factorization results 素因数分解の結果 | PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,665 Info:root: Command line parameters: ./cado-nfs.py -t 12 workdir=/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,666 Debug:root: Root parameter dictionary:
N = 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
name = c135
slaves.basepath = /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/client
slaves.hostnames = localhost
slaves.nrclients = 6
slaves.scriptpath = /home/five/Projects/cado-nfs/build/five
tasks.I = 13
tasks.execpath = /home/five/Projects/cado-nfs/build/five
tasks.lim0 = 8000000
tasks.lim1 = 13000000
tasks.lpb0 = 29
tasks.lpb1 = 30
tasks.qmin = 1500000
tasks.threads = 12
tasks.workdir = /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300
tasks.filter.target_density = 120.0
tasks.filter.purge.keep = 170
tasks.linalg.m = 64
tasks.linalg.n = 64
tasks.linalg.bwc.cpubinding = /home/five/Projects/cado-nfs/parameters/misc/cpubinding.conf
tasks.linalg.bwc.interleaving = 0
tasks.linalg.bwc.interval = 3000
tasks.linalg.characters.nchar = 50
tasks.polyselect.P = 95000
tasks.polyselect.admax = 80e3
tasks.polyselect.admin = 1080
tasks.polyselect.adrange = 840
tasks.polyselect.degree = 5
tasks.polyselect.incr = 420
tasks.polyselect.nq = 78125
tasks.polyselect.nrkeep = 48
tasks.polyselect.ropteffort = 12
tasks.polyselect.sopteffort = 1
tasks.polyselect.threads = 2
tasks.sieve.lambda0 = 1.89
tasks.sieve.lambda1 = 1.93
tasks.sieve.mfb0 = 55
tasks.sieve.mfb1 = 58
tasks.sieve.ncurves0 = 12
tasks.sieve.ncurves1 = 14
tasks.sieve.qrange = 10000
tasks.sieve.rels_wanted = 60000000
tasks.sieve.las.threads = 2
tasks.sqrt.threads = 8
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,666 Debug:root: Writing parameter snapshot to /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.parameters_snapshot.0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,666 Info:root: If this computation gets interrupted, it can be resumed with ./cado-nfs.py /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.parameters_snapshot.0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,720 Debug:Client Launcher: Enter Task.__init__(slaves)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,720 Debug:Client Launcher: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,721 Debug:Client Launcher: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['slaves']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,721 Debug:Client Launcher: params = {'hostnames': 'localhost', 'scriptpath': '/home/five/Projects/cado-nfs/build/five', 'nrclients': 6, 'run': True}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,721 Debug:Client Launcher: slaves.cado_nfs_client.basepath found from slaves.basepath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,721 Debug:Client Launcher: Exit Task.__init__(slaves)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:09,748 Info:Server Launcher: Adding five to whitelist to allow clients on localhost to connect
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: Enter Task.__init__(factorbase)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'sieve']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'I': 13, 'lim0': 8000000, 'lim1': 13000000, 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'gzip': True}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: tasks.sieve.makefb.threads found from tasks.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: tasks.sieve.makefb.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,045 Debug:Generate Factor Base: Exit Task.__init__(factorbase)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: Enter Task.__init__(freerel)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'sieve']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'dlp': False, 'gzip': True}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: tasks.sieve.freerel.lpb0 found from tasks.lpb0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: tasks.sieve.freerel.lpb1 found from tasks.lpb1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: tasks.sieve.freerel.threads found from tasks.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: tasks.sieve.freerel.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,053 Debug:Generate Free Relations: Exit Task.__init__(freerel)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: Enter Task.__init__(sieving)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'sieve']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: params = {'qrange': 10000, 'rels_wanted': 60000000, 'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'qmin': 1500000, 'lim0': 8000000, 'lim1': 13000000, 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'maxwu': 10, 'wutimeout': 10800, 'maxresubmit': 5, 'maxwuerror': 2, 'maxtimedout': 100, 'maxfailed': 100, 'gzip': True, 'sqside': 1, 'adjust_strategy': 0}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.threads found from tasks.sieve.las.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.mfb0 found from tasks.sieve.mfb0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.mfb1 found from tasks.sieve.mfb1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.lambda0 found from tasks.sieve.lambda0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.lambda1 found from tasks.sieve.lambda1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.ncurves0 found from tasks.sieve.ncurves0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,069 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.ncurves1 found from tasks.sieve.ncurves1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.I found from tasks.I
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.lim0 found from tasks.lim0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.lim1 found from tasks.lim1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.lpb0 found from tasks.lpb0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.lpb1 found from tasks.lpb1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: tasks.sieve.las.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,070 Debug:Lattice Sieving: Exit Task.__init__(sieving)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,102 Info:Lattice Sieving: param rels_wanted is 60000000
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,121 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Enter Task.__init__(duplicates1)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,121 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,121 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'filter']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,121 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'nslices_log': 1}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,121 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: tasks.filter.dup1.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,121 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Exit Task.__init__(duplicates1)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,155 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Enter Task.__init__(duplicates2)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,155 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,155 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'filter']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,155 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'dlp': False, 'nslices_log': 1}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,155 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: tasks.filter.dup2.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,155 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Exit Task.__init__(duplicates2)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,181 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: Enter Task.__init__(purge)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,181 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,181 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'filter']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,181 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'dlp': False, 'galois': 'none', 'gzip': True, 'add_ratio': 0.01, 'required_excess': 0.0}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,182 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: tasks.filter.purge.keep found from tasks.filter.purge.keep
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,182 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: tasks.filter.purge.threads found from tasks.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,182 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: tasks.filter.purge.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,182 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: Exit Task.__init__(purge)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Enter Task.__init__(polyselect1)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'polyselect']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): params = {'adrange': 840, 'admin': 1080, 'admax': 80000, 'nrkeep': 48, 'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'N': 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179, 'run': True, 'maxwu': 10, 'wutimeout': 10800, 'maxresubmit': 5, 'maxwuerror': 2, 'maxtimedout': 100, 'maxfailed': 100}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.P found from tasks.polyselect.P
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.degree found from tasks.polyselect.degree
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.threads found from tasks.polyselect.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.admin found from tasks.polyselect.admin
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.admax found from tasks.polyselect.admax
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.incr found from tasks.polyselect.incr
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.nq found from tasks.polyselect.nq
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.sopteffort found from tasks.polyselect.sopteffort
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect.N found from N
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,195 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Exit Task.__init__(polyselect1)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Enter Task.__init__(polyselect2)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'polyselect']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'I': 13, 'qmin': 1500000, 'lpb1': 30, 'lpb0': 29, 'name': 'c135', 'N': 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179, 'run': True, 'maxwu': 10, 'wutimeout': 10800, 'maxresubmit': 5, 'maxwuerror': 2, 'maxtimedout': 100, 'maxfailed': 100}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect_ropt.threads found from tasks.polyselect.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect_ropt.ropteffort found from tasks.polyselect.ropteffort
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): tasks.polyselect.polyselect_ropt.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,240 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Exit Task.__init__(polyselect2)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: Enter Task.__init__(merge)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'filter']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'gzip': True}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: tasks.filter.merge.target_density found from tasks.filter.target_density
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: tasks.filter.merge.threads found from tasks.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: tasks.filter.merge.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,277 Debug:Filtering - Merging: tasks.filter.replay.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,278 Debug:Filtering - Merging: Exit Task.__init__(merge)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: Enter Task.__init__(linalg)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'linalg']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True, 'force_wipeout': False}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.interval found from tasks.linalg.bwc.interval
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.interleaving found from tasks.linalg.bwc.interleaving
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.cpubinding found from tasks.linalg.bwc.cpubinding
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.m found from tasks.linalg.m
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.n found from tasks.linalg.n
