1: //======================================================================================== 2: // MouseEvent2D.java 3: // en:MouseEvent2D -- It is a MouseEvent that has floating-point coordinates. 4: // ja:MouseEvent2D -- 浮動小数点座標を持つMouseEventです。 5: // Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Makoto Kamada 6: // 7: // This file is part of the XEiJ (X68000 Emulator in Java). 8: // You can use, modify and redistribute the XEiJ if the conditions are met. 9: // Read the XEiJ License for more details. 10: // https://stdkmd.net/xeij/ 11: //======================================================================================== 12: 13: package xeij; 14: 15: import java.awt.*; //BasicStroke,BorderLayout,BoxLayout,Color,Component,Container,Cursor,Desktop,Dimension,Font,Frame,Graphics,Graphics2D,GraphicsDevice,GraphicsEnvironment,GridLayout,Image,Insets,Paint,Point,Rectangle,RenderingHints,Robot,Shape,Stroke,TexturePaint,Toolkit 16: import java.awt.event.*; //ActionEvent,ActionListener,ComponentAdapter,ComponentEvent,ComponentListener,FocusAdapter,FocusEvent,FocusListener,InputEvent,KeyAdapter,KeyEvent,KeyListener,MouseAdapter,MouseEvent,MouseListener,MouseMotionAdapter,MouseWheelEvent,WindowAdapter,WindowEvent,WindowListener,WindowStateListener 17: import java.awt.geom.*; //AffineTransform,GeneralPath,Point2D,Rectangle2D 18: import java.lang.*; //Boolean,Character,Class,Comparable,Double,Exception,Float,IllegalArgumentException,Integer,Long,Math,Number,Object,Runnable,SecurityException,String,StringBuilder,System 19: 20: public class MouseEvent2D extends MouseEvent { 21: protected float x2D; 22: protected float y2D; 23: public MouseEvent2D (Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, 24: float x2D, float y2D, 25: int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int button) { 26: super (source, id, when, modifiers, 27: (int) Math.floor ((double) x2D), (int) Math.floor ((double) y2D), 28: clickCount, popupTrigger, button); 29: this.x2D = x2D; 30: this.y2D = y2D; 31: } 32: public float getX2D () { 33: return x2D; 34: } 35: public float getY2D () { 36: return y2D; 37: } 38: public Point2D getPoint2D () { 39: return new Point2D.Float (x2D, y2D); 40: } 41: } //class MouseEvent2D 42: 43: 44: