", "ビデオコントローラ"),  //Multilingual.mlnTitledBorder
   473:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_MARGIN)
   474:             ),
   476:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   477:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_MARGIN),
   478:             Multilingual.mlnTitledBorder (
   479:               ComponentFactory.setTitledLineBorder (
   480:                 ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
   481:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   482:                     smtSprItemGroup1.smgBox,
   483:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   484:                     smtItemSprBg0X.smiBox,
   485:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   486:                     smtItemSprBg0Y.smiBox,
   487:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   488:                     smtItemSprBg1X.smiBox,
   489:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   490:                     smtItemSprBg1Y.smiBox,
   491:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_3),
   492:                     smtItemSprDisp.smiBox,
   493:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   494:                     smtItemSprB1Tx.smiBox,
   495:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   496:                     smtItemSprB1On.smiBox,
   497:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   498:                     smtItemSprB0Tx.smiBox,
   499:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   500:                     smtItemSprB0On.smiBox,
   501:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   502:                     ),
   503:                   ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   504:                     smtSprItemGroup2.smgBox,
   505:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_2),
   506:                     smtItemSprHFEd.smiBox,
   507:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   508:                     smtItemSprHBEd.smiBox,
   509:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   510:                     smtItemSprVBEd.smiBox,
   511:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP_3),
   512:                     smtItemSprHigh.smiBox,
   513:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   514:                     smtItemSprVRes.smiBox,
   515:                     Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_ITEM_GAP),
   516:                     smtItemSprHRes.smiBox,
   517:                     Box.createHorizontalGlue (),
   518:                     ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
   519:                       Box.createVerticalGlue (),
   520:                       SpriteScreen.SPR_PATTEST_ON ?
   521:                       Multilingual.mlnText (ComponentFactory.createCheckBox (SpriteScreen.sprPatCurr == SpriteScreen.sprPatTest, "Pattern Test", new ActionListener () {
   522:                         @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
   523:                           if (((JCheckBox) ae.getSource ()).isSelected ()) {
   524:                             SpriteScreen.sprPatCurr = SpriteScreen.sprPatTest;
   525:                             SpriteScreen.sprColCurr = SpriteScreen.sprColTest;
   526:                             SpriteScreen.sprT0ColCurr = SpriteScreen.sprT0ColTest;
   527:                             SpriteScreen.sprT1ColCurr = SpriteScreen.sprT1ColTest;
   528:                           } else {
   529:                             SpriteScreen.sprPatCurr = SpriteScreen.sprPatPort;
   530:                             SpriteScreen.sprColCurr = SpriteScreen.sprColPort;
   531:                             SpriteScreen.sprT0ColCurr = SpriteScreen.sprT0ColPort;
   532:                             SpriteScreen.sprT1ColCurr = SpriteScreen.sprT1ColPort;
   533:                           }
   534:                           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
   535:                           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
   536:                             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
   537:                           }
   538:                         }
   539:                       }), "ja", "パターンテスト") :
   540:                       null,
   541:                       Box.createVerticalGlue ()
   542:                       )
   543:                     )
   544:                   ),
   545:                 "Sprite Controller"),  //setTitledLineBorder
   546:               "ja", "スプライトコントローラ"),  //Multilingual.mlnTitledBorder
   547:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (SMT_MARGIN)
   548:             ),
   550:           Box.createVerticalStrut (SMT_MARGIN)
   551:           )
   552:         ),
   553:       "ja", "表示モードテスト");  //Multilingual.mlnTitle
   555:     //  ウインドウリスナー
   556:     ComponentFactory.addListener (
   557:       smtFrame,
   558:       new WindowAdapter () {
   559:         @Override public void windowClosing (WindowEvent we) {
   560:           XEiJ.dbgVisibleMask &= ~XEiJ.DBG_SMT_VISIBLE_MASK;
   561:         }
   562:       });
   564:   }  //smtMakeFrame()
   566:   //smtUpdateFrame ()
   567:   //  表示モードテストを更新する
   568:   public static void smtUpdateFrame () {
   570:     if (smtFrame == null) {
   571:       return;
   572:     }
   574:     //周波数
   575:     smtUpdateFreq ();
   577:     //モード
   578:     smtUpdateMode ();
   580:     //アイテム
   581:     smtItemCrtHFEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndPort);
   582:     smtItemCrtHSEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndPort);
   583:     smtItemCrtHBEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR02HBackEndPort);
   584:     smtItemCrtHDEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR03HDispEndPort);
   585:     smtItemCrtVFEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndPort);
   586:     smtItemCrtVSEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndPort);
   587:     smtItemCrtVBEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR06VBackEndPort);
   588:     smtItemCrtVDEd.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR07VDispEndPort);
   590:     smtItemCrtIRQ.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterPort);
   591:     smtItemCrtTxX.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR10TxXPort);
   592:     smtItemCrtTxY.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR11TxYPort);
   593:     smtItemCrtGrMM.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtMemoryModePort);
   594:     smtItemCrtHigh.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtHighResoPort);
   595:     smtItemCrtVRes.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtVResoPort);
   596:     smtItemCrtHRes.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtHResoPort);
   597:     smtItemSysHRL.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtHRLPort);
   598:     smtItemSysCont.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnTargetContrastPort);
   600:     smtItemCrtGr0X.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[0]);
   601:     smtItemCrtGr0Y.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[0]);
   602:     smtItemCrtGr1X.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[1]);
   603:     smtItemCrtGr1Y.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[1]);
   604:     smtItemCrtGr2X.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[2]);
   605:     smtItemCrtGr2Y.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[2]);
   606:     smtItemCrtGr3X.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[3]);
   607:     smtItemCrtGr3Y.smiSetPortValue (CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[3]);
   609:     smtItemVcnGrMM.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg1Port      );
   610:     smtItemVcnSpPr.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 12);
   611:     smtItemVcnTxPr.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 10);
   612:     smtItemVcnGrPr.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port >>  8);
   613:     smtItemVcnG4th.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port >>  6);
   614:     smtItemVcnG3rd.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port >>  4);
   615:     smtItemVcnG2nd.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port >>  2);
   616:     smtItemVcnG1st.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg2Port      );
   618:     smtItemVcnAHOn.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 14);
   619:     smtItemVcnExOn.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 12);
   620:     smtItemVcnHalf.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 11);
   621:     smtItemVcnPLSB.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 10);
   622:     smtItemVcnGrGr.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  9);
   623:     smtItemVcnGrST.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  8);
   624:     smtItemVcnSpOn.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  6);
   625:     smtItemVcnTxOn.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  5);
   626:     smtItemVcnGxOn.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  4);
   627:     smtItemVcnG4On.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  3);
   628:     smtItemVcnG3On.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  2);
   629:     smtItemVcnG2On.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port >>  1);
   630:     smtItemVcnG1On.smiSetPortValue (VideoController.vcnReg3Port      );
   632:     smtItemSprBg0X.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XPort);
   633:     smtItemSprBg0Y.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YPort);
   634:     smtItemSprBg1X.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XPort);
   635:     smtItemSprBg1Y.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YPort);
   636:     smtItemSprDisp.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 9);
   637:     smtItemSprB1Tx.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 4);
   638:     smtItemSprB1On.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 3);
   639:     smtItemSprB0Tx.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 1);
   640:     smtItemSprB0On.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort     );
   642:     smtItemSprHFEd.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndPort);
   643:     smtItemSprHBEd.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndPort);
   644:     smtItemSprVBEd.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndPort);
   645:     smtItemSprHigh.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort >> 4);
   646:     smtItemSprVRes.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort >> 2);
   647:     smtItemSprHRes.smiSetPortValue (SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort     );
   649:     for (SMTItem item : smtItemArray) {
   650:       if (item.smiPending) {
   651:         item.smiPending = false;
   652:         item.smiControlled ();
   653:       }
   654:     }
   656:   }  //smtUpdateFrame()
   658:   //smtUpdateFreq ()
   659:   //  周波数の表示を更新する
   660:   public static void smtUpdateFreq () {
   661:     int htotal = CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndCurr + 1;
   662:     int vtotal = CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndCurr + 1;
   663:     if (0 < htotal && 0 < vtotal) {  //0除算を回避する
   664:       int k = CRTC.crtHRLCurr << 3 | CRTC.crtHighResoCurr << 2 | CRTC.crtHResoCurr;
   665:       double osc = (double) CRTC.crtFreqs[CRTC.CRT_OSCS[k]];
   666:       int ratio = CRTC.CRT_DIVS[k];
   667:       double hfreq = osc / (ratio * htotal << 3);
   668:       double vfreq = hfreq / vtotal;
   669:       int width = CRTC.crtR03HDispEndCurr - CRTC.crtR02HBackEndCurr << 3;
   670:       int height = CRTC.crtR07VDispEndCurr - CRTC.crtR06VBackEndCurr;
   671:       String option = "(normal)";
   672:       if (CRTC.crtDuplication) {  //ラスタ2度読み
   673:         height >>= 1;
   674:         option = "(double-scanning)";
   675:       } else if (CRTC.crtInterlace) {  //インターレース
   676:         height <<= 1;
   677:         option = "(interlace)";
   678:       } else if (CRTC.crtSlit) {  //スリット
   679:         option = "(slit)";
   680:       } else if (CRTC.crtDupExceptSp) {  //ラスタ2度読み(スプライトを除く)
   681:         height >>= 1;
   682:         option = "(double-except-sp)";
   683:       }
   684:       String freqText = String.format ("%dx%d%s, HSYNC:%.3fMHz/%d/8/%d=%.3fkHz, VSYNC:%.3fkHz/%d=%.3fHz",
   685:                                        width, height,
   686:                                        option,
   687:                                        osc * 1e-6, ratio, htotal, hfreq * 1e-3,
   688:                                        hfreq * 1e-3, vtotal, vfreq);
   689:       if (!freqText.equals (smtFreqLastText)) {  //前回と同じときは更新しない。内容が変わっていないのに更新し続けるとコピーできない
   690:         smtFreqLastText = freqText;
   691:         smtFreqTextField.setText (freqText);
   692:       }
   693:     }
   694:   }  //smtUpdateFreq()
   696:   //smtUpdateMode ()
   697:   //  画面モードの表示を更新する
   698:   //  画面モードは頻繁に更新される場合があるが、表示が頻繁に更新されるとコピーできないので、最近使われた複数の画面モードを一定の順序で表示する
   699:   public static void smtUpdateMode () {
   700:     String name1 = ();  //分類
   701:     String name2 = VideoController.vcnGetName (new StringBuilder ()).toString ();  //詳細
   702:     String name = name1.equals (name2) ? name1 : new StringBuilder (name1).append ('(').append (name2).append (')').toString ();  //モードの名前
   703:     long time = XEiJ.mpuClockTime;  //現在の時刻
   704:     boolean update = false;  //true=更新する
   705:     //リストを走査する
   706:     //  今回のモードのとき時刻を更新する
   707:     //  時刻がSMT_MODE_SPAN秒前よりも古いレコードを捨てる
   708:     boolean f = false;  //true=リストに今回のモードがある
   709:     {
   710:       long t = time - XEiJ.TMR_FREQ * SMT_MODE_SPAN;  //SMT_MODE_SPAN秒前の時刻
   711:       int k = 0;  //残ったレコードの数。時刻がSMT_MODE_SPAN秒前よりも新しいレコードの数
   712:       for (int i = 0; i < smtModeCount; i++) {
   713:         if (name.compareTo (smtModeName[i]) == 0) {  //今回のモードのとき
   714:           f = true;  //リストに今回のモードがある
   715:           //レコードを残して時刻を更新する。k<iのとき詰める
   716:           smtModeName[k] = name;
   717:           smtModeTime[k] = time;
   718:           k++;
   719:         } else if (t < smtModeTime[i]) {  //今回のモードではなくて時刻がSMT_MODE_SPAN秒前よりも新しいとき
   720:           //レコードを残す。k<iのとき詰める
   721:           smtModeName[k] = smtModeName[i];
   722:           smtModeTime[k] = smtModeTime[i];
   723:           k++;
   724:         }
   725:       }
   726:       if (k < smtModeCount) {  //時刻がSMT_MODE_SPAN秒以上前のレコードを捨てて詰めたのでリストが短くなった
   727:         smtModeCount = k;
   728:         update = true;
   729:       }
   730:     }
   731:     if (!f) {  //リストに今回のモードがないとき
   732:       //リストが一杯のとき最も古いレコードを捨てる
   733:       if (smtModeCount == SMT_MODE_LIMIT) {
   734:         //最も古いレコードを探す
   735:         int o = -1;  //最も古いレコードのインデックス
   736:         long t = Long.MAX_VALUE;  //最も古いレコードの時刻
   737:         for (int i = 0; i < smtModeCount; i++) {
   738:           if (smtModeTime[i] < t) {
   739:             t = smtModeTime[i];
   740:             o = i;
   741:           }
   742:         }
   743:         //リストを詰める
   744:         for (int i = o + 1; i < SMT_MODE_LIMIT; i++) {
   745:           smtModeName[i - 1] = smtModeName[i];
   746:           smtModeTime[i - 1] = smtModeTime[i];
   747:         }
   748:         smtModeCount--;
   749:       }
   750:       //リストに今回のモードを追加する
   751:       {
   752:         int p = -1;  //今回のモードを挿入する位置。今回のモードよりも名前が大きいレコードの最小のインデックス。-1=今回のモードよりも名前が大きいレコードがない
   753:         for (int i = 0; i < smtModeCount; i++) {
   754:           if (name.compareTo (smtModeName[i]) < 0) {
   755:             p = i;  //今回のモードよりも名前が大きいレコードの最小のインデックス
   756:             break;
   757:           }
   758:         }
   759:         if (p < 0) {  //今回のモードよりも名前が大きいレコードがないとき
   760:           p = smtModeCount;  //末尾に追加する
   761:         }
   762:         for (int i = smtModeCount - 1; p <= i; i--) {
   763:           smtModeName[i + 1] = smtModeName[i];
   764:           smtModeTime[i + 1] = smtModeTime[i];
   765:         }
   766:         smtModeName[p] = name;
   767:         smtModeTime[p] = time;
   768:         smtModeCount++;
   769:       }
   770:       update = true;
   771:     }
   772:     //リストが変化したとき表示する
   773:     if (update) {
   774:       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
   775:       for (int i = 0; i < smtModeCount; i++) {
   776:         if (0 < i) {
   777:           sb.append (", ");
   778:         }
   779:         sb.append (smtModeName[i]);
   780:       }
   781:       smtModeTextField.setText (sb.toString ());
   782:     }
   783:   }  //smtUpdateMode()
   787:   //========================================================================================
   788:   //$$SMI 表示モードテストのアイテム
   789:   public static class SMTItem {
   791:     public int smiBitWidth;  //bit幅
   792:     public int smiBitMask;  //bitマスク兼最大値。(1<<smiBitWidth)-1
   793:     public int smiDigits;  //最大値の10進桁数。(smiBitWidth*77>>8)+1
   795:     public int smiPortValue;  //現在Portに表示されている値
   796:     public int smiMaskValue;  //現在Maskで選択されている値。0=Port,-1=Test
   797:     public int smiTestValue;  //現在Testに表示されている値
   799:     public boolean smiPending;  //true=動作中に操作されたのでsmtUpdateFrame()でMaskとTestを取り込む
   801:     public ButtonGroup smiButtonGroup;  //PortとTestを選択するラジオボタンのグループ
   803:     public Box smiBox;  //ボックス
   804:     public JLabel smiNameLabel;  //名前のラベル
   806:     public JRadioButton smiPortRadioButton;  //Portを選択するラジオボタン
   807:     public JCheckBox smiPortCheckBox;  //1bitのときPortで使うチェックボックス
   808:     public JTextField smiPortTextField;  //2bit以上あるときPortで使うテキストフィールド
   810:     public JRadioButton smiTestRadioButton;  //Testを選択するラジオボタン
   811:     public JCheckBox smiTestCheckBox;  //1bitのときTestで使うチェックボックス
   812:     public DecimalSpinner smiTestSpinner;  //2bit以上あるときTestで使うスピナー
   814:     public SMTGroup smiItemGroup;
   816:     //  コンストラクタ
   817:     public SMTItem (String name, int portValue, int bitWidth) {
   819:       smiBitWidth = bitWidth;
   820:       smiBitMask = (1 << bitWidth) - 1;
   821:       smiDigits = (bitWidth * 77 >> 8) + 1;
   823:       portValue &= smiBitMask;
   824:       smiPortValue = portValue;
   825:       smiMaskValue = 0;
   826:       smiTestValue = portValue;
   828:       smiPending = false;
   830:       smiButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup ();
   832:       smiBox = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
   833:         ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
   834:           Box.createVerticalGlue (),
   835:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   836:             Box.createHorizontalGlue (),
   837:             smiNameLabel = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
   838:               ComponentFactory.createLabel (name),
   839:               bitWidth == 1 ? LnF.lnfFontSize * 3 : 14 + 24 + (LnF.lnfFontSize * 2 / 3) * Math.max (2, smiDigits), LnF.lnfFontSize + 4),
   840:             Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   841:             ),
   842:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   843:             Box.createHorizontalGlue (),
   844:             smiPortRadioButton = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (ComponentFactory.createRadioButton (smiButtonGroup, smiMaskValue == 0, "", new ActionListener () {
   845:               @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
   846:                 smiPortSelected ();
   847:               }
   848:             }), 14, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4),  //ae -> this.smiPortSelected ()
   849:             bitWidth == 1 ?
   850:             (smiPortCheckBox = ComponentFactory.setEnabled (
   851:               ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
   852:                 ComponentFactory.createCheckBox (smiPortValue != 0, "", null),
   853:                 14, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4),
   854:               false)) :  //操作不可
   855:             (smiPortTextField = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
   856:               ComponentFactory.setEditable (
   857:                 ComponentFactory.setHorizontalAlignment (
   858:                   new JTextField (String.valueOf (smiPortValue)), //columnを指定すると幅を調節できなくなる
   859:                   JTextField.CENTER),  //中央寄せ
   860:                 false),  //編集不可
   861:               24 + (LnF.lnfFontSize * 2 / 3) * smiDigits, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4)),
   862:             Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   863:             ),
   864:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
   865:             Box.createHorizontalGlue (),
   866:             smiTestRadioButton = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (ComponentFactory.createRadioButton (smiButtonGroup, smiMaskValue != 0, "", new ActionListener () {
   867:               @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
   868:                 smiTestSelected ();
   869:               }
   870:             }), 14, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4),  //ae -> this.smiTestSelected ()
   871:             bitWidth == 1 ?