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.threads found from tasks.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: tasks.linalg.bwc.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,289 Debug:Linear Algebra: Exit Task.__init__(linalg)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: Enter Task.__init__(characters)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'linalg']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'run': True}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: tasks.linalg.characters.nchar found from tasks.linalg.characters.nchar
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: tasks.linalg.characters.lpb0 found from tasks.lpb0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: tasks.linalg.characters.lpb1 found from tasks.lpb1
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: tasks.linalg.characters.threads found from tasks.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: tasks.linalg.characters.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,301 Debug:Quadratic Characters: Exit Task.__init__(characters)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,309 Debug:Square Root: Enter Task.__init__(sqrt)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,309 Debug:Square Root: state = {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,309 Debug:Square Root: self.parameters = MyParameters: name = None, prefix = ['tasks', 'sqrt']
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,309 Debug:Square Root: params = {'workdir': '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300', 'name': 'c135', 'N': 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179, 'run': True, 'gzip': True}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,310 Debug:Square Root: tasks.sqrt.sqrt.threads found from tasks.sqrt.threads
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,310 Debug:Square Root: tasks.sqrt.sqrt.execpath found from tasks.execpath
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,310 Debug:Square Root: Exit Task.__init__(sqrt)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,322 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Factoring 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,327 Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost on host localhost
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,420 Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+2 on host localhost
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,496 Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+3 on host localhost
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,572 Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+4 on host localhost
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,649 Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+5 on host localhost
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,729 Info:Client Launcher: Starting client id localhost+6 on host localhost
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,810 Info:Client Launcher: Running clients: localhost (Host localhost, PID 3003193), localhost+2 (Host localhost, PID 3003195), localhost+3 (Host localhost, PID 3003197), localhost+4 (Host localhost, PID 3003199), localhost+5 (Host localhost, PID 3003201), localhost+6 (Host localhost, PID 3003203)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,810 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,810 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): polyselect1.run(): Task state: {'wu_submitted': 0, 'wu_received': 0, 'wu_range_received': 0, 'wu_timedout': 0, 'wu_failed': 0, 'start_real_time': 0, 'start_achievement': -1, 'adnext': 1080}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,810 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): 0 polynomials in queue from previous run
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:12:10,876 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Setting last timeout check to 1701925930.876059
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:13:01,911 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): stderr is: b"# Warning: the current admin, admax, incr settings only make it possible to run 1 jobs in parallel, so that we won't be able to do 2-thread parallelism as requested\n"
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:39,947 Debug:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): stderr is: b"# Warning: the current admin, admax, incr settings only make it possible to run 1 jobs in parallel, so that we won't be able to do 2-thread parallelism as requested\n"
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Finished
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Polynomial Selection (size optimized)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): potential collisions: 55901.8
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): raw lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 38392/40.600/50.764/61.460/2.286
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): optimized lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 32395/38.990/44.199/55.530/1.350
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Total time: 6137.97
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): polyselect2.run(): Task state: {'wu_submitted': 0, 'wu_received': 0, 'wu_range_received': 0, 'wu_timedout': 0, 'wu_failed': 0, 'start_real_time': 0, 'start_achievement': -1, 'nr_poly_submitted': 0}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): No polynomial was previously found
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:22:50,176 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Setting last timeout check to 1701926570.176663
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,088 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.mpqny0j2.opt_24: Murphy E = 1.329e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,088 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial is:
n: 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
skew: 251044.565
c0: 33700774469358190381099268787116
c1: -697885835657686716302064853
c2: -1698966527928224763010
c3: 12442669498625437
c4: 18859879904
c5: 42840
Y0: -268762028480924956679930535
Y1: 777955521613781423
# MurphyE (Bf=1.074e+09,Bg=5.369e+08,area=5.033e+13) = 1.329e-06
# f(x) = 42840*x^5+18859879904*x^4+12442669498625437*x^3-1698966527928224763010*x^2-697885835657686716302064853*x+33700774469358190381099268787116
# g(x) = 777955521613781423*x-268762028480924956679930535
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,088 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.mpqny0j2.opt_24: Murphy E = 1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,088 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial is:
n: 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
skew: 226541.967
c0: 203775264195385369329721279014354
c1: 1972832481214556367129988589
c2: -10736865216622294509452
c3: -70626751819717717
c4: 229546931106
c5: 173880
Y0: -2257745466278863931806932
Y1: 971706064445456842031
# MurphyE (Bf=1.074e+09,Bg=5.369e+08,area=5.033e+13) = 1.410e-06
# f(x) = 173880*x^5+229546931106*x^4-70626751819717717*x^3-10736865216622294509452*x^2+1972832481214556367129988589*x+203775264195385369329721279014354
# g(x) = 971706064445456842031*x-2257745466278863931806932
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.mpqny0j2.opt_24 with E=1.172e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.mpqny0j2.opt_24 with E=1.294e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.mpqny0j2.opt_24 with E=1.284e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:23:48,089 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.mpqny0j2.opt_24 with E=1.321e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:07,159 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1whbkve9.opt_18 with E=1.198e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:07,160 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1whbkve9.opt_18 with E=1.246e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:07,160 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1whbkve9.opt_18 with E=1.221e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:07,160 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1whbkve9.opt_18 with E=1.287e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:07,160 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1whbkve9.opt_18 with E=1.298e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:07,160 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1whbkve9.opt_18 with E=1.326e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,569 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.olrp8346.opt_0 with E=1.153e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,569 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.olrp8346.opt_0 with E=1.153e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,570 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.olrp8346.opt_0 with E=1.231e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,570 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.olrp8346.opt_0 with E=1.285e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.410e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,570 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.olrp8346.opt_0: Murphy E = 1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,571 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial is:
n: 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
skew: 685093.503
c0: 2924591282034596393286985039309200
c1: -5271508860427943752665457680
c2: -29490550222877604251629
c3: 6193698767193937
c4: 18750759206
c5: 19320
Y0: -313711265189590459154825981
Y1: 7917262533623923913
# MurphyE (Bf=1.074e+09,Bg=5.369e+08,area=5.033e+13) = 1.441e-06
# f(x) = 19320*x^5+18750759206*x^4+6193698767193937*x^3-29490550222877604251629*x^2-5271508860427943752665457680*x+2924591282034596393286985039309200
# g(x) = 7917262533623923913*x-313711265189590459154825981
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:08,571 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.olrp8346.opt_0 with E=1.324e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cd1vktvz.opt_12 with E=1.148e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cd1vktvz.opt_12 with E=1.141e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cd1vktvz.opt_12 with E=1.327e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cd1vktvz.opt_12 with E=1.280e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cd1vktvz.opt_12 with E=1.419e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.441e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cd1vktvz.opt_12: Murphy E = 1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:15,826 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial is:
n: 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
skew: 765145.091
c0: 6058402154215287538097316689148465
c1: 20692076397277342102248233076
c2: -145288977854743695633703
c3: -48735938490961196
c4: 57453834938
c5: 19740
Y0: -13855749108641321118161476
Y1: 339608622183962538787
# MurphyE (Bf=1.074e+09,Bg=5.369e+08,area=5.033e+13) = 1.449e-06
# f(x) = 19740*x^5+57453834938*x^4-48735938490961196*x^3-145288977854743695633703*x^2+20692076397277342102248233076*x+6058402154215287538097316689148465
# g(x) = 339608622183962538787*x-13855749108641321118161476
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:21,623 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.4z62736o.opt_6 with E=1.383e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:21,623 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.4z62736o.opt_6 with E=1.316e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:21,624 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.4z62736o.opt_6 with E=1.277e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:21,624 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.4z62736o.opt_6 with E=1.196e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:21,624 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.4z62736o.opt_6 with E=1.304e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:21,624 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.4z62736o.opt_6 with E=1.319e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,064 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1lbajc01.opt_30 with E=1.202e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,064 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1lbajc01.opt_30 with E=1.114e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,065 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1lbajc01.opt_30 with E=1.285e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.449e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,065 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1lbajc01.opt_30: Murphy E = 1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,065 Debug:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): New best polynomial is:
n: 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
skew: 560658.196
c0: -56831020610789351860429140888072
c1: 7028336667211738175890319742
c2: 2677523165073902292703
c3: -26023982705672177
c4: -7526337746
c5: 21840
Y0: -310345867441213017515397773
Y1: 29467745198827006489
# MurphyE (Bf=1.074e+09,Bg=5.369e+08,area=5.033e+13) = 1.484e-06
# f(x) = 21840*x^5-7526337746*x^4-26023982705672177*x^3+2677523165073902292703*x^2+7028336667211738175890319742*x-56831020610789351860429140888072
# g(x) = 29467745198827006489*x-310345867441213017515397773
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,066 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1lbajc01.opt_30 with E=1.447e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:24:30,066 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.1lbajc01.opt_30 with E=1.234e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:09,535 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cf6359v0.opt_36 with E=1.349e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:09,535 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cf6359v0.opt_36 with E=1.374e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:09,535 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cf6359v0.opt_36 with E=1.398e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:09,535 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cf6359v0.opt_36 with E=1.316e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:09,535 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cf6359v0.opt_36 with E=1.350e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:09,535 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.cf6359v0.opt_36 with E=1.185e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,291 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.e6in9y91.opt_42 with E=1.113e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,291 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.e6in9y91.opt_42 with E=1.278e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,292 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.e6in9y91.opt_42 with E=1.321e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,292 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.e6in9y91.opt_42 with E=1.248e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,292 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.e6in9y91.opt_42 with E=1.315e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,292 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial from file /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.upload/c135.polyselect2.e6in9y91.opt_42 with E=1.324e-06 is no better than current best with E=1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,302 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Kept 40 polynomials with MurphyE from 1.484e-06 to 1.196e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,474 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial is /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.poly.0
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,474 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Finished, best polynomial has Murphy_E = 1.484e-06
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,474 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best polynomial is:
n: 30075520210249760077698391767240562214089407456837796293115116972033863250581758675659804694657827133040064068037910409494722911229606179
skew: 560658.196
c0: -56831020610789351860429140888072
c1: 7028336667211738175890319742
c2: 2677523165073902292703
c3: -26023982705672177
c4: -7526337746
c5: 21840
Y0: -310345867441213017515397773
Y1: 29467745198827006489
# MurphyE (Bf=1.074e+09,Bg=5.369e+08,area=5.033e+13) = 1.484e-06
# f(x) = 21840*x^5-7526337746*x^4-26023982705672177*x^3+2677523165073902292703*x^2+7028336667211738175890319742*x-56831020610789351860429140888072
# g(x) = 29467745198827006489*x-310345867441213017515397773
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,475 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Best overall polynomial was 3-th in list after size optimization
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,486 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Polynomial Selection (root optimized)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,486 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,486 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Total time: 1072.64
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,487 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Rootsieve time: 1072.32
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,487 Info:Generate Factor Base: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:15,487 Debug:Generate Factor Base: factorbase.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:16,935 Info:Generate Factor Base: Finished
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:16,935 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Generate Factor Base
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:16,935 Info:Generate Factor Base: Total cpu/real time for makefb: 7.02/1.39161
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:16,935 Info:Generate Free Relations: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:25:16,935 Debug:Generate Free Relations: freerel.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Info:Generate Free Relations: Found 235577 free relations
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Info:Generate Free Relations: Finished
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Generate Free Relations
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Info:Generate Free Relations: Total cpu/real time for freerel: 701.99/59.7458
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Info:Lattice Sieving: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Debug:Lattice Sieving: sieving.run(): Task state: {'wu_submitted': 0, 'wu_received': 0, 'wu_range_received': 0, 'wu_timedout': 0, 'wu_failed': 0, 'start_real_time': 0, 'start_achievement': -1, 'qnext': 1500000, 'rels_found': 0, 'rels_wanted': 60000000}
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,730 Info:Lattice Sieving: We want 60000000 relation(s)
PID3003164 2023-12-06 21:26:16,819 Debug:Lattice Sieving: Setting last timeout check to 1701926776.819780
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,973 Info:Lattice Sieving: Reached target of 60000000 relations, now have 60009533
