Table of contents 目次

  1. About 899...995 899...995 について
    1. Classification 分類
    2. Sequence 数列
    3. General term 一般項
  2. Prime numbers of the form 899...995 899...995 の形の素数
    1. Last updated 最終更新日
    2. Known (probable) prime numbers 既知の (おそらく) 素数
  3. Factor table of 899...995 899...995 の素因数分解表
    1. Last updated 最終更新日
    2. Range of factorization 分解範囲
    3. Terms that have not been factored yet まだ分解されていない項
    4. Factor table 素因数分解表

1. About 899...995 899...995 について

1.1. Classification 分類

Quasi-repdigit of the form ABB...BBC ABB...BBC の形のクワージレプディジット (Quasi-repdigit)

1.2. Sequence 数列

89w5 = { 85, 895, 8995, 89995, 899995, 8999995, 89999995, 899999995, 8999999995, 89999999995, … }

1.3. General term 一般項

9×10n-5 (1≤n)

2. Prime numbers of the form 899...995 899...995 の形の素数

2.1. Last updated 最終更新日

December 21, 2022 2022 年 12 月 21 日

2.2. Known (probable) prime numbers 既知の (おそらく) 素数

No prime number of the form 899...995 exists. 899...995 の形の素数は存在しません。

3. Factor table of 899...995 899...995 の素因数分解表

3.1. Last updated 最終更新日

September 15, 2024 2024 年 9 月 15 日

3.2. Range of factorization 分解範囲

3.3. Terms that have not been factored yet まだ分解されていない項

n=209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 225, 228, 229, 231, 235, 236, 239, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294, 296, 297, 298, 300 (56/300)

