name 名前 | reserved numbers (c-digits / elapsed days) 予約されている数 (c-桁数 / 経過日数) |
Jason Parker-Burlingham | 37771_259 (c260 / 1529) |
ukksyoeicu | 92999_259 (c256 / 153) |
Daniel Morel | 10003_252 (c192 / 145) |
Mehrshad Alipour | 23333_249 (c170 / 39), 11191_251 (c251 / 35) |
Thomas Kozlowski | 81114_202 (c150 / 8), 82229_202 (c152 / 8), 84441_202 (c152 / 8), 10009_295 (c296 / 4), 84445_205 (c152 / 2), 68885_263 (c150 / 1) |
Bob Backstrom | 67778_207 (c208 / 2), 28881_207 (c177 / 1), 22272_209 (c205 / 1), 32224_208 (c204 / 1), 81118_207 (c201 / 1), 83336_207 (c200 / 0), 69998_208 (c198 / 0) |
iczero | 21111_236 (c168 / 1) |
Markus Tervooren | 63338_299 (c149 / 0) |
plain text version プレーンテキスト版 |
The following contributions have been received. Please wait until factor tables are updated. 以下の投稿を受け付けました。素因数分解表が更新されるまでお待ちください。
name 名前 | submitted numbers (c-digits = prime factors) 投稿された数 (c-桁数 = 素因数) |
Thomas Kozlowski | 54444_203 (c153 = 49972715587784963529723239599152699164985465816702795764293<59> × ......), 67775_211 (c133 = 977079559924427287578870558229208848572610707712711<51> × ......), 85556_208 (c130 = 4415771427891758936049619939763423104741075111<46> × ......), 87774_224 (c149 = 32140458105419048528137754399130753184459971881602934095405820942647<68> × ......), 87774_215 (c140 = 6655641066249969704521225169485868428686200458027<49> × ......), 65558_210 (c137 = 2508888554717008348744630371003601867867342066911001229<55> × ......), 70006_238 (c139 = 2856025399904323451262018301201411662044718920306093550004951<61> × ......), 71115_220 (c148 = 120370281719327318611814718249171625618436727164997222743<57> × ......), 88858_250 (c149 = 1342898420101344145332164374193416871928381589603534639<55> × ......), 59993_271 (c149 = 11621140739432079137931178188430601920063089913<47> × ......), 51113_235 (c149 = 38776947998926500658640146064563555531827840655907<50> × ......), 99919_227 (c149 = 1163737235884703540907070999881183133065662558483913012111624715630003<70> × ......), 58886_218 (c150 = 36450273001292304819737611844824076375124533265864421<53> × ......), 89996_261 (c149 = 92518564039706213382168358023988366482628418967792193483<56> × ......), 67772_203 (c151 = 1084297524388606257126627713239146553464111208723965176352961517287114251823<76> × ......) |
Bob Backstrom | 45558_207 (c196 = 26554391292987042611735642529781288116789756661608387926488277677373<68> × ......), 34449_208 (c181 = 172442800193465027008284875398970891080718340507206466626658949994861379885493<78> × ......), 57777_207 (c185 = 5415118049819430479398878425545200002624390237228231057302490212754119<70> × ......), 35551_263 (c176 = 31014116028955251178713732198725364875656659600101<50> × 145369651530211861027183990882408493187479888035182780723547<60> × ......), 19991_208 (c187 = 9338376714433695075785472954428535297500099305135857692621816289975155117398053582703<85> × ......), 67777_208 (c156 = 11280819094730609847811030624442618222253626911571199869292492355501<68> × ......), 73777_207 (c186 = 201296779034435265451422660905376949147255055647104348061864417279441162684625179036783<87> × ......) |
Dmitry Domanov | 67775_247 (c167 = 277527514196676483134246725146508691286091<42> × ......), 10111_266 (c117 = 872642020702265547736599103431506316085351625643673775881<57> × ......) |
anonymous | 89992_246 (c191 = 4536347951771326504746729014612894310407<40> × ......), 61112_271 (c190 = 2878744380202089768141648556468551526123<40> × ......), 63334_255 (c209 = 329930446722255823513882505288214673<36> × ......) |
Ignacio Santos | 87774_217 (c158 = 42195074644238255799314853655454678724789631<44> × ......), 65558_207 (c170 = 660006850341811694672333492566809307288933<42> × ......), 89992_244 (c214 = 665337036935148442607612636010104249<36> × ......), 81115_217 (c182 = 510212677885074489298159461160367706643<39> × ......), 81115_224 (c201 = 600063980059038151213905997754474132261<39> × ......), 81115_234 (c234 = 1153635549544474918612997555208759303277<40> × ......) |
iczero | 85556_242 (c161 = 26272866459586746408986517227613881886057261967906987<53> × ......) |
NFS@Home + Greg Childers | 77787_258 (c258 = 732689265566978385076277135982354006779212985733189408022602494116651216295298458124624395290441<96> × ......) |
Eric Jeancolas | 61112_249 (c137 = 2513405893528450779270245652691250536727594754499307<52> × ......) |
plain text version プレーンテキスト版 |