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,973 Debug:Lattice Sieving: Exit SievingTask.run(sieving)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,973 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Lattice Sieving
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,973 Info:Lattice Sieving: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,974 Info:Lattice Sieving: Total number of relations: 60009533
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,974 Info:Lattice Sieving: Average J: 3958.63 for 558857 special-q, max bucket fill -bkmult 1.0,1s:1.109240
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,974 Info:Lattice Sieving: Total time: 126116s
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,974 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,974 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: duplicates1.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:19:22,975 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Splitting 865 new files
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,234 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Output file names: {'/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.dup1//1/dup1.0.0000.gz': 1, '/home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.dup1//0/dup1.0.0000.gz': 0}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,234 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Newly arrived stats: {'stats_dup1_time': '73.0'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,234 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Combined stats: {'stats_dup1_time': '73.0'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Relations per slice: 0: 30012998, 1: 29996535
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Exit Duplicates1Task.run(duplicates1)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Total cpu/real time for dup1: 255.07/73.1257
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: CPU time for dup1: 73.0s
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,271 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:20:36,272 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: duplicates2.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:22:26,057 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Newly arrived stats: {'stats_dup2_time': '94.3'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:22:26,057 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Combined stats: {'stats_dup2_time': '94.3'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:22:26,057 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 20831832 unique relations remain on slice 0
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,734 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Newly arrived stats: {'stats_dup2_time': '92.9'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,735 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Combined stats: {'stats_dup2_time': '187.2'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,735 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 20820796 unique relations remain on slice 1
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,740 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Of 60009533 newly added relations 41652628 were unique (ratio 0.694100)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,746 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: 41652628 unique relations remain in total
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,746 Debug:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Exit Duplicates2Task.run(duplicates2)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,746 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,746 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Total cpu/real time for dup2: 824.82/217.418
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,747 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,747 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: CPU time for dup2: 187.2s
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,747 Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,747 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: purge.run(): Task state: {'input_nrels': 0}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:24:13,752 Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Reading 41652628 unique and 235577 free relations, total 41888205
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,801 Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: After purge, 7459337 relations with 7459167 primes remain with weight 147521432 and excess 170
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,807 Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Have enough relations
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,808 Info:Lattice Sieving: Cancelling remaining workunits
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,809 Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost (Host localhost, PID 3003193)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,816 Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+2 (Host localhost, PID 3003195)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,822 Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+3 (Host localhost, PID 3003197)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,828 Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+4 (Host localhost, PID 3003199)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,835 Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+5 (Host localhost, PID 3003201)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,841 Info:Client Launcher: Stopped client localhost+6 (Host localhost, PID 3003203)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,845 Debug:Filtering - Singleton removal: Exit PurgeTask.run(purge)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,846 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Filtering - Singleton removal
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,846 Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Total cpu/real time for purge: 223.52/77.0363