   872:             (smiTestCheckBox = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (ComponentFactory.createCheckBox (smiTestValue != 0, "", new ActionListener () {
   873:               @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
   874:                 smiTestChanged ();
   875:               }
   876:             }), 14, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4)) :  //ae -> this.smiTestChanged ()
   877:             (smiTestSpinner = ComponentFactory.createDecimalSpinner (smiTestValue, 0, smiBitMask, 1, 0, new ChangeListener () {
   878:               @Override public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent ce) {
   879:                 smiTestChanged ();
   880:               }
   881:             })),  //ce -> this.smiTestChanged ()
   882:             Box.createHorizontalGlue ()
   883:             ),
   884:           Box.createVerticalGlue ()
   885:           ),
   886:         bitWidth == 1 ? LnF.lnfFontSize * 3 : 14 + 24 + (LnF.lnfFontSize * 2 / 3) * Math.max (2, smiDigits), LnF.lnfFontSize * 3 + 12);
   888:       smiItemGroup = null;
   890:     }  //new SMTItem(int,int,int)
   892:     //smiSetPortValue (portValue)
   893:     //  Portの値を表示する
   894:     //  smtUpdateFrame()が呼び出す
   895:     public void smiSetPortValue (int portValue) {
   896:       portValue &= smiBitMask;
   897:       if (smiPortValue != portValue) {
   898:         smiPortValue = portValue;
   899:         if (smiBitWidth == 1) {
   900:           smiPortCheckBox.setSelected (portValue != 0);
   901:         } else {
   902:           smiPortTextField.setText (String.valueOf (portValue));
   903:         }
   904:       }
   905:     }  //smiSetPortValue(int)
   907:     //smiPortSelected ()
   908:     //  Portが選択された
   909:     public void smiPortSelected () {
   910:       if (smiMaskValue != 0) {
   911:         smiMaskValue = 0;
   912:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
   913:           //停止中のときはすぐにsmiControlled()を呼び出す
   914:           smiControlled ();
   915:         } else {  //動作中
   916:           //動作中のときは次回のsmtUpdateFrame()でsmiControlled()を呼び出す
   917:           smiPending = true;
   918:         }
   919:         if (smiItemGroup != null) {
   920:           smiItemGroup.smgUpdate ();
   921:         }
   922:       }
   923:     }  //smiPortSelected()
   925:     //smiTestSelected ()
   926:     //  Testが選択された
   927:     public void smiTestSelected () {
   928:       if (smiMaskValue == 0) {
   929:         smiMaskValue = -1;
   930:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
   931:           //停止中のときはすぐにsmiControlled()を呼び出す
   932:           smiControlled ();
   933:         } else {  //動作中
   934:           //動作中のときは次回のsmtUpdateFrame()でsmiControlled()を呼び出す
   935:           smiPending = true;
   936:         }
   937:         if (smiItemGroup != null) {
   938:           smiItemGroup.smgUpdate ();
   939:         }
   940:       }
   941:     }  //smiTestSelected()
   943:     //smiTestChanged ()
   944:     //  Testの値が変更された
   945:     public void smiTestChanged () {
   946:       int testValue = (smiBitWidth == 1 ? smiTestCheckBox.isSelected () ? 1 : 0 :
   947:                        smiTestSpinner.getIntValue ());
   948:       if (smiTestValue != testValue) {
   949:         smiTestValue = testValue;
   950:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
   951:           //停止中のときはすぐにsmiControlled()を呼び出す
   952:           smiControlled ();
   953:         } else {  //動作中
   954:           //動作中のときは次回のsmtUpdateFrame()でsmiControlled()を呼び出す
   955:           smiPending = true;
   956:         }
   957:       }
   958:     }  //smiTestChanged()
   960:     //smiControlled ()
   961:     //  MaskまたはTestが操作された
   962:     public void smiControlled () {
   963:       //オーバーライドする
   964:     }  //smiControlled()
   966:   }  //class SMTItem
   969:   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   970:   //CRTC
   972:   public static class SMTItem_CrtHFEd extends SMTItem {
   973:     public SMTItem_CrtHFEd () {
   974:       super ("HFEd", CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndPort, 8);
   975:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
   976:                       "en", "$E80000.w 7-0 Horizontal front porch end column",
   977:                       "ja", "$E80000.w 7-0 水平フロントポーチ終了カラム");
   978:     }
   979:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
   980:       CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndMask = smiMaskValue;
   981:       CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndTest = smiTestValue;
   982:       int curr = CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndPort : CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndTest;
   983:       if (CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndCurr != curr) {
   984:         CRTC.crtR00HFrontEndCurr = curr;
   985:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
   986:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
   987:         }
   988:       }
   989:     }
   990:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtHFEd
   992:   public static class SMTItem_CrtHSEd extends SMTItem {
   993:     public SMTItem_CrtHSEd () {
   994:       super ("HSEd", CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndPort, 8);
   995:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
   996:                       "en", "$E80002.w 7-0 Horizontal sync pulse end column",
   997:                       "ja", "$E80002.w 7-0 水平同期パルス終了カラム");
   998:     }
   999:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1000:       CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1001:       CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1002:       int curr = CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndPort : CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndTest;
  1003:       if (CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndCurr != curr) {
  1004:         CRTC.crtR01HSyncEndCurr = curr;
  1005:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1006:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1007:         }
  1008:       }
  1009:     }
  1010:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtHSEd
  1012:   public static class SMTItem_CrtHBEd extends SMTItem {
  1013:     public SMTItem_CrtHBEd () {
  1014:       super ("HBEd", CRTC.crtR02HBackEndPort, 8);
  1015:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1016:                       "en", "$E80004.w 7-0 Horizontal back porch end column -4",
  1017:                       "ja", "$E80004.w 7-0 水平バックポーチ終了カラム -4");
  1018:     }
  1019:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1020:       CRTC.crtR02HBackEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1021:       CRTC.crtR02HBackEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1022:       int curr = CRTC.crtR02HBackEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR02HBackEndPort : CRTC.crtR02HBackEndTest;
  1023:       if (CRTC.crtR02HBackEndCurr != curr) {
  1024:         CRTC.crtR02HBackEndCurr = curr;
  1025:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1026:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1027:         }
  1028:       }
  1029:     }
  1030:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtHBEd
  1032:   public static class SMTItem_CrtHDEd extends SMTItem {
  1033:     public SMTItem_CrtHDEd () {
  1034:       super ("HDEd", CRTC.crtR03HDispEndPort, 8);
  1035:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1036:                       "en", "$E80006.w 7-0 Horizontal display period end column -4",
  1037:                       "ja", "$E80006.w 7-0 水平映像期間終了カラム -4");
  1038:     }
  1039:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1040:       CRTC.crtR03HDispEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1041:       CRTC.crtR03HDispEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1042:       int curr = CRTC.crtR03HDispEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR03HDispEndPort : CRTC.crtR03HDispEndTest;
  1043:       if (CRTC.crtR03HDispEndCurr != curr) {
  1044:         CRTC.crtR03HDispEndCurr = curr;
  1045:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1046:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1047:         }
  1048:       }
  1049:     }
  1050:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtHDEd
  1052:   public static class SMTItem_CrtVFEd extends SMTItem {
  1053:     public SMTItem_CrtVFEd () {
  1054:       super ("VFEd", CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndPort, 10);
  1055:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1056:                       "en", "$E80008.w 9-0 Vertical front porch end raster",
  1057:                       "ja", "$E80008.w 9-0 垂直フロントポーチ終了ラスタ");
  1058:     }
  1059:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1060:       CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1061:       CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1062:       int curr = CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndPort : CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndTest;
  1063:       if (CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndCurr != curr) {
  1064:         CRTC.crtR04VFrontEndCurr = curr;
  1065:         if (CRTC.CRT_RASTER_HASH_ON) {
  1066:           CRTC.crtUpdateRasterHash ();
  1067:         }
  1068:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1069:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1070:         }
  1071:       }
  1072:     }
  1073:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtVFEd
  1075:   public static class SMTItem_CrtVSEd extends SMTItem {
  1076:     public SMTItem_CrtVSEd () {
  1077:       super ("VSEd", CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndPort, 10);
  1078:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1079:                       "en", "$E8000A.w 9-0 Vertical sync pulse end raster",
  1080:                       "ja", "$E8000A.w 9-0 垂直同期パルス終了ラスタ");
  1081:     }
  1082:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1083:       CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1084:       CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1085:       int curr = CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndPort : CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndTest;
  1086:       if (CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndCurr != curr) {
  1087:         CRTC.crtR05VSyncEndCurr = curr;
  1088:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1089:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1090:         }
  1091:       }
  1092:     }
  1093:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtVSEd
  1095:   public static class SMTItem_CrtVBEd extends SMTItem {
  1096:     public SMTItem_CrtVBEd () {
  1097:       super ("VBEd", CRTC.crtR06VBackEndPort, 10);
  1098:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1099:                       "en", "$E8000C.w 9-0 Vertical back porch end raster",
  1100:                       "ja", "$E8000C.w 9-0 垂直バックポーチ終了ラスタ");
  1101:     }
  1102:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1103:       CRTC.crtR06VBackEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1104:       CRTC.crtR06VBackEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1105:       int curr = CRTC.crtR06VBackEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR06VBackEndPort : CRTC.crtR06VBackEndTest;
  1106:       if (CRTC.crtR06VBackEndCurr != curr) {
  1107:         CRTC.crtR06VBackEndCurr = curr;
  1108:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1109:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1110:         }
  1111:       }
  1112:     }
  1113:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtVBEd
  1115:   public static class SMTItem_CrtVDEd extends SMTItem {
  1116:     public SMTItem_CrtVDEd () {
  1117:       super ("VDEd", CRTC.crtR07VDispEndPort, 10);
  1118:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1119:                       "en", "$E8000E.w 9-0 Vertical display period end raster",
  1120:                       "ja", "$E8000E.w 9-0 垂直映像期間終了ラスタ");
  1121:     }
  1122:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1123:       CRTC.crtR07VDispEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  1124:       CRTC.crtR07VDispEndTest = smiTestValue;
  1125:       int curr = CRTC.crtR07VDispEndMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR07VDispEndPort : CRTC.crtR07VDispEndTest;
  1126:       if (CRTC.crtR07VDispEndCurr != curr) {
  1127:         CRTC.crtR07VDispEndCurr = curr;
  1128:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1129:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1130:         }
  1131:       }
  1132:     }
  1133:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtVDEd
  1135:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGrMM extends SMTItem {
  1136:     public SMTItem_CrtGrMM () {
  1137:       super ("GrMM", CRTC.crtMemoryModePort, 3);
  1138:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1139:                       "en", "$E80028.w 10-8 Memory mode of graphic screen",
  1140:                       "ja", "$E80028.w 10-8 グラフィック画面のメモリモード");
  1141:     }
  1142:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1143:       CRTC.crtMemoryModeMask = smiMaskValue;
  1144:       CRTC.crtMemoryModeTest = smiTestValue;
  1145:       CRTC.crtSetMemoryMode (CRTC.crtTextStorage, CRTC.crtGraphicStorage, CRTC.crtMemoryModePort);
  1146:     }
  1147:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGrMM
  1149:   public static class SMTItem_CrtHigh extends SMTItem {
  1150:     public SMTItem_CrtHigh () {
  1151:       super ("High", CRTC.crtHighResoPort, 1);
  1152:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1153:                       "en", "$E80028.w 4 High-resolution",
  1154:                       "ja", "$E80028.w 4 高解像度");
  1155:     }
  1156:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1157:       CRTC.crtHighResoMask = smiMaskValue;
  1158:       CRTC.crtHighResoTest = smiTestValue;
  1159:       int curr = CRTC.crtHighResoMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtHighResoPort : CRTC.crtHighResoTest;
  1160:       if (CRTC.crtHighResoCurr != curr) {
  1161:         CRTC.crtHighResoCurr = curr;
  1162:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1163:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1164:         }
  1165:       }
  1166:     }
  1167:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtHigh
  1169:   public static class SMTItem_CrtVRes extends SMTItem {
  1170:     public SMTItem_CrtVRes () {
  1171:       super ("VRes", CRTC.crtVResoPort, 2);
  1172:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1173:                       "en", "$E80028.w 3-2 Vertical resolution",
  1174:                       "ja", "$E80028.w 3-2 垂直解像度");
  1175:     }
  1176:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1177:       CRTC.crtVResoMask = smiMaskValue;
  1178:       CRTC.crtVResoTest = smiTestValue;
  1179:       int curr = CRTC.crtVResoMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtVResoPort : CRTC.crtVResoTest;
  1180:       if (CRTC.crtVResoCurr != curr) {
  1181:         CRTC.crtVResoCurr = curr;
  1182:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1183:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1184:         }
  1185:       }
  1186:     }
  1187:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtVRes
  1189:   public static class SMTItem_CrtHRes extends SMTItem {
  1190:     public SMTItem_CrtHRes () {
  1191:       super ("HRes", CRTC.crtHResoPort, 2);
  1192:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1193:                       "en", "$E80028.w 1-0 Horizontal resolution",
  1194:                       "ja", "$E80028.w 1-0 水平解像度");
  1195:     }
  1196:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1197:       CRTC.crtHResoMask = smiMaskValue;
  1198:       CRTC.crtHResoTest = smiTestValue;
  1199:       int curr = CRTC.crtHResoMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtHResoPort : CRTC.crtHResoTest;
  1200:       if (CRTC.crtHResoCurr != curr) {
  1201:         CRTC.crtHResoCurr = curr;
  1202:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  1203:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  1204:         }
  1205:       }
  1206:     }
  1207:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtHRes
  1209:   public static class SMTItem_CrtIRQ extends SMTItem {
  1210:     public SMTItem_CrtIRQ () {
  1211:       super ("IRQ", CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterPort, 10);
  1212:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1213:                       "en", "$E80012.w 9-0 IRQ raster number",
  1214:                       "ja", "$E80012.w 9-0 IRQ ラスタ番号");
  1215:     }
  1216:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1217:       CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterMask = smiMaskValue;
  1218:       CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterTest = smiTestValue;
  1219:       int curr = CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterPort : CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterTest;
  1220:       if (CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterCurr != curr) {
  1221:         CRTC.crtR09IRQRasterCurr = curr;
  1222:         if (CRTC.CRT_RASTER_HASH_ON) {
  1223:           CRTC.crtUpdateRasterHash ();
  1224:         }
  1225:         if (RasterBreakPoint.RBP_ON) {
  1226:           RasterBreakPoint.rbpCheckIRQ ();
  1227:         }
  1228:       }
  1229:     }
  1230:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtIRQ
  1232:   public static class SMTItem_CrtTxX extends SMTItem {
  1233:     public SMTItem_CrtTxX () {
  1234:       super ("TxX", CRTC.crtR10TxXPort, 10);
  1235:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1236:                       "en", "$E80014.w 9-0 Text screen x-direction scroll",
  1237:                       "ja", "$E80014.w 9-0 テキスト画面 x 方向スクロール");
  1238:     }
  1239:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1240:       CRTC.crtR10TxXMask = smiMaskValue;
  1241:       CRTC.crtR10TxXTest = smiTestValue;
  1242:       int curr = CRTC.crtR10TxXMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR10TxXPort : CRTC.crtR10TxXTest;
  1243:       if (CRTC.crtR10TxXCurr != curr) {
  1244:         CRTC.crtR10TxXCurr = curr;
  1245:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1246:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1247:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1248:         }
  1249:       }
  1250:     }
  1251:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtTxX
  1253:   public static class SMTItem_CrtTxY extends SMTItem {
  1254:     public SMTItem_CrtTxY () {
  1255:       super ("TxY", CRTC.crtR11TxYPort, 10);
  1256:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1257:                       "en", "$E80016.w 9-0 Text screen y-direction scroll",
  1258:                       "ja", "$E80016.w 9-0 テキスト画面 y 方向スクロール");
  1259:     }
  1260:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1261:       CRTC.crtR11TxYMask = smiMaskValue;
  1262:       CRTC.crtR11TxYTest = smiTestValue;
  1263:       int curr = CRTC.crtR11TxYMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtR11TxYPort : CRTC.crtR11TxYTest;
  1264:       if (CRTC.crtR11TxYCurr != curr) {
  1265:         CRTC.crtR11TxYCurr = curr;
  1266:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1267:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1268:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1269:         }
  1270:       }
  1271:     }
  1272:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtTxY
  1274:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr0X extends SMTItem {
  1275:     public SMTItem_CrtGr0X () {
  1276:       super ("Gr0X", CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[0], 10);
  1277:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1278:                       "en", "$E80018.w 9-0 graphic plane 0 x-direction scroll",
  1279:                       "ja", "$E80018.w 9-0 グラフィックプレーン 0 x 方向スクロール");
  1280:     }
  1281:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1282:       CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[0] = smiMaskValue;
  1283:       CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[0] = smiTestValue;
  1284:       int curr = CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[0] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[0] : CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[0];
  1285:       if (CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[0] != curr) {
  1286:         CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[0] = curr;
  1287:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1288:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1289:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1290:         }
  1291:       }
  1292:     }
  1293:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr0X
  1295:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr0Y extends SMTItem {
  1296:     public SMTItem_CrtGr0Y () {
  1297:       super ("Gr0Y", CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[0], 10);
  1298:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1299:                       "en", "$E8001A.w 9-0 graphic plane 0 y-direction scroll",
  1300:                       "ja", "$E8001A.w 9-0 グラフィックプレーン 0 y 方向スクロール");
  1301:     }
  1302:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1303:       CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[0] = smiMaskValue;
  1304:       CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[0] = smiTestValue;
  1305:       int curr = CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[0] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[0] : CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[0];
  1306:       if (CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[0] != curr) {
  1307:         CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[0] = curr;
  1308:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1309:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1310:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1311:         }
  1312:       }
  1313:     }
  1314:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr0Y
  1316:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr1X extends SMTItem {
  1317:     public SMTItem_CrtGr1X () {
  1318:       super ("Gr1X", CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[1], 9);
  1319:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1320:                       "en", "$E8001C.w 8-0 graphic plane 0 x-direction scroll",
  1321:                       "ja", "$E8001C.w 8-0 グラフィックプレーン 0 x 方向スクロール");
  1322:     }
  1323:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1324:       CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[1] = smiMaskValue;
  1325:       CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[1] = smiTestValue;
  1326:       int curr = CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[1] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[1] : CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[1];
  1327:       if (CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[1] != curr) {
  1328:         CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[1] = curr;
  1329:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1330:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1331:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1332:         }
  1333:       }
  1334:     }
  1335:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr1X
  1337:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr1Y extends SMTItem {
  1338:     public SMTItem_CrtGr1Y () {
  1339:       super ("Gr1Y", CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[1], 9);
  1340:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1341:                       "en", "$E8001E.w 8-0 graphic plane 0 y-direction scroll",
  1342:                       "ja", "$E8001E.w 8-0 グラフィックプレーン 0 y 方向スクロール");
  1343:     }
  1344:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1345:       CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[1] = smiMaskValue;
  1346:       CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[1] = smiTestValue;
  1347:       int curr = CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[1] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[1] : CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[1];
  1348:       if (CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[1] != curr) {
  1349:         CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[1] = curr;
  1350:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1351:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1352:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1353:         }
  1354:       }
  1355:     }
  1356:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr1Y
  1358:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr2X extends SMTItem {
  1359:     public SMTItem_CrtGr2X () {
  1360:       super ("Gr2X", CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[2], 9);
  1361:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1362:                       "en", "$E80020.w 8-0 graphic plane 0 x-direction scroll",
  1363:                       "ja", "$E80020.w 8-0 グラフィックプレーン 0 x 方向スクロール");
  1364:     }
  1365:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1366:       CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[2] = smiMaskValue;
  1367:       CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[2] = smiTestValue;
  1368:       int curr = CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[2] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[2] : CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[2];
  1369:       if (CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[2] != curr) {
  1370:         CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[2] = curr;
  1371:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1372:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1373:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1374:         }
  1375:       }
  1376:     }
  1377:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr2X
  1379:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr2Y extends SMTItem {
  1380:     public SMTItem_CrtGr2Y () {
  1381:       super ("Gr2Y", CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[2], 9);
  1382:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1383:                       "en", "$E80022.w 8-0 graphic plane 0 y-direction scroll",
  1384:                       "ja", "$E80022.w 8-0 グラフィックプレーン 0 y 方向スクロール");
  1385:     }
  1386:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1387:       CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[2] = smiMaskValue;
  1388:       CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[2] = smiTestValue;
  1389:       int curr = CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[2] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[2] : CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[2];
  1390:       if (CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[2] != curr) {
  1391:         CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[2] = curr;
  1392:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1393:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1394:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1395:         }
  1396:       }
  1397:     }
  1398:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr2Y
  1400:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr3X extends SMTItem {
  1401:     public SMTItem_CrtGr3X () {
  1402:       super ("Gr3X", CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[3], 9);
  1403:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1404:                       "en", "$E80024.w 8-0 graphic plane 3 x-direction scroll",
  1405:                       "ja", "$E80024.w 8-0 グラフィックプレーン 3 x 方向スクロール");
  1406:     }
  1407:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1408:       CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[3] = smiMaskValue;
  1409:       CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[3] = smiTestValue;
  1410:       int curr = CRTC.crtR12GrXMask[3] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR12GrXPort[3] : CRTC.crtR12GrXTest[3];
  1411:       if (CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[3] != curr) {
  1412:         CRTC.crtR12GrXCurr[3] = curr;
  1413:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1414:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1415:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1416:         }
  1417:       }
  1418:     }
  1419:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr3X
  1421:   public static class SMTItem_CrtGr3Y extends SMTItem {
  1422:     public SMTItem_CrtGr3Y () {
  1423:       super ("Gr3Y", CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[3], 9);
  1424:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1425:                       "en", "$E80026.w 8-0 graphic plane 3 y-direction scroll",
  1426:                       "ja", "$E80026.w 8-0 グラフィックプレーン 3 y 方向スクロール");
  1427:     }
  1428:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1429:       CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[3] = smiMaskValue;
  1430:       CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[3] = smiTestValue;
  1431:       int curr = CRTC.crtR13GrYMask[3] == 0 ? CRTC.crtR13GrYPort[3] : CRTC.crtR13GrYTest[3];
  1432:       if (CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[3] != curr) {
  1433:         CRTC.crtR13GrYCurr[3] = curr;
  1434:         CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1435:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1436:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1437:         }
  1438:       }
  1439:     }
  1440:   }  //class SMTItem_CrtGr3Y
  1443:   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1444:   //ビデオコントローラ
  1446:   public static class SMTItem_VcnGrMM extends SMTItem {
  1447:     public SMTItem_VcnGrMM () {
  1448:       super ("GrMM", VideoController.vcnReg1Port, 3);
  1449:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1450:                       "en", "$E82400.w 2-0 Memory mode of graphic screen",
  1451:                       "ja", "$E82400.w 2-0 グラフィック画面のメモリモード");
  1452:     }
  1453:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1454:       VideoController.vcnReg1Mask = VideoController.vcnReg1Mask & ~7 | smiMaskValue & 7;
  1455:       VideoController.vcnReg1Test = VideoController.vcnReg1Test & ~7 | smiTestValue;
  1456:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg1Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg1Mask | VideoController.vcnReg1Test & VideoController.vcnReg1Mask;
  1457:       if (VideoController.vcnReg1Curr != curr) {
  1458:         VideoController.vcnReg1Curr = curr;
  1459:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1460:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1461:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1462:         }
  1463:       }
  1464:     }
  1465:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnGrMM
  1467:   public static class SMTItem_VcnSpPr extends SMTItem {
  1468:     public SMTItem_VcnSpPr () {
  1469:       super ("SpPr", VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 12, 2);
  1470:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1471:                       "en", "$E82500.w 13-12 Precedence of sprite screen",
  1472:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 13-12 スプライト画面の優先順位");
  1473:     }
  1474:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1475:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~(3 << 12) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 12;
  1476:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~(3 << 12) | smiTestValue     << 12;
  1477:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1478:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1479:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1480:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1481:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1482:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1483:         }
  1484:       }
  1485:     }
  1486:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnSpPr
  1488:   public static class SMTItem_VcnTxPr extends SMTItem {
  1489:     public SMTItem_VcnTxPr () {
  1490:       super ("TxPr", VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 10, 2);
  1491:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1492:                       "en", "$E82500.w 11-10 Precedence of text screen",
  1493:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 11-10 テキスト画面の優先順位");
  1494:     }
  1495:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1496:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~(3 << 10) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 10;
  1497:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~(3 << 10) | smiTestValue     << 10;
  1498:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1499:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1500:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1501:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1502:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1503:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1504:         }
  1505:       }
  1506:     }
  1507:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnTxPr
  1509:   public static class SMTItem_VcnGrPr extends SMTItem {
  1510:     public SMTItem_VcnGrPr () {
  1511:       super ("GrPr", VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 8, 2);
  1512:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1513:                       "en", "$E82500.w 9-8 Precedence of graphic screen",
  1514:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 9-8 グラフィック画面の優先順位");
  1515:     }
  1516:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1517:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~(3 << 8) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 8;
  1518:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~(3 << 8) | smiTestValue     << 8;
  1519:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1520:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1521:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1522:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1523:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1524:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1525:         }
  1526:       }
  1527:     }
  1528:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnGrPr
  1530:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG4th extends SMTItem {
  1531:     public SMTItem_VcnG4th () {
  1532:       super ("G4th", VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 6, 2);
  1533:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1534:                       "en", "$E82500.w 7-6 The farthest plane number of graphic screen",
  1535:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 7-6 グラフィック画面の一番奥のプレーンの番号");
  1536:     }
  1537:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1538:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~(3 << 6) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 6;
  1539:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~(3 << 6) | smiTestValue     << 6;
  1540:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1541:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1542:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1543:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1544:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1545:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1546:         }
  1547:       }
  1548:     }
  1549:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG4th
  1551:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG3rd extends SMTItem {
  1552:     public SMTItem_VcnG3rd () {
  1553:       super ("G3rd", VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 4, 2);
  1554:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1555:                       "en", "$E82500.w 5-4 Second-farthest plane number of graphic screen",
  1556:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 5-4 グラフィック画面の奥から 2 番目のプレーンの番号");
  1557:     }
  1558:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1559:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~(3 << 4) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 4;
  1560:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~(3 << 4) | smiTestValue     << 4;
  1561:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1562:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1563:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1564:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1565:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1566:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1567:         }
  1568:       }
  1569:     }
  1570:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG3rd
  1572:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG2nd extends SMTItem {
  1573:     public SMTItem_VcnG2nd () {
  1574:       super ("G2nd", VideoController.vcnReg2Port >> 2, 2);
  1575:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1576:                       "en", "$E82500.w 3-2 Second-nearest plane number of graphic screen",
  1577:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 3-2 グラフィック画面の手前から 2 番目のプレーンの番号");
  1578:     }
  1579:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1580:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~(3 << 2) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 2;
  1581:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~(3 << 2) | smiTestValue     << 2;
  1582:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1583:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1584:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1585:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1586:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1587:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1588:         }
  1589:       }
  1590:     }
  1591:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG2nd
  1593:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG1st extends SMTItem {
  1594:     public SMTItem_VcnG1st () {
  1595:       super ("G1st", VideoController.vcnReg2Port, 2);
  1596:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1597:                       "en", "$E82500.w 1-0 The nearest plane number of graphic screen",
  1598:                       "ja", "$E82500.w 1-0 グラフィック画面の一番手前のプレーンの番号");
  1599:     }
  1600:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1601:       VideoController.vcnReg2Mask = VideoController.vcnReg2Mask & ~3 | smiMaskValue & 3;
  1602:       VideoController.vcnReg2Test = VideoController.vcnReg2Test & ~3 | smiTestValue;
  1603:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg2Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg2Mask | VideoController.vcnReg2Test & VideoController.vcnReg2Mask;
  1604:       if (VideoController.vcnReg2Curr != curr) {
  1605:         VideoController.vcnReg2Curr = curr;
  1606:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1607:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1608:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1609:         }
  1610:       }
  1611:     }
  1612:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG1st
  1614:   public static class SMTItem_VcnAHOn extends SMTItem {
  1615:     public SMTItem_VcnAHOn () {
  1616:       super ("AHOn", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 14, 1);
  1617:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1618:                       "en", "$E82600.w 14 Halftone with text palet 0",
  1619:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 14 テキストパレット 0 との半透明");
  1620:     }
  1621:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1622:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 14) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 14;
  1623:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 14) | smiTestValue     << 14;
  1624:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1625:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1626:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1627:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1628:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1629:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1630:         }
  1631:       }
  1632:     }
  1633:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnAHOn
  1635:   public static class SMTItem_VcnExOn extends SMTItem {
  1636:     public SMTItem_VcnExOn () {
  1637:       super ("ExOn", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 12, 1);
  1638:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1639:                       "en", "$E82600.w 12 Extended (special priority or halftone)",