3.4. Factor table 素因数分解表

9×101-5 = 85 = 5 × 17
9×102-5 = 895 = 5 × 179
9×103-5 = 8995 = 5 × 7 × 257
9×104-5 = 89995 = 5 × 41 × 439
9×105-5 = 899995 = 5 × 179999
9×106-5 = 8999995 = 5 × 1799999
9×107-5 = 89999995 = 5 × 97 × 185567
9×108-5 = 899999995 = 5 × 79 × 2278481
9×109-5 = 8999999995<10> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 6271777
9×1010-5 = 89999999995<11> = 5 × 19 × 89 × 10644589
9×1011-5 = 899999999995<12> = 5 × 479 × 2617 × 143593
9×1012-5 = 8999999999995<13> = 5 × 31 × 58064516129<11>
9×1013-5 = 89999999999995<14> = 5 × 2106199 × 8546201
9×1014-5 = 899999999999995<15> = 5 × 41 × 409 × 2719 × 3947809
9×1015-5 = 8999999999999995<16> = 5 × 72 × 113 × 325085786527<12>
9×1016-5 = 89999999999999995<17> = 5 × 4359991 × 4128448889<10>
9×1017-5 = 899999999999999995<18> = 5 × 17 × 521 × 2239 × 32887 × 275999
9×1018-5 = 8999999999999999995<19> = 5 × 1799999999999999999<19>
9×1019-5 = 89999999999999999995<20> = 5 × 23 × 41 × 2609 × 184279 × 39701863
9×1020-5 = 899999999999999999995<21> = 5 × 29 × 1202701009<10> × 5160797659<10>
9×1021-5 = 8999999999999999999995<22> = 5 × 7 × 79 × 4567 × 712715759848049<15>
9×1022-5 = 89999999999999999999995<23> = 5 × 389 × 29429 × 1572343388265479<16>
9×1023-5 = 899999999999999999999995<24> = 5 × 9909751 × 84018377 × 216189937
9×1024-5 = 8999999999999999999999995<25> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 6091 × 769469 × 131932129471<12>
9×1025-5 = 89999999999999999999999995<26> = 5 × 956113 × 18826226607106063823<20>
9×1026-5 = 899999999999999999999999995<27> = 5 × 537569 × 334840736724029845471<21>
9×1027-5 = 8999999999999999999999999995<28> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 47 × 1543823 × 114318734058051287<18>
9×1028-5 = 89999999999999999999999999995<29> = 5 × 19 × 59 × 16057091882247992863514719<26>
9×1029-5 = 899999999999999999999999999995<30> = 5 × 41 × 4390243902439024390243902439<28>
9×1030-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999995<31> = 5 × 15331 × 3390652262939<13> × 34627311164911<14>
9×1031-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999995<32> = 5 × 18097 × 2557817 × 21747679 × 17880659586169<14>
9×1032-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999995<33> = 5 × 2069 × 14341 × 68766556981<11> × 88217612121451<14>
9×1033-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999999995<34> = 5 × 7 × 172 × 1759 × 242756286191<12> × 2083724499814777<16>
9×1034-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999999995<35> = 5 × 41 × 79 × 461 × 12054817272410072737427997581<29>
9×1035-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999999995<36> = 5 × 161503 × 1114530380240614725423057156833<31>
9×1036-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999999999995<37> = 5 × 809 × 2224969097651421508034610630407911<34>
9×1037-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999999999995<38> = 5 × 5113 × 196282543 × 979523849 × 18310492339304689<17>
9×1038-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999999999995<39> = 5 × 18541 × 5007791 × 1374156744329<13> × 1410772164568301<16>
9×1039-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999999999999995<40> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 6271777003484320557491289198606271777<37>
9×1040-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999999999999995<41> = 5 × 17999999999999999999999999999999999999999<41>
9×1041-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999999999999995<42> = 5 × 23 × 719 × 253871 × 137588473111<12> × 311616635273637453967<21>
9×1042-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<43> = 5 × 31 × 1276625952449<13> × 45482794719663103978155220321<29>
9×1043-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<44> = 5 × 12433 × 31440113240671<14> × 46048179994869917043984593<26>
9×1044-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<45> = 5 × 41 × 3019 × 1573871969<10> × 54660328361519<14> × 16903782595404571<17>
9×1045-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<46> = 5 × 7 × 863 × 2473 × 120486822992072033984245544648299967743<39>
9×1046-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<47> = 5 × 19 × 199 × 479489 × 9928580909932807120714685685985697011<37>
9×1047-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<48> = 5 × 79 × 48953 × 59729 × 578593004719<12> × 1346814177705334837558727<25>
9×1048-5 = 8999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<49> = 5 × 29 × 5964733515691579<16> × 10405991374795695998726440160689<32>
9×1049-5 = 89999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<50> = 5 × 17 × 41 × 69001 × 417377 × 484731685167727<15> × 1849926272025759769873<22>
9×1050-5 = 899999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999995<51> = 5 × 61 × 151 × 331999 × 54070926749264819<17> × 1088591988948423849653089<25>
9×1051-5 = 8(9)505<52> = 5 × 7 × 16230649719364909753<20> × 15843041504127716706046354148369<32>
9×1052-5 = 8(9)515<53> = 5 × 107119 × 688089372238999<15> × 244208707634281187661732473991479<33>
9×1053-5 = 8(9)525<54> = 5 × 99137 × 4051564509809<13> × 448140272978383140060783311816163503<36>
9×1054-5 = 8(9)535<55> = 5 × 41 × 89 × 3258240211<10> × 151396397990965019613907918925648330077541<42>
9×1055-5 = 8(9)545<56> = 5 × 576577 × 11881721 × 1401670923019568377199<22> × 1874518696597395912953<22>
9×1056-5 = 8(9)555<57> = 5 × 131 × 631 × 135686862139<12> × 7049285412859<13> × 2276611662421415860019104459<28>
9×1057-5 = 8(9)565<58> = 5 × 72 × 31 × 30593 × 1292832755561447<16> × 7232235485251481<16> × 4142645387023686271<19>
9×1058-5 = 8(9)575<59> = 5 × 26759 × 104701 × 6919189 × 928531415915486786459136490958995215600649<42>
9×1059-5 = 8(9)585<60> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 1201 × 15241 × 87810372590639<14> × 103529181965397137<18> × 371591034262228343<18>
9×1060-5 = 8(9)595<61> = 5 × 79 × 356509749859<12> × 419162945139901<15> × 152472358852909318987273139891159<33>
9×1061-5 = 8(9)605<62> = 5 × 129689743 × 14700572604032767<17> × 9441317966427753165297564599069466479<37>
9×1062-5 = 8(9)615<63> = 5 × 4259 × 12807008440245119<17> × 79428123745332421<17> × 41547305705841454186433039<26>
9×1063-5 = 8(9)625<64> = 5 × 7 × 23 × 673 × 3413423946479<13> × 279697062382817<15> × 17400167496304474342322573526481<32>
9×1064-5 = 8(9)635<65> = 5 × 19 × 41 × 1129 × 56720488079<11> × 2164288386051161<16> × 166719353399738246618071572990931<33>
9×1065-5 = 8(9)645<66> = 5 × 17 × 6247 × 4254774241<10> × 398359846618607814374541363069911188466216812117561<51>
9×1066-5 = 8(9)655<67> = 5 × 1668089014914163021<19> × 60423312074718182388479<23> × 17858655329948505056214661<26>
9×1067-5 = 8(9)665<68> = 5 × 308773555703183<15> × 17623129247535798047<20> × 3307877208751085111199147030123599<34>
9×1068-5 = 8(9)675<69> = 5 × 109 × 17519 × 33471432941<11> × 313847563914321691<18> × 8973123130685236747610338615233899<34>
9×1069-5 = 8(9)685<70> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 521 × 747343 × 16107677063391278089768705690563279470466057768209469875159<59>
9×1070-5 = 8(9)695<71> = 5 × 8849 × 38942859168607411<17> × 4641384993173600981<19> × 11253895605559198614815397201761<32>
9×1071-5 = 8(9)705<72> = 5 × 7829201 × 89308387399783<14> × 1877272456021515871<19> × 137130956903233940419056850345543<33>
9×1072-5 = 8(9)715<73> = 5 × 31 × 97350365463386681<17> × 47451698932977954240115361<26> × 12569600038211680864598860169<29>
9×1073-5 = 8(9)725<74> = 5 × 47 × 79 × 74653123705422583<17> × 1316472869077844279<19> × 49327335624360279048251042504445839<35>
9×1074-5 = 8(9)735<75> = 5 × 41 × 11321 × 161901854430067004101<21> × 2395256540803320227203601772091167922916462592659<49>
9×1075-5 = 8(9)745<76> = 5 × 7 × 58282753 × 22923676672009<14> × 141261553273847<15> × 1362467513691738581936561629252063994503<40>
9×1076-5 = 8(9)755<77> = 5 × 29 × 3769 × 1968251 × 231621469 × 361234380246623566179194932490619801005641005287164671821<57>
9×1077-5 = 8(9)765<78> = 5 × 337 × 17623 × 774643007 × 346054182689<12> × 113062102018769725451067832838442114045372311610263<51>
9×1078-5 = 8(9)775<79> = 5 × 637775491 × 2822309771072717499581682733556156675829363282948732816702108109074389<70>
9×1079-5 = 8(9)785<80> = 5 × 41 × 233 × 527393 × 2869409119<10> × 446622354980031571969<21> × 2787824528024345155861891853400145812721<40>
9×1080-5 = 8(9)795<81> = 5 × 11621 × 103493609 × 107523604406413434972746925179<30> × 1391911611327918940907062194662627336929<40> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P30 x P40 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1081-5 = 8(9)805<82> = 5 × 7 × 17 × 15865217 × 953409614262954438435399673545026733851881416927050291869324451548749113<72>
9×1082-5 = 8(9)815<83> = 5 × 192 × 331 × 5879 × 556750991 × 46022780198028150711951427969596597060589686876805950598114440701<65>
9×1083-5 = 8(9)825<84> = 5 × 193 × 339151 × 15490612036609<14> × 3115039167852767<16> × 250617834757418959<18> × 227393492369419391766847747009<30>
9×1084-5 = 8(9)835<85> = 5 × 41 × 454759 × 4227809 × 81191309359<11> × 249492907081716260287558249<27> × 1127260366764331022945869975206359<34>
9×1085-5 = 8(9)845<86> = 5 × 23 × 10960553717498414747333924972171407<35> × 71402295524791501367213915452022099601877491268759<50> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P35 x P50 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1086-5 = 8(9)855<87> = 5 × 59 × 79 × 77555302682110445547234659572745941<35> × 497945606720616472357218751540937842753007830999<48> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P35 x P48 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1087-5 = 8(9)865<88> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 191 × 5297 × 27793 × 133321 × 17621687 × 131544271 × 24760057754351<14> × 35764672061248576081<20> × 1077928908241013212151<22>
9×1088-5 = 8(9)875<89> = 5 × 499 × 115781 × 85903999 × 242778886219<12> × 1096356211879<13> × 237707493673850545439<21> × 57321271105345052935088067461<29>
9×1089-5 = 8(9)885<90> = 5 × 412 × 5073171780008665499641198479419297<34> × 21106937477189195346767960503847997077347533489954607<53> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P34 x P53 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1090-5 = 8(9)895<91> = 5 × 44527779305401063572571530516486239<35> × 40424203229503212806458142319793890538366156525592607841<56> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P35 x P56 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1091-5 = 8(9)905<92> = 5 × 17999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999<92>
9×1092-5 = 8(9)915<93> = 5 × 181 × 1528249069<10> × 1889472311<10> × 4335027899<10> × 4251700784501<13> × 296666607649703219<18> × 62984835982778312811740126400101<32>
9×1093-5 = 8(9)925<94> = 5 × 7 × 8161 × 38833 × 75521 × 94543 × 25734119 × 123307999967<12> × 35812321521104695969319332874731758351138500620594726831<56>
9×1094-5 = 8(9)935<95> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 1655355301<10> × 768444790636257809<18> × 959654764609577576451309836951<30> × 5065372416110636924831903310642251<34> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P30 x P34 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1095-5 = 8(9)945<96> = 5 × 3518551 × 412279507649<12> × 124084320282567616166346128810358109401576028874955901797989716863968505456601<78>
9×1096-5 = 8(9)955<97> = 5 × 659588316143119061<18> × 11399457559926777402446311<26> × 239395159610063530811764663304585402612320028110936069<54>
9×1097-5 = 8(9)965<98> = 5 × 17 × 919 × 15137 × 207189410996896484503220102335992971736750791<45> × 367367476993484587352776991669635851647377039<45> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P45(2071...) x P45(3673...) / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1098-5 = 8(9)975<99> = 5 × 89 × 149 × 28031 × 170809 × 18600708611<11> × 470948737721847907585106622511<30> × 323626265683482412071096281120623724186768801<45> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P30 x P45 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×1099-5 = 8(9)985<100> = 5 × 73 × 41 × 79 × 687023 × 21433648545620981671<20> × 25566026742076551673<20> × 4303648731433297408279404125792065871852121104543<49>
9×10100-5 = 8(9)995<101> = 5 × 19 × 50671 × 859679 × 10064141 × 35314664607184839211631<23> × 61191530000197294452738747006090989670656909769981975584839<59>
9×10101-5 = 8(9)1005<102> = 5 × 165827815469963307469967639810557120936066407961<48> × 1085463252891995830336229918257279661897933848000422359<55> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P48 x P55 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10102-5 = 8(9)1015<103> = 5 × 31 × 11879641 × 107854290981298323343936819<27> × 45317930236983381332048169151960393161782612484650211781584801408851<68>
9×10103-5 = 8(9)1025<104> = 5 × 97 × 359 × 16111 × 1673807 × 1630585217421162429331433725487<31> × 11755333214109780800249951825434181253721028283728429042887<59> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P31 x P59 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10104-5 = 8(9)1035<105> = 5 × 29 × 41 × 13591 × 81834149552622944819<20> × 13285583693087497332011718391<29> × 10245284551853393475225138365520043522728554133169<50>
9×10105-5 = 8(9)1045<106> = 5 × 7 × 3967 × 340409 × 57859777 × 341488663 × 527175751903<12> × 65913626611157833<17> × 1352617739766176075126761<25> × 205046552873491481889370471<27>
9×10106-5 = 8(9)1055<107> = 5 × 57510709 × 259972129 × 618964901 × 19372020055615634148281<23> × 100405166352358664716087325414609567119000590382144296987839<60>
9×10107-5 = 8(9)1065<108> = 5 × 23 × 104543 × 595247854471<12> × 132962555203519<15> × 945850546768335260579734741657012697774743723705264744323922899484818504959<75>
9×10108-5 = 8(9)1075<109> = 5 × 4049 × 29063669 × 16932556343579<14> × 903341079246028089545305993982676363908817480373394961264721900268634045441875680201<84>
9×10109-5 = 8(9)1085<110> = 5 × 41 × 35879 × 63878895820099640285191801<26> × 232008153782553417343055710310597822063<39> × 825634190990940756315396476562905836807<39> (Eric Jeancolas / Dario Alpern's calculator for P39(2320...) x P39(8256...) / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10110-5 = 8(9)1095<111> = 5 × 61 × 624391 × 13223517809<11> × 1882412564321<13> × 6929175350992937579<19> × 121601278652579817097945101179<30> × 225322481126509934084851590163301<33> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P30 x P33 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10111-5 = 8(9)1105<112> = 5 × 7 × 58073 × 225537580400836659425206510476433<33> × 19632756774898402449359922588174592041698953196498082886765162425053016673<74> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:218245684 for P33 x P74 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10112-5 = 8(9)1115<113> = 5 × 79 × 1709 × 1212186037949<13> × 259997390340280505206767509<27> × 5348246949957667782760729563439<31> × 79095838171420618269763797355034016091<38> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P31 x P38 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10113-5 = 8(9)1125<114> = 5 × 17 × 2087 × 41812587138103<14> × 121337235093352744724599156019677911681022803127209776236883022160599678525559951583654257039727<96>
9×10114-5 = 8(9)1135<115> = 5 × 41 × 1084609 × 125968604547795411209<21> × 2395940618936932594229326409410425530689529<43> × 134114914132583706471500818378748940918244711<45> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P43 x P45 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10115-5 = 8(9)1145<116> = 5 × 6000974062732433<16> × 3727461119623934513<19> × 804706729708313974303156324621587145986762650723081153054633267082678599042884031<81>
9×10116-5 = 8(9)1155<117> = 5 × 311 × 234191 × 2471393584929529790871635940768439469138616772818284292394913701750656954767222802076755965302238186021273399<109>
9×10117-5 = 8(9)1165<118> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 463 × 17915617441848891719998805625503876740552000079624966408217296533328025002239452180231111464999850703187984592569<113>
9×10118-5 = 8(9)1175<119> = 5 × 19 × 265751539 × 7202910083399<13> × 583961297694471533043753092495299751278399<42> × 847522150451321246959406778008596376710322969849675839<54> (Eric Jeancolas / cado-nfs-3.0.0 for P42 x P54 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10119-5 = 8(9)1185<120> = 5 × 41 × 47 × 2089 × 177127 × 1055232396227150500057<22> × 239232108279037257106582844324281829829546669989893770418738236110242831819112632706447<87>
9×10120-5 = 8(9)1195<121> = 5 × 41256075385418382110064499382049757346206071082739<50> × 43629937728788305455803763118843740463878608982890426400891644007974341<71> (Dmitry Domanov / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P50 x P71 / December 24, 2022 2022 年 12 月 24 日)
9×10121-5 = 8(9)1205<122> = 5 × 521 × 2984524606293432431<19> × 37885294024743799829657218049863230191<38> × 305554691189316419218874292106070251246471143851820563570497639<63> (Eric Jeancolas / ECM for P38 x P63 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10122-5 = 8(9)1215<123> = 5 × 739171 × 1501999 × 422823831161250301<18> × 1813443073564652339<19> × 9954135203577846916099<22> × 21241785666631202001647145693122118508548142562318671<53>
9×10123-5 = 8(9)1225<124> = 5 × 7 × 5865301787399<13> × 43841368520082330218489404965664705408591900590098139910374180260167036641747520283699237088198418654474935343<110>
9×10124-5 = 8(9)1235<125> = 5 × 41 × 337281634228930025535772762950509<33> × 1301655191654801111287564017445379475265326316773856778257605109346899755204652087204340771<91> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2120469880 for P33 x P91 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10125-5 = 8(9)1245<126> = 5 × 79 × 151 × 167 × 44839 × 314120624119<12> × 1137471665244217951<19> × 5639739420797323005461038646637017703266309693518571424719048755931551233216250803823<85>
9×10126-5 = 8(9)1255<127> = 5 × 9281 × 48537871 × 178747021 × 6485838985421<13> × 667468033029545879<18> × 5163706660998401399721955863091804613598508381293665098246050101731942342591<76>
9×10127-5 = 8(9)1265<128> = 5 × 113 × 575509188607<12> × 883211282405201<15> × 227777461623188224468818303867321743227592017<45> × 1375835282816548643509734160957641743238856157880319217<55> (Eric Jeancolas / cado-nfs-3.0.0 for P45 x P55 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10128-5 = 8(9)1275<129> = 5 × 438713095873309<15> × 410290920633880888356309754716666217629412092539147378030121809880993755918407732991538037196935979933721915230411<114>
9×10129-5 = 8(9)1285<130> = 5 × 7 × 17 × 23 × 41 × 71 × 7386845471041<13> × 169105095994067541553756168613379242858239<42> × 180858861673653264564765121961307771707002809601863172899305246476943<69> (Dmitry Domanov / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P42 x P69 / December 25, 2022 2022 年 12 月 25 日)
9×10130-5 = 8(9)1295<131> = 5 × 1243134671<10> × 166546679580785451987341<24> × 13954065401989203462630733856389051084180829<44> × 6230423862802203502797652613410381270680941131780773721<55> (Eric Jeancolas / cado-nfs-3.0.0 for P44 x P55 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10131-5 = 8(9)1305<132> = 5 × 2039 × 11681 × 166487183205882321247<21> × 16215765972919444486628282969<29> × 2799348585862518263317436998774794417970907116147002137869294957730791807327<76>
9×10132-5 = 8(9)1315<133> = 5 × 29 × 31 × 524025447281658041<18> × 3820853938469874322072359088896139611652335084033592441074228538719737468437478335803258948766426123985105694461<112>
9×10133-5 = 8(9)1325<134> = 5 × 6199 × 8111 × 102446059306225108091966841679<30> × 2889163839655328587989907411306133794949361263<46> × 1209508818728476115646750965431442689630787204760983<52> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2521746289 for P30, cado-nfs-3.0.0 for P46 x P52 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10134-5 = 8(9)1335<135> = 5 × 41 × 277411 × 7893311 × 1433546135711951<16> × 6645917382366332780889676783246737889384183181<46> × 210445257667363277268974399514973644594278502810717099413489<60> (Dmitry Domanov / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P46 x P60 / January 1, 2023 2023 年 1 月 1 日)
9×10135-5 = 8(9)1345<136> = 5 × 7 × 209263 × 571218239 × 2815017197505879807375958398527<31> × 6506903301511806051156866645377477499851481<43> × 117442299706685190690022134416722535444308795423<48> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3075363789 for P31, GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1692191316 for P43 x P48 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10136-5 = 8(9)1355<137> = 5 × 19 × 2861846257241<13> × 268961004382253349401<21> × 732836796905062890829<21> × 414852902710144147472955173209<30> × 4048385737556210402227311685328507672380677057403121<52> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2126646767 for P30 x P52 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10137-5 = 8(9)1365<138> = 5 × 50417953 × 157067431 × 1194661529879561<16> × 19026384833196344658994869295824542459390850018975041329947505931157701807298552778327074067730542182098113<107>
9×10138-5 = 8(9)1375<139> = 5 × 79 × 1451 × 21089 × 95479 × 53314259 × 8531414372955121<16> × 17145483595459900323394779206273118566732336847509586259324272175957904351536642875301085191497679159<101>
9×10139-5 = 8(9)1385<140> = 5 × 41 × 2134399 × 353521529 × 4429978006792893108915064794542327<34> × 131339573782055035937542399256773819091608268747935945061021267850585568947585370835801767<90> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1469973616 for P34 x P90 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10140-5 = 8(9)1395<141> = 5 × 43637174982724759<17> × 4124923303840338981163608355061843365509039346461354163934819116231229645922347261472659864613834742332228589682126557318361<124>
9×10141-5 = 8(9)1405<142> = 5 × 72 × 4919 × 2930897 × 2547997785098800167695155495868311902280978512317419560084731366180926731386497678675062742122922687978446768125400201092518088057<130>
9×10142-5 = 8(9)1415<143> = 5 × 89 × 8191 × 10789 × 468128520135587199857180051351<30> × 150569480546565449706635708948739770216712612259<48> × 32468507569752450799694489860957554277751074807168982801<56> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2242823155 for P30 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (anonymous / GGNFS snfs for P48 x P56 / January 7, 2023 2023 年 1 月 7 日)
9×10143-5 = 8(9)1425<144> = 5 × 433 × 47527 × 5000807516113<13> × 291474024881013001057<21> × 57890216156001415511307331824511<32> × 103657096369574949957733548584333755071670036947785351060311890439768439<72> (anonymous / ECM for P32 x P72 / December 24, 2022 2022 年 12 月 24 日)
9×10144-5 = 8(9)1435<145> = 5 × 41 × 59 × 541 × 233489 × 3411571 × 41401659770629<14> × 47282172194951<14> × 223364419678742749345189<24> × 3949020295006651955203372472364826291044793806955202927339336844997305171629<76>
9×10145-5 = 8(9)1445<146> = 5 × 17 × 199 × 1823 × 30817 × 182041 × 3242009 × 28872825890976559260500056514592385264923687889<47> × 5558028375259198771009477355497122856640840360586750521923504150356920173063<76> (Eric Jeancolas / cado-nfs-3.0.0 for P47 x P76 / January 9, 2023 2023 年 1 月 9 日)
9×10146-5 = 8(9)1455<147> = 5 × 1579792452785756610191352734572315013148500230986731<52> × 113939017547902339137791501997722247389491266394391617666785260771999356045500473823243552000829<96> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P52 x P96 / December 23, 2022 2022 年 12 月 23 日)
9×10147-5 = 8(9)1465<148> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 4703 × 1042903 × 10929171088043259688638126000017685001<38> × 67224367387601629019596087928470063442198161<44> × 2301865411792360618475411349194366741681972530733173303<55> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P38 x P44 x P55 / December 25, 2022 2022 年 12 月 25 日)
9×10148-5 = 8(9)1475<149> = 5 × 1021 × 1279 × 608032195981726027851790228652625012239609<42> × 22669901977357198620618670693083432669703204241394449784962369537985640826177082924006978347837799229<101> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P42 x P101 / December 25, 2022 2022 年 12 月 25 日)
9×10149-5 = 8(9)1485<150> = 5 × 41 × 263 × 41231 × 60477433 × 1532842380457<13> × 7475988544203894142666518830145116228594019769<46> × 584183862900163117135343878983108529997849282840064980751935285981465033767<75> (anonymous / GGNFS snfs, Msieve 1.53 for P46 x P75 / January 27, 2023 2023 年 1 月 27 日)
9×10150-5 = 8(9)1495<151> = 5 × 1183941811603475009<19> × 1520344988544804246595544348405916424710032011822298595446132317319147318119873981142205971262333788136323682755239710275227851586111<133>
9×10151-5 = 8(9)1505<152> = 5 × 23 × 79 × 1120096727<10> × 4846858933057<13> × 1824742846432260269645394239928752965339326281392134879644358161192007837447400682252470696070674226712838660040165211629198273<127>
9×10152-5 = 8(9)1515<153> = 5 × 12739 × 32401 × 1333522667758776211199139647329<31> × 58798504675830291489824932288784785406224906502291<50> × 5561757759738478886258215327524125807886856809907672709572622119<64> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2507584045 for P31 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Rytis Slatkevicius / yafu for P50 x P64 / January 29, 2023 2023 年 1 月 29 日)
9×10153-5 = 8(9)1525<154> = 5 × 7 × 223 × 3164191805399<13> × 6995844116064480363322491959<28> × 8781505446753995424864554608763393<34> × 5931953004848403442262011146321949013116873314944462381908410956923979799943<76> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2397026495 for P34 x P76 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10154-5 = 8(9)1535<155> = 5 × 19 × 41 × 289817539259<12> × 295370563069<12> × 14052866059511944873938673202321<32> × 4159732371570971647698717942054137467461851<43> × 4617563483735120136083546553796598387380864476161199641<55> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3163414906 for P32, GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2897258870 for P43 x P55 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10155-5 = 8(9)1545<156> = 5 × 3271 × 33911 × 79687 × 44815943 × 324066746873<12> × 1402157755243193809493299078178343527479778581080103202291063428887243568708631578877340817080292898076164413186627344787303<124>
9×10156-5 = 8(9)1555<157> = 5 × 16369 × 503320304642142775553829906457878404746155861995426681<54> × 218477091515243855110747028058147474745501793330282591957086075446263890427736712166546425811604391<99> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P54 x P99 / December 28, 2022 2022 年 12 月 28 日)
9×10157-5 = 8(9)1565<158> = 5 × 1894969 × 97535727620329<14> × 685618424086676947952196189458552647<36> × 142044423244080344981641028209974083309477667502226574723857966695040807102668752890170090969403573417<102> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2833990348 for P36 x P102 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10158-5 = 8(9)1575<159> = 5 × 1083151 × 68230609018707354280206791<26> × 10140867527529642428267917283601329<35> × 240175742987276892788060877424721052705089623952209009998627355314868598115942106765549335191<93> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1722414527 for P35 x P93 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10159-5 = 8(9)1585<160> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 13127 × 174472544804711<15> × 237544018240248556343021874479895596489<39> × 73893209012048773231463688475840948942340902457<47> × 156008909632210389846145922518671576402451794656177617<54> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:181898265 for P39 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Ignacio Santos / Yafu, Msieve 1.38 for P47 x P54 / December 24, 2022 2022 年 12 月 24 日)
9×10160-5 = 8(9)1595<161> = 5 × 29 × 1273566132691201<16> × 487363505702543015330706706577581288275111429606781921184576244562872729653376405230503778019312916152811404471395501418283789132271908982870731<144>
9×10161-5 = 8(9)1605<162> = 5 × 17 × 45093573977824053641831<23> × 103384782445399760202528287116575182264666463434068513792108666922449<69> × 2271183937242545608065007785194789835900018770053859910181145991283913<70> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P69 x P70 / January 4, 2023 2023 年 1 月 4 日)
9×10162-5 = 8(9)1615<163> = 5 × 31 × 7580821 × 4391470032689<13> × 1744153266595886146054475019130683593171482255285430928219166656079939917946768108940888416608119071115474129538332045786714340672800634479341<142>
9×10163-5 = 8(9)1625<164> = 5 × 29231 × 66258737 × 1015854143<10> × 8336142329859343<16> × 365091590859443310223<21> × 3005988894015588652157190572000193098811755722460781646736680568479896875742683418327782403705924009027871<106>
9×10164-5 = 8(9)1635<165> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 79 × 1489 × 4051 × 10268211456372917129<20> × 12637217603691303690333946966882894662733730035678183854679268423084435028879570921839877553157533925828760895538927369376175286640541<134>
9×10165-5 = 8(9)1645<166> = 5 × 7 × 47 × 5407 × 1974237950431079964871<22> × 512531711753004294114875927532796384020079328024327324684544644975355350990519003887372771690493081215897551501676257229217005388057755423<138>
9×10166-5 = 8(9)1655<167> = 5 × 3469 × 34729 × 470819 × 827161 × 6667039 × 6107896366685569458651610532054673671191991<43> × 9421222085949945119305607378882081975040045367192508345848151240678283287908653649631820834232289<97> (Bob Backstrom / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=26640000, sigma=1:3914617134 for P43 x P97 / January 2, 2023 2023 年 1 月 2 日)
9×10167-5 = 8(9)1665<168> = 5 × 58511 × 335417 × 35690850320369<14> × 89607453475049<14> × 117336112139321<15> × 74529410187635373848266655307785671851862193751680441<53> × 327936309914762185039258218299339513209583771201175710361905297<63> (Ignacio Santos / GNFS, Msieve for P53 x P63 / December 27, 2022 2022 年 12 月 27 日)
9×10168-5 = 8(9)1675<169> = 5 × 55959668339<11> × 417057757218814496371563801415893195484116734492418095418407256379823191342751<78> × 77126064246331121950719983927334837944417693726692423246387884759330216124897691<80> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P78 x P80 / December 27, 2022 2022 年 12 月 27 日)
9×10169-5 = 8(9)1685<170> = 5 × 41 × 16223 × 151477289769479<15> × 178652852180240025277500705110252532094887417871742234583021379571048988259972438412307963375984545802233058327170191822910077305176182897116713591167<150>
9×10170-5 = 8(9)1695<171> = 5 × 61 × 133539756409735991611<21> × 13902330769226186718209295641<29> × 234683184040559653555000544009<30> × 217823050845061499632571612024881<33> × 31092716345611707493390254985211304095495784509337246449921<59> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3324432521 for P30, GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1540922386 for P33 x P59 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10171-5 = 8(9)1705<172> = 5 × 7 × 431 × 2801 × 27239 × 7819751038499672279336364031355809175250423408497130741605851159294997107675731828111202922837498877328063787573519198303224415202120388757612810053890722111473<160>
9×10172-5 = 8(9)1715<173> = 5 × 19 × 13411 × 23509 × 6473279 × 2762252938901223630108690535849<31> × 285189759591229387141190164411325367376086643541<48> × 589253117157132781675288270194579149927156181486636903837683847436403595495689<78> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:4074592307 for P31 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.44 snfs for P48 x P78 / January 30, 2023 2023 年 1 月 30 日)
9×10173-5 = 8(9)1725<174> = 5 × 23 × 521 × 370061719 × 40591283495807193215481817994316729474923776255413367076860652440883221844006213802800662237053828429348571411447484049689042352978945990788162472857324201283287<161>
9×10174-5 = 8(9)1735<175> = 5 × 41 × 21061 × 336599 × 4785483379<10> × 1147631406708587344104437727485949329<37> × 1127635141732637785053496904858145525730663564117795447451472527918199156557768084187262072352337562439345591270388511<118> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P37 x P118 / December 29, 2022 2022 年 12 月 29 日)
9×10175-5 = 8(9)1745<176> = 5 × 929 × 6871 × 15919 × 218233 × 929218321 × 2211292476383<13> × 42974694025029236082292391062387879826171181585428143<53> × 9192293689889432499937854756845647118228979599270783222216869441508092664236223677007<85> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P53 x P85 / January 4, 2023 2023 年 1 月 4 日)
9×10176-5 = 8(9)1755<177> = 5 × 109 × 79615206004851753482762329714398259<35> × 20741969149566175896440146149751702100265953563283265167000271998970918473916493312709416508393621314844387345406272575017556885136156814329<140> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:220157489 for P35 x P140 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10177-5 = 8(9)1765<178> = 5 × 7 × 17 × 31 × 79 × 98351726906410937<17> × 901608508290345637049319104765854061662073<42> × 155781962707255023677164062261498657131210873<45> × 447115366575367123463143467860261798207437480356565455861941103057473<69> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P42 x P45 x P69 / December 29, 2022 2022 年 12 月 29 日)
9×10178-5 = 8(9)1775<179> = 5 × 712914919 × 4421773871<10> × 539296180985454552430293318852540727473650859064672273065373008959<66> × 10587926748693615159651897147771062811236199647324826543105158598405500396314843985719694942489<95> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P66 x P95 / December 26, 2022 2022 年 12 月 26 日)
9×10179-5 = 8(9)1785<180> = 5 × 41 × 401 × 29246977 × 4399569675786101963681<22> × 943025286885455897364413135325723782917833863504051920438297<60> × 90225594816475946780175351478764375780254964898644304979905024645695590217348830280751<86> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.44 snfs for P60 x P86 / January 6, 2023 2023 年 1 月 6 日)
9×10180-5 = 8(9)1795<181> = 5 × 179 × 1734008161<10> × 1661150261303029715409958829<28> × 3491076922288967577035893092286625534754538870522241224700664174366163599708701400409535755758548613272691386357716451920612488709993625343449<142>
9×10181-5 = 8(9)1805<182> = 5 × 29023 × 30421342499767<14> × 542181231569314578220717447<27> × 7305815531290212538762952827209155760478635921532495963250503<61> × 5146816038377168114528035664450193966722457729676879850822066513639780566679<76> (Erik Branger / GGNFS, NFS_factory, Msieve snfs for P61 x P76 / January 13, 2023 2023 年 1 月 13 日)
9×10182-5 = 8(9)1815<183> = 5 × 191 × 14851 × 63457570329496383094762247399209107148460043412028946523247857161239692992274745896498587540247082626339615750309972603956720526867053922365303374779352739833480284614253768939<176>
9×10183-5 = 8(9)1825<184> = 5 × 72 × 1193 × 11397156984892034158825128006986032544629572136147258328335958820426893780565943<80> × 2701714484239987131505404657121706959342523452400423286354048989209721775177793894479106028757452449<100> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P80 x P100 / December 25, 2022 2022 年 12 月 25 日)
9×10184-5 = 8(9)1835<185> = 5 × 41 × 419 × 1571 × 10193929 × 79200373527839<14> × 385279870577452091305531993441532558551928189<45> × 2144140730110136355097801331567924792775517710868153804616710662833130106496202507078561962507656444963419680029<112> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.54 snfs for P45 x P112 / December 29, 2022 2022 年 12 月 29 日)
9×10185-5 = 8(9)1845<186> = 5 × 569 × 1998113786693729<16> × 158321546089391850201838646367417824026497949792549582512171711746912847053328380040397136240458299726912118576481243824697461182580675532555211001897170654332129491799<168>
9×10186-5 = 8(9)1855<187> = 5 × 89 × 131 × 856177742475223600507645746039911<33> × 180321399461438179461125568790959662351402299122012313989912444814542586558415987697233237156727331858287582945587140284924308353070927052119935469851<150> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2951564719 for P33 x P150 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10187-5 = 8(9)1865<188> = 5 × 1927716215071081508755664617702340856901223<43> × 44224621371713812751683128148072482897639853477990358002861921<62> × 211137454451219456120182870555278094489929452898042866826767991093179600249942906953<84> (ebina / Msieve 1.53 snfs for P43 x P62 x P84 / December 28, 2022 2022 年 12 月 28 日)
9×10188-5 = 8(9)1875<189> = 5 × 29 × 2851049 × 2177057129401893103568014004186069637937620080575061416293465656155766308930623369709256802163598078437457399981066859831301536309303504876928481048735830699265549216301160343632019<181>
9×10189-5 = 8(9)1885<190> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 743 × 1151 × 12530650214119<14> × 31079360739077163817<20> × 16045273636212833048218689909319<32> × 12858111626186990734228233337664897541178396519<47> × 91275972085886096487304939470108121628533504322856878500426024696846663<71> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:4056392583 for P32 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Ignacio Santos / GNFS, Msieve for P47 x P71 / December 27, 2022 2022 年 12 月 27 日)
9×10190-5 = 8(9)1895<191> = 5 × 19 × 79 × 1061 × 1559 × 4019 × 746899 × 2415185149336202762898621617549016819400026177109866202216284504535994209155488192125180824054805070429309482989262253573663501102267939914419065692155903558741907878181921<172>
9×10191-5 = 8(9)1905<192> = 5 × 6207473 × 5590654207<10> × 208817050549498519<18> × 210416685854945543<18> × 62060992617031189624158172092070683826755656273995097<53> × 1902086153157428347348927322840423686091934321208187876588723476075751499772961629252441<88> (Bob Backstrom / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=37640000, sigma=1:2366046453 for P53 x P88 / May 30, 2023 2023 年 5 月 30 日)
9×10192-5 = 8(9)1915<193> = 5 × 31 × 331 × 34216988519591<14> × 17457411122152031712085135039523181139321<41> × 24392129087528409270150635303126861337531517447927492233294838361<65> × 12039584079682036526785600452648687713749030594923425554634092089586229<71> (Bob Backstrom / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=27490000, sigma=1:1908863909, Msieve 1.44 gnfs for P41 x P65 x P71 / January 20, 2023 2023 年 1 月 20 日)
9×10193-5 = 8(9)1925<194> = 5 × 17 × 1441559544169049<16> × 16824093907604035704916532328893543<35> × 43657545382371719394426297464602396851760772201518568006301069187843170769855570953508767524740458917006254344178217060815720712997114229590721<143> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM B1=3000000, sigma=1:497597719 for P35 x P143 / January 11, 2023 2023 年 1 月 11 日)
9×10194-5 = 8(9)1935<195> = 5 × 41 × 79903623119<11> × 3614980692494749<16> × 175001882973208747808459045912649509845170255463374314722843416649<66> × 86850729862875312011858737167735079517599230910894366703774757271607663873939152728106960832661700181<101> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.44 snfs for P66 x P101 / April 17, 2023 2023 年 4 月 17 日)
9×10195-5 = 8(9)1945<196> = 5 × 7 × 23 × 383 × 1607 × 24536726144653148794281648607947902149702759<44> × 598943006729609502465336692306264987656377082097<48> × 1236032425923916402094526359433712086232914301369756474421504662258496865140697010979715816311393<97> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.44 snfs for P44 x P48 x P97 / February 3, 2023 2023 年 2 月 3 日)
9×10196-5 = 8(9)1955<197> = 5 × 4241 × 33569 × 54294530402288599<17> × 493762141417352703107277903251<30> × 4716197236177158659962676566884567069387947753432546136677043965485606304637275809961449008412325377164451340908928906378692098888289545081619<142> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2539053135 for P30 x P142 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10197-5 = 8(9)1965<198> = 5 × 23201 × 602831 × 12885234293328610753<20> × 998798551536944144468113737940101000507650796314040337083390487372183933472956923663888268667014988669961075681908647371156261635299982865392834762022911151802510567793<168>
9×10198-5 = 8(9)1975<199> = 5 × 804541 × 1918243489<10> × 854693458079<12> × 149670293143621<15> × 9117475443196203696134520609352816339914636693627083536805617142099444205098957217440067509036367721350829907285253938096386988733620100451884423953228022289<157>
9×10199-5 = 8(9)1985<200> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 97 × 262399 × 1022017 × 352506612697<12> × 20532242678887659196077145545433<32> × 32842379328990630208406180460496828181599236956930890370797731158157546551526198923913609264306757248535806760219397005804524455707299520559<140> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2713077434 for P32 x P140 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10200-5 = 8(9)1995<201> = 5 × 151 × 355969 × 1928470952929<13> × 1329103097325968737351234531<28> × 1306506598212139245933630339436138813037295260860040929499571038451955232310713676660818341512120650062919012533595385217319827354776755661472424440660979<154>
9×10201-5 = 8(9)2005<202> = 5 × 7 × 35376001690656791<17> × 136517972482593913<18> × 1150009633404800353<19> × 46299298518738344904382109185450594070121138665250112658698605515370712467609601315755299378588013942138543665156725565308979260160110103034443301943<149>
9×10202-5 = 8(9)2015<203> = 5 × 59 × 53309 × 3392027105099048092027649101<28> × 1687176989364679820117700456675517671288446172023804374228626853131440285920346932134492631374431891617532844553940166488735864518499781038418760713956793928531786985429<169>
9×10203-5 = 8(9)2025<204> = 5 × 79 × 302218347097<12> × 6766065930049<13> × 1564497088727041915811756470084051334895384691547643031303852033<64> × 712219078567556067497699572368380350566196935396631316204448989010385588080360710901007571691105038781238428994169<114> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.44 snfs for P64 x P114 / July 27, 2023 2023 年 7 月 27 日)
9×10204-5 = 8(9)2035<205> = 5 × 41 × 1049 × 138209 × 11555909 × 12781155928921<14> × 1475284173564290034139<22> × 5542257629738773013343259805580368796251<40> × 250749569271413734479304980234003505289763426920280760071712503957013618775647748252537311105312216888081449210499<114> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM B1=11000000, sigma=2554425077 for P40 x P114 / February 5, 2023 2023 年 2 月 5 日)
9×10205-5 = 8(9)2045<206> = 5 × 37847 × 18061648654646768783553581810464082481920815553608649380153112733237668812354199609<83> × 26331988395836807345273821188496462094290917130691109712708655540502802766951544960218999538180309196581657970200678113<119> (Bob Backstrom / Msieve 1.44 snfs for P83 x P119 / December 12, 2023 2023 年 12 月 12 日)
9×10206-5 = 8(9)2055<207> = 5 × 23011 × 4972114320644743620987421<25> × 14286009634353688920781409<26> × 28932485245274485517831582427378203020137586908478871<53> × 3806266811335318420604556420163837298253379350707739417295825448561180078129580412503582504349752911<100> (Bob Backstrom / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=63700000 for P53 x P100 / August 26, 2024 2024 年 8 月 26 日)
9×10207-5 = 8(9)2065<208> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 10903 × 9598487953207<13> × 7955856941569989899273<22> × 8937873552474915387193658939481863618257815287<46> × 1114660890473957406011008167263158906378505495418515819379164188571452028788137901998941646341019538878195118802116166057<121> (Bob Backstrom / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=50040000 for P46 x P121 / June 11, 2024 2024 年 6 月 11 日)
9×10208-5 = 8(9)2075<209> = 5 × 19 × 3911 × 541579 × 3669469 × 2772124379029723437802661<25> × 243414582029704508248103396714425204325269323565543319<54> × 180637013885170208003835790143847147721579676956482570615799722991750537589081829285729251266157219448286081010079<114> (Bob Backstrom / YAFU, GMP-ECM B1=50000, sigma=1195540608 for P54 x P114 / September 7, 2024 2024 年 9 月 7 日)
9×10209-5 = 8(9)2085<210> = 5 × 17 × 41 × 283159 × 222451631 × 512059171579583<15> × [8006701052985803926442130450709666148363592334073348755304273449795538874348323020102526370475623420884266530562354239242812905113285479786612113585335436821379435643348991460881<178>] Free to factor
9×10210-5 = 8(9)2095<211> = 5 × 229 × 881 × 865301 × 43992238859<11> × 15670048852650687201742110948002249381<38> × 7362740535891396028166699283890779137628519<43> × 2031458700054528436249783973141339975609320938470361641937143177483658506387344167644269215219191462579188151<109> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM B1=3000000, sigma=1:1335299192 for P38 / January 30, 2023 2023 年 1 月 30 日) (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM B1=3000000, sigma=1:1222437199 for P43 x P109 / February 1, 2023 2023 年 2 月 1 日)
9×10211-5 = 8(9)2105<212> = 5 × 47 × 2729 × 3443563247<10> × [40753324962894540541268835306398356717209775055421895468438415025564510595884011230330908155086746235110452801252087287319452957419476412058635491321121340537791831456367480377933268224051031724359<197>] Free to factor
9×10212-5 = 8(9)2115<213> = 5 × 179999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999<213>
9×10213-5 = 8(9)2125<214> = 5 × 7 × 367 × 600209959 × [1167361063537566873878028286764250013852158173232834336736007619901444119962974494920122044115709614949661891747086259415308585134581360024912566487298224355506112072597140951740109662691115499994428769<202>] Free to factor
9×10214-5 = 8(9)2135<215> = 5 × 41 × 4611134213059665856721897189<28> × 3929563879165439264698268510313251<34> × [24229058147220807325811388021622796829495537017841493272862148937569766293309226073511734891683682393303884274639598328489727315104031713057561941409001<152>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:745082425 for P34 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10215-5 = 8(9)2145<216> = 5 × 7612710356177608174921290419823090257<37> × [23644666824074360445660198526026766937758014484882860494937446385426788073347529359320691882744797538734778553348582790758161151585091633768929095252623859701558983366051954102607<179>] (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=3000000, sigma=3:2424980581 for P37 / January 31, 2023 2023 年 1 月 31 日) Free to factor
9×10216-5 = 8(9)2155<217> = 5 × 29 × 79 × 5449 × 17775679974674752595994227027173806264671<41> × 8111560004501934926795427537138458425182334226671390042500342283588013338698082756913121344945312681286467660165951339333770066049881166499949755083716533124815359996291<169> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:679979446 for P41 x P169 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10217-5 = 8(9)2165<218> = 5 × 23 × [782608695652173913043478260869565217391304347826086956521739130434782608695652173913043478260869565217391304347826086956521739130434782608695652173913043478260869565217391304347826086956521739130434782608695652173913<216>] Free to factor
9×10218-5 = 8(9)2175<219> = 5 × 409 × 1311752209031951<16> × 8070367956091625491<19> × 261323351236390582325146070135761388834822939<45> × 159083756544933836364507449333282270913943129826829725154967103497097836175842843407153281651238118177825311959859347188923770423423800889<138> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM B1=11000000, sigma=1:2063690239 for P45 x P138 / February 6, 2023 2023 年 2 月 6 日)
9×10219-5 = 8(9)2185<220> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 1876328093351<13> × [3342580130686704444935396454906646020851989432553064160923630508842362238040044282243309706286199753966943586048461941300402218945534458672952723414987458623710371714631227246333749535942090377903265646327<205>] Free to factor
9×10220-5 = 8(9)2195<221> = 5 × 1109 × 520409 × [31188620091749608311216948576762855183781101103524246321754061994185016934580349778676281877973064956689810084019352878376349408786178394287543631948181507740059922106663899011622406355869283579255111824796069179<212>] Free to factor
9×10221-5 = 8(9)2205<222> = 5 × 991 × 268439 × 16361080358575044405839<23> × 58912850374132889623273121<26> × 404331626145138913383933406779217<33> × 16303755614391943456516531856194482531042401023802540931861031<62> × 106489271411216015771872213095768269959511517286952378678546995227297727<72> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1591713805 for P33 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Ignacio Santos / GNFS, Msieve for P62 x P72 / January 18, 2023 2023 年 1 月 18 日)
9×10222-5 = 8(9)2215<223> = 5 × 31 × 4679 × 1150171459<10> × 917396565461<12> × 1506467713859<13> × 83958165891799<14> × 173933253401539<15> × 28160405657907979<17> × 89161261423756937951<20> × 212920544112362135533843198161066020917882420705012977510228113266163597618187137522817216724540481849770021005589384619<120>
9×10223-5 = 8(9)2225<224> = 5 × 439 × 341911 × 425331891982695737154759367<27> × 281946666175521837057475536723700884093419278694487006842361584743003118347710587805113620298133881291424154202990939946417409382044039825723917760075779160338795763880707653488563895959193<189>
9×10224-5 = 8(9)2235<225> = 5 × 41 × 16069 × 1422671 × 4042527941<10> × 112917729065419<15> × 119312358689293439<18> × 2991785043726676189<19> × 3794075776951422412321<22> × 8835640518570380355784039<25> × 35157687075768580199623602250241882161196088513587582144507615325506166478300997826173713852827637060818791<107>
9×10225-5 = 8(9)2245<226> = 5 × 72 × 17 × 521 × 441799 × 54275710959332831<17> × [172965517619331837326287845882364720789226297755936143908542629160624167869487944421178911581570625931769590605499883227929624094051005746463281137461752177337659729655474624830051799099198962884447<198>] Free to factor
9×10226-5 = 8(9)2255<227> = 5 × 19 × 7309 × 288202934026549<15> × 21903030460082717959563366007545934919<38> × 20533280375192892346791591346832044212571437159025818678482806887971085046614730052008328324135810071995610911554124922766234671350684447108453460955601096466533845334499<170> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:2746423616 for P38 x P170 / February 13, 2023 2023 年 2 月 13 日)
9×10227-5 = 8(9)2265<228> = 5 × 7834367 × 19591631 × 114104231 × 38839972418494254901592753<26> × 16396947413948151548164950290503<32> × 5096343647528050759441951498652766500146303981533239<52> × 3166617667613925010541509139410765200268030755166593490250671041847131389283905329928248803659977<97> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:53720368 for P32 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Ignacio Santos / GMP-ECM B1=43000000, sigma=1:2663716738 for P52 x P97 / July 12, 2023 2023 年 7 月 12 日)
9×10228-5 = 8(9)2275<229> = 5 × 1465098879709<13> × 29277629726341<14> × [41963302030956991029470916821248292531301535074961648953041513528023681867057070685029057012550282903405836607526061429760211770941172832753537492188842492415305120749695419425946188488327931869545310671<203>] Free to factor
9×10229-5 = 8(9)2285<230> = 5 × 41 × 79 × 5123879 × 64235022448524971033<20> × [16884601358318751520701153691940796122816036607298258744603818194500291729267910924529809780223990523858587143556498305822279011925223364773330526258493695036374908166023479576194951711605938460696263<200>] Free to factor