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,846 Info:Filtering - Merging: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:30,846 Debug:Filtering - Merging: merge.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:25:55,259 Info:Filtering - Merging: Merged matrix has 1686953 rows and total weight 204143770 (121.0 entries per row on average)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:26:25,674 Debug:Filtering - Merging: Exit MergeTask.run(merge)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:26:25,674 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Filtering - Merging
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:26:25,674 Info:Filtering - Merging: Total cpu/real time for merge: 175.83/24.402
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:26:25,674 Info:Filtering - Merging: Total cpu/real time for replay: 35.8/30.3994
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:26:25,675 Info:Linear Algebra: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:26:25,675 Debug:Linear Algebra: linalg.run(): Task state: {'ran_already': False}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:31:41,896 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=3000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:20 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:33:29,867 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=6000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:18 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:35:18,011 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=9000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:19 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:37:06,146 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=12000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:19 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:38:53,864 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=15000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:17 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:40:41,706 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=18000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:42:29,609 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=21000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:44:17,460 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=24000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:46:05,256 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=27000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:47:53,295 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=30000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:49:41,281 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=33000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:51:29,288 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=36000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:53:17,041 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=39000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:55:04,978 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=42000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:15 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:56:52,841 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=45000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:15 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 03:58:40,671 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=48000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:15 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:00:28,791 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=51000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:15 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:02:16,439 Info:Linear Algebra: krylov: N=54000 ; ETA (N=54000): Thu Dec 7 04:02:16 2023 [0.036 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:02:17,711 Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: not available yet
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:02:22,757 Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: not available yet
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:02:27,842 Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: not available yet
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:02:34,106 Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: not available yet
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:02:51,250 Info:Linear Algebra: lingen ETA: Thu Dec 7 04:02:51 2023
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:05:01,932 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=3000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:14 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:07:10,856 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=6000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:13 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:09:19,756 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=9000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:12 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:11:28,537 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=12000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:12 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:13:37,579 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=15000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:12 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:15:46,560 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=18000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:12 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:17:55,501 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=21000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:12 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:20:04,031 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=24000 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:12 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:38,676 Info:Linear Algebra: mksol: N=26209 ; ETA (N=27000): Thu Dec 7 04:22:11 2023 [0.043 s/iter]
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,558 Debug:Linear Algebra: Parsing stats from /home/five/Documents/math/GNFS/c137.300/c135.bwc.stdout.1