  1640:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 12 拡張 (特殊プライオリティまたは半透明)");
  1641:     }
  1642:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1643:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 12) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 12;
  1644:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 12) | smiTestValue     << 12;
  1645:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1646:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1647:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1648:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1649:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1650:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1651:         }
  1652:       }
  1653:     }
  1654:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnExOn
  1656:   public static class SMTItem_VcnHalf extends SMTItem {
  1657:     public SMTItem_VcnHalf () {
  1658:       super ("Half", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 11, 1);
  1659:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1660:                       "en", "$E82600.w 11 Halftone",
  1661:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 11 半透明");
  1662:     }
  1663:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1664:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 11) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 11;
  1665:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 11) | smiTestValue     << 11;
  1666:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1667:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1668:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1669:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1670:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1671:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1672:         }
  1673:       }
  1674:     }
  1675:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnHalf
  1677:   public static class SMTItem_VcnPLSB extends SMTItem {
  1678:     public SMTItem_VcnPLSB () {
  1679:       super ("PLSB", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 10, 1);
  1680:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1681:                       "en", "$E82600.w 10 Select area by LSB of palet code",
  1682:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 10 パレットコードの LSB で範囲を選択");
  1683:     }
  1684:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1685:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 10) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 10;
  1686:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 10) | smiTestValue     << 10;
  1687:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1688:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1689:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1690:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1691:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1692:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1693:         }
  1694:       }
  1695:     }
  1696:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnPLSB
  1698:   public static class SMTItem_VcnGrGr extends SMTItem {
  1699:     public SMTItem_VcnGrGr () {
  1700:       super ("GrGr", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 9, 1);
  1701:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1702:                       "en", "$E82600.w 9 Halftone between the nearest graphic page and second-nearest graphic page",
  1703:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 9 一番手前のグラフィックページと手前から 2 番目のグラフィックページとの半透明");
  1704:     }
  1705:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1706:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 9) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 9;
  1707:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 9) | smiTestValue     << 9;
  1708:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1709:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1710:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1711:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1712:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1713:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1714:         }
  1715:       }
  1716:     }
  1717:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnGrGr
  1719:   public static class SMTItem_VcnGrST extends SMTItem {
  1720:     public SMTItem_VcnGrST () {
  1721:       super ("GrST", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 8, 1);
  1722:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1723:                       "en", "$E82600.w 8 Halftone between the nearest graphic page and sprite/text screen in the back of graphic screen",
  1724:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 8 一番手前のグラフィックページとグラフィック画面の奥にあるスプライト/テキスト画面との半透明");
  1725:     }
  1726:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1727:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 8) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 8;
  1728:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 8) | smiTestValue     << 8;
  1729:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1730:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1731:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1732:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1733:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1734:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1735:         }
  1736:       }
  1737:     }
  1738:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnGrST
  1740:   public static class SMTItem_VcnSpOn extends SMTItem {
  1741:     public SMTItem_VcnSpOn () {
  1742:       super ("SpOn", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 6, 1);
  1743:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1744:                       "en", "$E82600.w 6 Sprite screen",
  1745:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 6 スプライト画面");
  1746:     }
  1747:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1748:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 6) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 6;
  1749:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 6) | smiTestValue     << 6;
  1750:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1751:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1752:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1753:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1754:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1755:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1756:         }
  1757:       }
  1758:     }
  1759:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnSpOn
  1761:   public static class SMTItem_VcnTxOn extends SMTItem {
  1762:     public SMTItem_VcnTxOn () {
  1763:       super ("TxOn", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 5, 1);
  1764:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1765:                       "en", "$E82600.w 5 Text screen",
  1766:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 5 テキスト画面");
  1767:     }
  1768:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1769:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 5) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 5;
  1770:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 5) | smiTestValue     << 5;
  1771:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1772:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1773:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1774:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1775:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1776:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1777:         }
  1778:       }
  1779:     }
  1780:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnTxOn
  1782:   public static class SMTItem_VcnGxOn extends SMTItem {
  1783:     public SMTItem_VcnGxOn () {
  1784:       super ("GxOn", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 4, 1);
  1785:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1786:                       "en", "$E82600.w 4 1024x1024 graphic screen",
  1787:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 4 1024x1024 グラフィック画面");
  1788:     }
  1789:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1790:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 4) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 4;
  1791:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 4) | smiTestValue     << 4;
  1792:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1793:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1794:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1795:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1796:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1797:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1798:         }
  1799:       }
  1800:     }
  1801:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnGxOn
  1803:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG4On extends SMTItem {
  1804:     public SMTItem_VcnG4On () {
  1805:       super ("G4On", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 3, 1);
  1806:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1807:                       "en", "$E82600.w 3 512x512 graphic plane 3",
  1808:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 3 512x512 グラフィックプレーン 3");
  1809:     }
  1810:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1811:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 3) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 3;
  1812:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 3) | smiTestValue     << 3;
  1813:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1814:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1815:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1816:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1817:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1818:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1819:         }
  1820:       }
  1821:     }
  1822:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG4On
  1824:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG3On extends SMTItem {
  1825:     public SMTItem_VcnG3On () {
  1826:       super ("G3On", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 2, 1);
  1827:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1828:                       "en", "$E82600.w 2 512x512 graphic plane 2",
  1829:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 2 512x512 グラフィックプレーン 2");
  1830:     }
  1831:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1832:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 2) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 2;
  1833:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 2) | smiTestValue     << 2;
  1834:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1835:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1836:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1837:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1838:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1839:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1840:         }
  1841:       }
  1842:     }
  1843:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG3On
  1845:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG2On extends SMTItem {
  1846:     public SMTItem_VcnG2On () {
  1847:       super ("G2On", VideoController.vcnReg3Port >> 1, 1);
  1848:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1849:                       "en", "$E82600.w 1 512x512 graphic plane 1",
  1850:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 1 512x512 グラフィックプレーン 1");
  1851:     }
  1852:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1853:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~(1 << 1) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 1;
  1854:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~(1 << 1) | smiTestValue     << 1;
  1855:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1856:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1857:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1858:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1859:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1860:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1861:         }
  1862:       }
  1863:     }
  1864:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG2On
  1866:   public static class SMTItem_VcnG1On extends SMTItem {
  1867:     public SMTItem_VcnG1On () {
  1868:       super ("G1On", VideoController.vcnReg3Port, 1);
  1869:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1870:                       "en", "$E82600.w 0 512x512 graphic plane 0",
  1871:                       "ja", "$E82600.w 0 512x512 グラフィックプレーン 0");
  1872:     }
  1873:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1874:       VideoController.vcnReg3Mask = VideoController.vcnReg3Mask & ~1 | smiMaskValue & 1;
  1875:       VideoController.vcnReg3Test = VideoController.vcnReg3Test & ~1 | smiTestValue;
  1876:       int curr = VideoController.vcnReg3Port & ~VideoController.vcnReg3Mask | VideoController.vcnReg3Test & VideoController.vcnReg3Mask;
  1877:       if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr != curr) {
  1878:         VideoController.vcnReg3Curr = curr;
  1879:         VideoController.vcnUpdateMode ();
  1880:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1881:           CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1882:         }
  1883:       }
  1884:     }
  1885:   }  //class SMTItem_VcnG1On
  1888:   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1889:   //スプライトコントローラ
  1891:   public static class SMTItem_SprBg0X extends SMTItem {
  1892:     public SMTItem_SprBg0X () {