9×10230-5 = 8(9)2295<231> = 5 × 61 × 89 × 33155277214956713943636028734573586295818751151224903297108123042917664394916190827039970528642475594032050101307791490145514827776754466752624792779517406520537852274820408915085651132805304844354393074230981764597531773807331<227>
9×10231-5 = 8(9)2305<232> = 5 × 7 × 48479 × 423769 × [12516751459057518674667897835275605337945638236208939421172386150074136575992418525536719756419837124353491073727029018139545651448813897593210519013309157906390809494405224593995434490859238467051804008152588381629071407<221>] Free to factor
9×10232-5 = 8(9)2315<233> = 5 × 111049 × 477122389 × 496864820129<12> × 4633800268064681745015931<25> × 40589756177017973469834016256261512558319<41> × 88873277640127793924538935675557431730608166997341993194555450550999<68> × 40903913230880799048054649201314608817830973795762896086355585309298831161<74> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM B1=11000000, sigma=1:625110527 for P41 / February 4, 2023 2023 年 2 月 4 日) (Eric Jeancolas / cado-nfs-3.0.0 for P68 x P74 / August 28, 2023 2023 年 8 月 28 日)
9×10233-5 = 8(9)2325<234> = 5 × 168761 × 1885391 × 16954313 × 33367125035206282209752056761027461697312837219954498331712698391088198665014442502180656652385237553567639619581867989459680183311854236739692360424408391438511744122693069492684249684082163858088092209078802931473<215>
9×10234-5 = 8(9)2335<235> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 6989729 × 11264794380516983978989067131<29> × 7853200632085304452555510810865848875241192775916421744402533068146081059988454563091186218727798128073288015515453947149740663899565387416285344521923265440138403556010971412399305858768001576691<196>
9×10235-5 = 8(9)2345<236> = 5 × 761 × 216263 × 11443577 × 186208077857<12> × [51326932728894273230936350338260390892024221707345655769372950069801517652353110349258698570639981213352559787481425636128479129108407361544981848389508594262433401021072377072054751029089913903070771555134137<209>] Free to factor
9×10236-5 = 8(9)2355<237> = 5 × [179999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999<237>] Free to factor
9×10237-5 = 8(9)2365<238> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 154183 × 187741072151<12> × 23357215967620783<17> × 32562453525902654292412787649002538593599772405857<50> × 376772145929021647802737767890871640375822900909738551621018313965492337458087074743396854238952184981818284734011316048390280609024263988349427043856089<153> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:1026156434 for P50 x P153 / February 12, 2023 2023 年 2 月 12 日)
9×10238-5 = 8(9)2375<239> = 5 × 809 × 33391 × 2078149 × 1841933069<10> × 496013381900672936237689<24> × 332894369393204014224739837655621<33> × 1054251402284284008002944444898861867307991510710398045459355584982054572876779374868103807799051190509570028266027101306725571980947988129935488187663684868189<160> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3665786041 for P33 x P160 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10239-5 = 8(9)2385<240> = 5 × 232 × 41 × 113 × 313 × 7705511417<10> × [30451502580278202873248090975872577867316660095295174262476367756406342476127023505416216291193787337594745007753621980262267273863487778388951578010197254088695144258391320325102101840554621203239337129257407652873134167<221>] Free to factor
9×10240-5 = 8(9)2395<241> = 5 × 2851 × 5749 × 27749 × 3957634126033715860758804101761181509546435835668184891736476984875068046014112850415802485474162606142813286054085748286569297847456487207361081169305519100258007284206873005397637061574881140208676834665170693496602407010634349<229>
9×10241-5 = 8(9)2405<242> = 5 × 17 × 24812694181081<14> × 42672654637362542394393224768634597029495171018070176515546684737021023758108348389990117933580550072186028012241949377530579357403649707529031485648393477913682670179439990583344771046282324733742087187349097035170429335515687<227>
9×10242-5 = 8(9)2415<243> = 5 × 79 × 4824529317454681<16> × 472270114395388510853535803953207403362749673523080353900760339691150268973579621639562419987497864464420098433734854533692952842303933005611006886516119052139743787966347848155264680058679852061621924889098546111622902959801<225>
9×10243-5 = 8(9)2425<244> = 5 × 7 × 116881 × 137273 × 96490771577<11> × 166096179208318288750608455275425757092191989450058851337605915363029014499660712647776625196791666045530377726860136794341210217947492586328988672890343688888016382261788157627949431796164272234019180773333236112677414857<222>
9×10244-5 = 8(9)2435<245> = 5 × 19 × 292 × 41 × 199 × 916291 × 15996483897908081264676606380939<32> × [9419503702918265963412597860052523278391115560756889857898804165902714367519549597541332995789030913992121506488342044457802897514738415694750832469495946538129109781292876369365780125745820341546691<199>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1228123078 for P32 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10245-5 = 8(9)2445<246> = 5 × [179999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999<246>] Free to factor
9×10246-5 = 8(9)2455<247> = 5 × 149 × 2371 × 8429 × 14389 × 328721274534722459729<21> × 15318200461048029854373906737518408531<38> × [8342811969546032606111326044530075450217226985292908426525466400249198061569161111927586474346572749917504594084247705766679467443024256683426273854475974891953518203809447099<175>] (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=3000000, sigma=3:3947183973 for P38 / January 31, 2023 2023 年 1 月 31 日) Free to factor
9×10247-5 = 8(9)2465<248> = 5 × 1553 × 16481 × 56254726106549143<17> × 9910754888918438664780943<25> × 270206480371238943835042576897<30> × [4668270140494500758251058629124331356883590964950048684359269416947314083144224569993808187511430573581180547067465908206546870591526538708592435410301858166169162881031<169>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:340561928 for P30 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10248-5 = 8(9)2475<249> = 5 × 831053071 × 1061822285363943358456669376262152469400729<43> × [203982030422854000768008739761621701247969893673014616016054397987963182153705690049179546406370830329123169486554055540831819064221552849933098349969608592205504761016112308970729799913800536162361<198>] (Dmitry Domanov / for P43 / January 29, 2023 2023 年 1 月 29 日) Free to factor
9×10249-5 = 8(9)2485<250> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 6003857 × 77262080336432005107337<23> × 16552597225088669015376308117244719<35> × [816822558983393033722528478250338078286780214825230617958897544615163373142508598159918280970990125049286052077597332023154010629016192965929598250849947198854459989966879883049412487<183>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:528992226 for P35 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10250-5 = 8(9)2495<251> = 5 × 269 × 479 × 6359 × 12304631 × 160914989 × 631274503521136841<18> × [17575696459220639403716137868076032823847525741527687308131120492868134841290459098217989730914853794395712525830180180490074621955534395175271148508380964927009986184149614996917778694788535447878588512763169<209>] Free to factor
9×10251-5 = 8(9)2505<252> = 5 × 12894593 × 757037756897<12> × 34643420870626347428743<23> × [532263341502424091060956947697269747794025475090778677890876271948785054325081050816639989144750861282332980133679669132616702411902910782701669186152034513993797664718602833889547620240310572206591652938077033<210>] Free to factor
9×10252-5 = 8(9)2515<253> = 5 × 31 × 509 × 114075670194562393054059192597756511819506939603270169212244121934216363521135686672159198935293744850750998162114202420939223017935230369478420685721528613980607136066924393180809937258381392990683820267444071233918499271183218201406933265732936181<249>
9×10253-5 = 8(9)2525<254> = 5 × 30713 × 68985050993<11> × 68206397360221862777047<23> × [124557580865038988994098675191717330373741116357043068602087087311245643162098208384624827274274659142625127010224707690642944318368168061878863569483442689218850496418140459163561283297086542053454120116850742702513<216>] Free to factor
9×10254-5 = 8(9)2535<255> = 5 × 41 × 5133571 × 75411959569<11> × 6804704314231<13> × 1666554769930007298861227871032162108856347546471433897986461627966059145473245087384529057698598214820528481766531472172815769647934176614704836279975800585170574552705798738188784968734574548550187647559104078207895932331<223>
9×10255-5 = 8(9)2545<256> = 5 × 7 × 79 × 132266713 × 104255103375247663<18> × [236047545935079431583061258349248879154839934644379134761225109798440727129274889217469401216455092628511147877638734234558270434252512989139779756728370331620522124279909438192338932906051126483361523501962399422419021854822257<228>] Free to factor
9×10256-5 = 8(9)2555<257> = 5 × 42887309 × 4273020951061<13> × [98221980314703291101009812073300116306935482549045815569936796182100234290827467502851274274749149425900962163188114814819444816024257186050521084561505962039436658830244424235110772428374929486405391991311328343706629317670206684382351<236>] Free to factor
9×10257-5 = 8(9)2565<258> = 5 × 17 × 47 × 5897 × 426426890675761807760640017311<30> × 113519924854745219388418724313680534821168742177<48> × [789183359663216315348443732418771775891486657860570302854417869083521502417892344220364262789279112664856690286738663132786883270454957646658310289533147644904631309649190439<174>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2606925846 for P30 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:1406411744 for P48 / March 4, 2023 2023 年 3 月 4 日) Free to factor
9×10258-5 = 8(9)2575<259> = 5 × 11979589 × [150255572207026468103371492961903784846041045314659793420291797990732403256906393032348605615768621110457128370597689119384646668596059514228743573756996170736742303930460385577501865882043198643960155895164683863528206184702997740573570595785882136691<252>] Free to factor