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,564 Debug:Linear Algebra: Newly arrived stats: {'prep_wct': '21.17', 'prep_cpu': '37.5', 'secure_wct': '185.62', 'secure_cpu': '1812.36', 'krylov_iteration_cpu': '54000 0.03', 'krylov_iteration_cpu_wait': '0.01', 'krylov_iteration_comm': '0.0', 'krylov_iteration_comm_wait': '0.0', 'krylov_wct': '1943.98', 'krylov_cpu': '19224.73', 'lingen_wct': '34.81', 'lingen_cpu': '361.06', 'mksol_iteration_cpu': '27000 0.03', 'mksol_iteration_cpu_wait': '0.01', 'mksol_iteration_comm': '0.0', 'mksol_iteration_comm_wait': '0.0', 'mksol_wct': '1127.35', 'mksol_cpu': '10878.92', 'gather_wct': '1.42', 'gather_cpu': '1.93'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,565 Debug:Linear Algebra: Combined stats: {'prep_wct': '21.17', 'prep_cpu': '37.5', 'secure_wct': '185.62', 'secure_cpu': '1812.36', 'gather_wct': '1.42', 'gather_cpu': '1.93', 'krylov_wct': '1943.98', 'krylov_cpu': '19224.73', 'krylov_iteration_cpu': '54000 0.03', 'krylov_iteration_cpu_wait': '0.01', 'krylov_iteration_comm': '0.0', 'krylov_iteration_comm_wait': '0.0', 'lingen_wct': '34.81', 'lingen_cpu': '361.06', 'mksol_wct': '1127.35', 'mksol_cpu': '10878.92', 'mksol_iteration_cpu': '27000 0.03', 'mksol_iteration_cpu_wait': '0.01', 'mksol_iteration_comm': '0.0', 'mksol_iteration_comm_wait': '0.0'}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Debug:Linear Algebra: Exit LinAlgTask.run(linalg)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Linear Algebra
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Linear Algebra: Total cpu/real time for bwc: 32316.8/3314.35
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Linear Algebra: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Linear Algebra: Krylov: CPU time 19224.73, WCT time 1943.98, iteration CPU time 0.03, COMM 0.0, cpu-wait 0.01, comm-wait 0.0 (54000 iterations)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Linear Algebra: Lingen CPU time 361.06, WCT time 34.81
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Linear Algebra: Mksol: CPU time 10878.92, WCT time 1127.35, iteration CPU time 0.03, COMM 0.0, cpu-wait 0.01, comm-wait 0.0 (27000 iterations)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Info:Quadratic Characters: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:40,573 Debug:Quadratic Characters: characters.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:52,613 Debug:Quadratic Characters: Exit CharactersTask.run(characters)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:52,613 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Quadratic Characters
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:52,613 Info:Quadratic Characters: Total cpu/real time for characters: 44.45/12.0253
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:52,613 Info:Square Root: Starting
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:52,613 Debug:Square Root: sqrt.run(): Task state: {}
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:21:52,618 Info:Square Root: Creating file of (a,b) values
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Info:Square Root: finished
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Info:Square Root: Factors: 13380553386972018601152815859725795305124096329061023274246185257462535247001537305989 2247703763846778034099323567475705900241185380632711
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Debug:Square Root: Exit SqrtTask.run(sqrt)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Square Root
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Info:Square Root: Total cpu/real time for sqrt: 2780.55/157.216
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Info:Generate Factor Base: Total cpu/real time for makefb: 7.02/1.39161
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,033 Info:Quadratic Characters: Total cpu/real time for characters: 44.45/12.0253
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Generate Free Relations: Total cpu/real time for freerel: 701.99/59.7458
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Lattice Sieving: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Lattice Sieving: Total number of relations: 60009533
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Lattice Sieving: Average J: 3958.63 for 558857 special-q, max bucket fill -bkmult 1.0,1s:1.109240
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Lattice Sieving: Total time: 126116s
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Filtering - Singleton removal: Total cpu/real time for purge: 223.52/77.0363
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Total time: 1072.64
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Polynomial Selection (root optimized): Rootsieve time: 1072.32
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Total cpu/real time for dup2: 824.82/217.418
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, removal pass: CPU time for dup2: 187.2s
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Filtering - Merging: Total cpu/real time for merge: 175.83/24.402
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,034 Info:Filtering - Merging: Total cpu/real time for replay: 35.8/30.3994
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): potential collisions: 55901.8
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): raw lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 38392/40.600/50.764/61.460/2.286
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): optimized lognorm (nr/min/av/max/std): 32395/38.990/44.199/55.530/1.350
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Polynomial Selection (size optimized): Total time: 6137.97
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Total cpu/real time for dup1: 255.07/73.1257
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Filtering - Duplicate Removal, splitting pass: CPU time for dup1: 73.0s
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Linear Algebra: Total cpu/real time for bwc: 32316.8/3314.35
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Linear Algebra: Aggregate statistics:
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Linear Algebra: Krylov: CPU time 19224.73, WCT time 1943.98, iteration CPU time 0.03, COMM 0.0, cpu-wait 0.01, comm-wait 0.0 (54000 iterations)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Linear Algebra: Lingen CPU time 361.06, WCT time 34.81
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Linear Algebra: Mksol: CPU time 10878.92, WCT time 1127.35, iteration CPU time 0.03, COMM 0.0, cpu-wait 0.01, comm-wait 0.0 (27000 iterations)
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,035 Info:Square Root: Total cpu/real time for sqrt: 2780.55/157.216
PID3003164 2023-12-07 04:24:30,309 Info:Complete Factorization / Discrete logarithm: Total cpu/elapsed time for entire Complete Factorization 291976/25939.7 [07:12:20] |