  1893:       super ("Bg0X", SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XPort, 10);
  1894:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1895:                       "en", "$EB0800.w 9-0 Background 0 x-direction scroll",
  1896:                       "ja", "$EB0800.w 9-0 バックグラウンド 0 x 方向スクロール");
  1897:     }
  1898:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1899:       SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XMask = smiMaskValue;
  1900:       SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XTest = smiTestValue;
  1901:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XTest;
  1902:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XCurr != curr) {
  1903:         SpriteScreen.sprReg0Bg0XCurr = curr;
  1904:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  1905:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1906:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1907:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1908:           }
  1909:         }
  1910:       }
  1911:     }
  1912:   }  //class SMTItem_SprBg0X
  1914:   public static class SMTItem_SprBg0Y extends SMTItem {
  1915:     public SMTItem_SprBg0Y () {
  1916:       super ("Bg0Y", SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YPort, 10);
  1917:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1918:                       "en", "$EB0802.w 9-0 Background 0 y-direction scroll",
  1919:                       "ja", "$EB0802.w 9-0 バックグラウンド 0 y 方向スクロール");
  1920:     }
  1921:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1922:       SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YMask = smiMaskValue;
  1923:       SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YTest = smiTestValue;
  1924:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YTest;
  1925:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YCurr != curr) {
  1926:         SpriteScreen.sprReg1Bg0YCurr = curr;
  1927:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  1928:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1929:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1930:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1931:           }
  1932:         }
  1933:       }
  1934:     }
  1935:   }  //class SMTItem_SprBg0Y
  1937:   public static class SMTItem_SprBg1X extends SMTItem {
  1938:     public SMTItem_SprBg1X () {
  1939:       super ("Bg1X", SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XPort, 10);
  1940:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1941:                       "en", "$EB0804.w 9-0 Background 1 x-direction scroll",
  1942:                       "ja", "$EB0804.w 9-0 バックグラウンド 1 x 方向スクロール");
  1943:     }
  1944:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1945:       SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XMask = smiMaskValue;
  1946:       SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XTest = smiTestValue;
  1947:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XTest;
  1948:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XCurr != curr) {
  1949:         SpriteScreen.sprReg2Bg1XCurr = curr;
  1950:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  1951:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1952:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1953:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1954:           }
  1955:         }
  1956:       }
  1957:     }
  1958:   }  //class SMTItem_SprBg1X
  1960:   public static class SMTItem_SprBg1Y extends SMTItem {
  1961:     public SMTItem_SprBg1Y () {
  1962:       super ("Bg1Y", SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YPort, 10);
  1963:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1964:                       "en", "$EB0806.w 9-0 Background 1 y-direction scroll",
  1965:                       "ja", "$EB0806.w 9-0 バックグラウンド 1 y 方向スクロール");
  1966:     }
  1967:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1968:       SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YMask = smiMaskValue;
  1969:       SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YTest = smiTestValue;
  1970:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YTest;
  1971:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YCurr != curr) {
  1972:         SpriteScreen.sprReg3Bg1YCurr = curr;
  1973:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  1974:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1975:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1976:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  1977:           }
  1978:         }
  1979:       }
  1980:     }
  1981:   }  //class SMTItem_SprBg1Y
  1983:   public static class SMTItem_SprDisp extends SMTItem {
  1984:     public SMTItem_SprDisp () {
  1985:       super ("Disp", SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 9, 1);
  1986:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  1987:                       "en", "$EB0808.w 9 Display sprite and background",
  1988:                       "ja", "$EB0808.w 9 スプライトとバックグラウンドを表示");
  1989:     }
  1990:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  1991:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask & ~(1 << 9) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 9;
  1992:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & ~(1 << 9) | smiTestValue     << 9;
  1993:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask;
  1994:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr != curr) {
  1995:         SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr = curr;
  1996:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている。DispがON→OFFのときは再描画が必要
  1997:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  1998:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  1999:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2000:           }
  2001:         }
  2002:       }
  2003:     }
  2004:   }  //class SMTItem_SprDisp
  2006:   public static class SMTItem_SprB1Tx extends SMTItem {
  2007:     public SMTItem_SprB1Tx () {
  2008:       super ("B1Tx", SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 4, 2);
  2009:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2010:                       "en", "$EB0808.w 5-4 Text page assigned to background 1",
  2011:                       "ja", "$EB0808.w 5-4 バックグラウンド 1 に割り当てるテキストページ");
  2012:     }
  2013:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2014:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask & ~(3 << 4) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 4;
  2015:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & ~(3 << 4) | smiTestValue     << 4;
  2016:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask;
  2017:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr != curr) {
  2018:         SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr = curr;
  2019:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2020:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2021:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2022:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2023:           }
  2024:         }
  2025:       }
  2026:     }
  2027:   }  //class SMTItem_SprB1Tx
  2029:   public static class SMTItem_SprB1On extends SMTItem {
  2030:     public SMTItem_SprB1On () {
  2031:       super ("B1On", SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 3, 1);
  2032:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2033:                       "en", "$EB0808.w 3 Background 1",
  2034:                       "ja", "$EB0808.w 3 バックグラウンド 1");
  2035:     }
  2036:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2037:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask & ~(1 << 3) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 3;
  2038:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & ~(1 << 3) | smiTestValue     << 3;
  2039:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask;
  2040:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr != curr) {
  2041:         SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr = curr;
  2042:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2043:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2044:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2045:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2046:           }
  2047:         }
  2048:       }
  2049:     }
  2050:   }  //class SMTItem_SprB1On
  2052:   public static class SMTItem_SprB0Tx extends SMTItem {
  2053:     public SMTItem_SprB0Tx () {
  2054:       super ("B0Tx", SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort >> 1, 2);
  2055:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2056:                       "en", "$EB0808.w 2-1 Text page assigned to background 0",
  2057:                       "ja", "$EB0808.w 2-1 バックグラウンド 0 に割り当てるテキストページ");
  2058:     }
  2059:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2060:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask & ~(3 << 1) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 1;
  2061:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & ~(3 << 1) | smiTestValue     << 1;
  2062:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask;
  2063:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr != curr) {
  2064:         SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr = curr;
  2065:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2066:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2067:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2068:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2069:           }
  2070:         }
  2071:       }
  2072:     }
  2073:   }  //class SMTItem_SprB0Tx
  2075:   public static class SMTItem_SprB0On extends SMTItem {
  2076:     public SMTItem_SprB0On () {
  2077:       super ("B0On", SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort, 1);
  2078:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2079:                       "en", "$EB0808.w 0 Background 0",
  2080:                       "ja", "$EB0808.w 0 バックグラウンド 0");
  2081:     }
  2082:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2083:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask & ~1 | smiMaskValue & 1;
  2084:       SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & ~1 | smiTestValue;
  2085:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlMask;
  2086:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr != curr) {
  2087:         SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr = curr;
  2088:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2089:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2090:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2091:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2092:           }
  2093:         }
  2094:       }
  2095:     }
  2096:   }  //class SMTItem_SprB0On
  2098:   public static class SMTItem_SprHFEd extends SMTItem {
  2099:     public SMTItem_SprHFEd () {
  2100:       super ("HFEd", SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndPort, 8);
  2101:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2102:                       "en", "$EB080A.w 7-0 End character number of horizontal front porch",
  2103:                       "ja", "$EB080A.w 7-0 水平フロントポーチの終了キャラクタ番号");
  2104:     }
  2105:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2106:       SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  2107:       SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndTest = smiTestValue;
  2108:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndTest;
  2109:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndCurr != curr) {
  2110:         SpriteScreen.sprReg5HFrontEndCurr = curr;
  2111:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2112:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2113:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2114:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2115:           }
  2116:         }
  2117:       }
  2118:     }
  2119:   }  //class SMTItem_SprHFEd
  2121:   public static class SMTItem_SprHBEd extends SMTItem {
  2122:     public SMTItem_SprHBEd () {
  2123:       super ("HBEd", SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndPort, 6);
  2124:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2125:                       "en", "$EB080C.w 5-0 End character number of horizontal back porch",
  2126:                       "ja", "$EB080C.w 5-0 水平バックポーチの終了キャラクタ番号");
  2127:     }
  2128:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2129:       SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  2130:       SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndTest = smiTestValue;
  2131:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndTest;
  2132:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndCurr != curr) {
  2133:         SpriteScreen.sprReg6HBackEndCurr = curr;
  2134:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2135:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2136:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2137:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2138:           }
  2139:         }
  2140:       }
  2141:     }
  2142:   }  //class SMTItem_SprHBEd
  2144:   public static class SMTItem_SprVBEd extends SMTItem {
  2145:     public SMTItem_SprVBEd () {
  2146:       super ("VBEd", SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndPort, 8);
  2147:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2148:                       "en", "$EB080E.w 7-0 End raster number of vertical back porch",
  2149:                       "ja", "$EB080E.w 7-0 垂直バックポーチの終了ラスタ番号");
  2150:     }
  2151:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2152:       SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndMask = smiMaskValue;
  2153:       SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndTest = smiTestValue;
  2154:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndMask == 0 ? SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndPort : SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndTest;
  2155:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndCurr != curr) {
  2156:         SpriteScreen.sprReg7VBackEndCurr = curr;
  2157:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2158:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2159:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2160:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2161:           }
  2162:         }
  2163:       }
  2164:     }
  2165:   }  //class SMTItem_SprVBEd
  2167:   public static class SMTItem_SprHigh extends SMTItem {
  2168:     public SMTItem_SprHigh () {
  2169:       super ("High", SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort >> 4, 1);
  2170:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2171:                       "en", "$EB0810.w 4 High-resolution",
  2172:                       "ja", "$EB0810.w 4 高解像度");
  2173:     }
  2174:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2175:       SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask & ~(1 << 4) | smiMaskValue & 1 << 4;
  2176:       SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest & ~(1 << 4) | smiTestValue     << 4;
  2177:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask;
  2178:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoCurr != curr) {
  2179:         SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoCurr = curr;
  2180:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2181:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2182:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2183:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2184:           }
  2185:         }
  2186:       }
  2187:     }
  2188:   }  //class SMTItem_SprHigh
  2190:   public static class SMTItem_SprVRes extends SMTItem {
  2191:     public SMTItem_SprVRes () {
  2192:       super ("VRes", SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort >> 2, 2);
  2193:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2194:                       "en", "$EB0810.w 3-2 Vertical resolution",
  2195:                       "ja", "$EB0810.w 3-2 垂直解像度");
  2196:     }
  2197:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2198:       SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask & ~(3 << 2) | smiMaskValue & 3 << 2;
  2199:       SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest & ~(3 << 2) | smiTestValue     << 2;
  2200:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask;
  2201:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoCurr != curr) {
  2202:         SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoCurr = curr;
  2203:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2204:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2205:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2206:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2207:           }
  2208:         }
  2209:       }
  2210:     }
  2211:   }  //class SMTItem_SprVRes
  2213:   public static class SMTItem_SprHRes extends SMTItem {
  2214:     public SMTItem_SprHRes () {
  2215:       super ("HRes", SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort, 2);
  2216:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2217:                       "en", "$EB0810.w 1-0 Horizontal resolution",
  2218:                       "ja", "$EB0810.w 1-0 水平解像度");
  2219:     }
  2220:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2221:       SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask & ~3 | smiMaskValue & 3;
  2222:       SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest & ~3 | smiTestValue;
  2223:       int curr = SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoPort & ~SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask | SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoTest & SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoMask;
  2224:       if (SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoCurr != curr) {
  2225:         SpriteScreen.sprReg8ResoCurr = curr;
  2226:         if (VideoController.vcnReg3Curr << 31 - 6 < 0 && SpriteScreen.sprReg4BgCtrlCurr << 31 - 9 < 0) {  //スプライト画面が表示されている
  2227:           CRTC.crtAllStamp += 2;
  2228:           if (XEiJ.mpuTask == null) {  //停止中
  2229:             CRTC.crtRepaint ();
  2230:           }
  2231:         }
  2232:       }
  2233:     }
  2234:   }  //class SMTItem_SprHRes
  2237:   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2238:   //システムポート
  2240:   public static class SMTItem_SysHRL extends SMTItem {
  2241:     public SMTItem_SysHRL () {
  2242:       super ("HRL", CRTC.crtHRLPort, 1);
  2243:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2244:                       "en", "$E8E007.b 1 HRL (dot clock selection)",
  2245:                       "ja", "$E8E007.b 1 HRL (ドットクロック選択)");
  2246:     }
  2247:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2248:       CRTC.crtHRLMask = smiMaskValue;
  2249:       CRTC.crtHRLTest = smiTestValue;
  2250:       int curr = CRTC.crtHRLMask == 0 ? CRTC.crtHRLPort : CRTC.crtHRLTest;
  2251:       if (CRTC.crtHRLCurr != curr) {
  2252:         CRTC.crtHRLCurr = curr;
  2253:         if (XEiJ.mpuTask != null) {  //動作中
  2254:           CRTC.crtRestart ();
  2255:         }
  2256:       }
  2257:     }
  2258:   }  //class SMTItem_SysHRL
  2260:   public static class SMTItem_SysCont extends SMTItem {
  2261:     public SMTItem_SysCont () {
  2262:       super ("Cont", VideoController.vcnTargetContrastPort, 4);
  2263:       Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (smiNameLabel,
  2264:                       "en", "$E8E001.b 3-0 Contrast",
  2265:                       "ja", "$E8E001.b 3-0 コントラスト");
  2266:     }
  2267:     @Override public void smiControlled () {
  2268:       VideoController.vcnTargetContrastMask = smiMaskValue;
  2269:       VideoController.vcnTargetContrastTest = smiTestValue;
  2270:       int curr = VideoController.vcnTargetContrastMask == 0 ? VideoController.vcnTargetContrastPort : VideoController.vcnTargetContrastTest;
  2271:       if (VideoController.vcnTargetContrastCurr != curr) {
  2272:         VideoController.vcnTargetContrastCurr = curr;
  2273:         VideoController.vcnTargetScaledContrast = VideoController.VCN_CONTRAST_SCALE * VideoController.vcnTargetContrastCurr;
  2274:         CRTC.crtContrastClock = XEiJ.mpuClockTime;
  2275:         CRTC.crtFrameTaskClock = Math.min (CRTC.crtContrastClock, CRTC.crtCaptureClock);
  2276:       }
  2277:     }
  2278:   }  //class SMTItem_SysCont
  2282:   //========================================================================================
  2283:   //$$SMG 表示モードテストのアイテムグループ
  2284:   //  コピーボタン
  2285:   //    ポートデータをテストデータにまとめてコピーする
  2286:   //  ポートラジオボタン
  2287:   //    まとめてポートを選択する
  2288:   //  テストラジオボタン
  2289:   //    まとめてテストを選択する
  2290:   public static class SMTGroup {
  2292:     public SMTItem[] smgItemArray;
  2293:     public ButtonGroup smgButtonGroup;
  2294:     public Box smgBox;
  2295:     public JRadioButton smgPortRadioButton;
  2296:     public JRadioButton smgTestRadioButton;
  2298:     //  コンストラクタ
  2299:     public SMTGroup (SMTItem... itemArray) {
  2300:       smgItemArray = itemArray;
  2301:       for (SMTItem item : smgItemArray) {
  2302:         item.smiItemGroup = this;
  2303:       }
  2304:       smgButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup ();
  2305:       smgBox = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
  2306:         ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
  2307:           Box.createVerticalStrut (LnF.lnfFontSize + 4),
  2308:           ComponentFactory.createHorizontalBox (
  2309:             ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
  2310:               Box.createVerticalGlue (),
  2311:               ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
  2312:                 Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (
  2313:                   ComponentFactory.createImageButton (
  2314:                     XEiJ.createImage (
  2315:                       14, 18,
  2316:                       "11111111111111" +
  2317:                       "1............1" +
  2318:                       "1............1" +
  2319:                       "1............1" +
  2320:                       "1....1111....1" +
  2321:                       "1....1..1....1" +
  2322:                       "1....1..1....1" +
  2323:                       "1....1..1....1" +
  2324:                       "1....1..1....1" +
  2325:                       "1.1111..1111.1" +
  2326:                       "1..1......1..1" +
  2327:                       "1...1....1...1" +
  2328:                       "1....1..1....1" +
  2329:                       "1.....11.....1" +
  2330:                       "1............1" +
  2331:                       "1............1" +
  2332:                       "1............1" +
  2333:                       "11111111111111",
  2334:                       LnF.lnfRGB[0],
  2335:                       LnF.lnfRGB[12]),
  2336:                     "Copy port data to test data", new ActionListener () {
  2337:                       @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
  2338:                         smgCopyClicked ();
  2339:                       }
  2340:                     }),  //ae -> smgCopyClicked ()
  2341:                   "ja", "ポートデータをテストデータにコピーする"),
  2342:                 16, 20),
  2343:               Box.createVerticalGlue ()
  2344:               ),
  2345:             Box.createHorizontalStrut (2),
  2346:             ComponentFactory.createVerticalBox (
  2347:               smgPortRadioButton = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
  2348:                 Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (
  2349:                   ComponentFactory.createRadioButton (smgButtonGroup, smgIsPortSelected (), "", new ActionListener () {
  2350:                     @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
  2351:                       smgPortSelected ();
  2352:                     }
  2353:                   }),  //ae -> smgPortSelected ()
  2354:                   "en", "Reflect port data", "ja", "ポートデータを反映させる"),
  2355:                 14, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4),
  2356:               smgTestRadioButton = ComponentFactory.setFixedSize (
  2357:                 Multilingual.mlnToolTipText (
  2358:                   ComponentFactory.createRadioButton (smgButtonGroup, smgIsTestSelected (), "", new ActionListener () {
  2359:                     @Override public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) {
  2360:                       smgTestSelected ();
  2361:                     }
  2362:                   }),  //ae -> smgTestSelected ()
  2363:                   "en", "Reflect test data", "ja", "テストデータを反映させる"),
  2364:                 14, LnF.lnfFontSize + 4)
  2365:               )
  2366:             )
  2367:           ),
  2368:         32, (LnF.lnfFontSize + 4) * 3);
  2369:     }  //new SMTGroup(SMTItem...)
  2371:     //smgIsPortSelected ()
  2372:     //  true=すべてPortが選択されている
  2373:     public final boolean smgIsPortSelected () {
  2374:       for (SMTItem item : smgItemArray) {
  2375:         if (item.smiMaskValue != 0) {  //Testが選択されている
  2376:           return false;
  2377:         }
  2378:       }
  2379:       return true;
  2380:     }  //smgIsPortSelected()
  2382:     //smgIsTestSelected ()
  2383:     //  true=すべてTestが選択されている
  2384:     public final boolean smgIsTestSelected () {
  2385:       for (SMTItem item : smgItemArray) {
  2386:         if (item.smiMaskValue == 0) {  //Portが選択されている
  2387:           return false;
  2388:         }
  2389:       }
  2390:       return true;
  2391:     }  //smgIsTestSelected()
  2393:     //smgCopyClicked ()
  2394:     //  コピーボタンが押された
  2395:     //  すべてのアイテムのPortをTestにコピーする
  2396:     public void smgCopyClicked () {
  2397:       for (SMTItem item : smgItemArray) {
  2398:         if (item.smiBitWidth == 1) {
  2399:           item.smiTestCheckBox.setSelected (item.smiPortValue != 0);
  2400:         } else {
  2401:           item.smiTestSpinner.setIntValue (item.smiPortValue);
  2402:         }
  2403:         item.smiTestChanged ();
  2404:       }
  2405:     }  //smgCopyClicked()
  2407:     //smgPortSelected ()
  2408:     //  Portが選択された
  2409:     public void smgPortSelected () {
  2410:       for (SMTItem item : smgItemArray) {
  2411:         item.smiPortRadioButton.setSelected (true);
  2412:         item.smiPortSelected ();
  2413:       }
  2414:     }  //smgPortSelected()
  2416:     //smgTestSelected ()
  2417:     //  Testが選択された
  2418:     public void smgTestSelected () {
  2419:       for (SMTItem item : smgItemArray) {
  2420:         item.smiTestRadioButton.setSelected (true);
  2421:         item.smiTestSelected ();
  2422:       }
  2423:     }  //smgTestSelected()
  2425:     //smgUpdate ()
  2426:     //  アイテム毎のPort/Testの選択が変化したときアイテムグループのPort/Testに反映させるためにアイテムが呼び出す
  2427:     public void smgUpdate () {
  2428:       if (smgIsPortSelected ()) {
  2429:         smgPortRadioButton.setSelected (true);
  2430:       } else if (smgIsTestSelected ()) {
  2431:         smgTestRadioButton.setSelected (true);
  2432:       } else {
  2433:         smgButtonGroup.clearSelection ();
  2434:       }
  2435:     }  //smgUpdate()
  2437:   }  //class SMTGroup
  2441: }  //class ScreenModeTest