9×10259-5 = 8(9)2585<260> = 5 × 41 × 257 × 1201 × 7151 × 15607 × 240208333349035833996754673578720871<36> × [53056456261549551011379832648166098366174656177302736279429004658853169167539631516317051810903081436763831218051429513953821841914330800558262826637223911691439705304007363357806618780334375136442566211426041<209>] (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=3000000, sigma=3:2517457917 for P36 / January 30, 2023 2023 年 1 月 30 日) Free to factor
9×10260-5 = 8(9)2595<261> = 5 × 59 × 829 × 47756578812191<14> × 3285820391777165537511216389<28> × 32764727519198084221558315981<29> × 1187909270120066358601339634501<31> × 205295670467561611672587815016661<33> × 2935075738943587141991800699112203498883790139962557166506678269859654641179062392735642764016298019875099850538264888722551<124> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2041141985 for P31, GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3171066401 for P33 x P124 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10261-5 = 8(9)2605<262> = 5 × 7 × 23 × 32441 × 344629457279445284425563004870188613787360944407247863823882093838389079381757728937827122759501673463206306106393623129691148824210449126852550861085418134133996910971297918572100598870266346876058419288068296368313925270165561905885141511556287276222999<255>
9×10262-5 = 8(9)2615<263> = 5 × 19 × 7730855021<10> × 15008175969060162015432833588462389477053449<44> × [8165136739233731224240147535363498500548771800379702032247382275930139887222099184986552766069489446333285243928801020769443266843942418756360992028322763126257599299402434396070567984564510583660992295133649<208>] (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=3000000, sigma=3:1119119911 for P44 / January 19, 2023 2023 年 1 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10263-5 = 8(9)2625<264> = 5 × 1543 × 1449275039<10> × 567951398126439391<18> × 141724389109712019498466225612378699447314262067005618302144946013918700114933050509383421205183881502446852962001460766742620036929482525745192302111464903016200430219972172619696566017198619162042372358080922478512793345240464595657<234>
9×10264-5 = 8(9)2635<265> = 5 × 41 × 166910309 × 638671843429<12> × 50088311712883255839051291511109<32> × 8222262230457771264278519127127049592454889739468945449453371913756106690398760316969168045913029502131982451521747116490042855373430535502716504524787489820239050584294001796025486158194101606727989048921372211<211> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:149536689 for P32 x P211 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10265-5 = 8(9)2645<266> = 5 × 5905836540494327<16> × 3047832407243254678637730065667047196979990502794794966459562287278432523839631072110222456481494502005785664245117422425427277390360318074339279807982306064698419606099667691001750883086611383121085273859595050666405331528059503604501883108620103737<250>
9×10266-5 = 8(9)2655<267> = 5 × 53189 × [3384158378612119047171407621876703829739231796048055048976292090469833988230649194382297091503882381695463347684671642632875218560228618699355129820075579537122337325386828103555246385530842843445073229427137190020492959070484498674537968376920039857865348098291<262>] Free to factor
9×10267-5 = 8(9)2665<268> = 5 × 72 × 312 × 4289633 × 151109343021729592789372049<27> × [58971419573962826019637352833970430808224917609309598299694200699005730526997347736215782328828642492973486326149496581679746852216100382345430088951129171537477632690506824355599312435114396814878949165241531758459192116282899423<230>] Free to factor
9×10268-5 = 8(9)2675<269> = 5 × 79 × 126761 × [1797462163171817710574439948237084061014253974812961579545839229591739423108513090367709830490330702081730804277440681501787626050778905263658240929631453351013703751673012873124435609363140182376502615956530973917925281295339110709589131105791732652667698476521<262>] Free to factor
9×10269-5 = 8(9)2685<270> = 5 × 41 × 71 × 52543 × 404906127973980362357599<24> × 101585382447584867742405262609<30> × 68919474123143376398338536107736154259912423<44> × [415133622779272220101600164621562005910888549147365701289869212673554092522842189229526111610310098468102996411781768412463599976943078234239224490870491182270905191<165>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2005905176 for P30 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:4278645284 for P44 / February 13, 2023 2023 年 2 月 13 日) Free to factor
9×10270-5 = 8(9)2695<271> = 5 × 2155931 × 463528400010421<15> × 7045628116736781361469<22> × [255647519506615603944839314446230261110678101100978522982993955547378234720560272395379658867436699425129178630072346341718435982289587953618308391296102607345045690724895530958359066305165938354761055894991582494103699583529421<228>] Free to factor
9×10271-5 = 8(9)2705<272> = 5 × 311 × 463 × 511337881 × 181457399272221520794667738393<30> × 1347250878922957761764446252082857257273665493367303843715400939076450968463791540040225493440814450409370633448753970783910158427052164601745529400227760329231747060107560599325023305591510604841167085684618287766841410407695271<229> (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:1561253929 for P30 x P229 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日)
9×10272-5 = 8(9)2715<273> = 5 × 29 × 181 × 63311 × 63611 × 135209 × 2203969429415156419<19> × [28574153211840670201673312984429923129551433145136863919583472778181877764059835206440866192586684953496102341125609232265004107841849688691173943388713824656754323659882346533101434882429029261266770736395703431373179293465352688642361<236>] Free to factor
9×10273-5 = 8(9)2725<274> = 5 × 7 × 17 × 14671213199<11> × 419671353528213873632158754707489782158600383<45> × [2456689048958272901695377050080173264402100865927908895299670180040684060314621731264236764155576322967681539669430509365472977523220604511842852826046969572922894382460923658566997517730799949342556382564733715839113<217>] (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:3776354139 for P45 / February 6, 2023 2023 年 2 月 6 日) Free to factor
9×10274-5 = 8(9)2735<275> = 5 × 41 × 89 × 11341739 × 434929627400808501765415758813419448555150876070372453707537869013797346048980121760318387929578246922545221031236765904665986297761341595252315010855373171857660385315507127885988146516225532727457011217288698105473225974719205911432262865548085376931642343704509<264>
9×10275-5 = 8(9)2745<276> = 5 × 151 × 193 × 84356423 × 606025076991889<15> × 50752594712203555321821793<26> × 904199288444147872392295998901481677103<39> × 2632734631285259805036911488121873233504902784944635510359537391357860456354689479384764800492662263815189327746047163880237287673982852955647170986203448113225166087558815398112896161<184> (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:3191662550 for P39 x P184 / March 4, 2023 2023 年 3 月 4 日)
9×10276-5 = 8(9)2755<277> = 5 × 8539 × 2853785372203219<16> × [73865932360197998222841776074586256423775760680987047223155660181790740826775791258555633970888187388971997867059134626890180032445221313682612497016065092250313270138069016582649789701038666572174330436543614214344005101491308565202910549524421875640829439<257>] Free to factor
9×10277-5 = 8(9)2765<278> = 5 × 191 × 521 × 180884525328858116188160102903196631528172764819969651596305936027172875360512908120710273236124649536232175337399885439800625056526414165268161308800032157248947352553989006240516123845605008491523550160283787721960386288952980072554792937464199937695330164504426646300409<273>
9×10278-5 = 8(9)2775<279> = 5 × 839 × 9557411 × 23340859 × [961730627007876022660562061011883873429041916227849523613200361088395304236360271445445902822879124931830522177830008744560076612371626655321027961183959508854348650093427084138680320240683139271957945418809029884622527649983488662816934011749529114176010534009<261>] Free to factor
9×10279-5 = 8(9)2785<280> = 5 × 7 × 41 × 174667470095551<15> × 1667947878543949726489<22> × [21527624182162705753195080072075017145433487336788849372232510254951979160142323181444303289318709679981385468447500734198267652858717521889212174194018668102623721385775834103944506727282117430673169008394103584342490375270849087528685681143<242>] Free to factor
9×10280-5 = 8(9)2795<281> = 5 × 19 × 111896325011<12> × 173099265873767249846261609555980968881<39> × [48911147831807832138866826448977292096644752722337675618204324767595122122939159432601208551790734025446126233681070174062173907383267539452580177495892961531227363709584854459811862552496021135206676712602027106903774692185955031<230>] (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=3000000, sigma=3:4102129581 for P39 / January 19, 2023 2023 年 1 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10281-5 = 8(9)2805<282> = 5 × 79 × 601 × 136711 × 1979319259661396179361<22> × [14010435374426064050965974237512756487546884365224434034919898871493822870695306699214373167679754834604430565921740205394746689510372002033168028660572245678483290383995744609353932149584152946158065318535703431825764315255622739245757239448778156511<251>] Free to factor
9×10282-5 = 8(9)2815<283> = 5 × 31 × 359 × 811 × 367011163601<12> × [543395745534992062895319380305923102757852105812155952415225027066157120294698623271683479783573281210623037952049109085789452198648581157076336440401645026804613786700307343969146350213947230563749206279160708659292135010023398034136537382756373905188222285222421<264>] Free to factor
9×10283-5 = 8(9)2825<284> = 5 × 23 × 1582033 × [494685443130562961103515704710056754436414630937589137850941876961341899123249751372470408809973979820516578571892044575885420298081508166198588887787450374461765061296061020438781041202378040869207394920773240617555413495332189382406935445940651103331296969867527910358820361<276>] Free to factor
9×10284-5 = 8(9)2835<285> = 5 × 41 × 109 × 387269 × 49929711898490705106070064201871109<35> × [2083005210108349043527152795913371645025840948413916748327157695220892111324625842463589247076046739487381606809364724187527573514828491095170586072741479759814791408114221599610668932583100309787880556440115839084457443698807871673737321051<241>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3144981919 for P35 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10285-5 = 8(9)2845<286> = 5 × 7 × 4943 × 79111 × 3982982474757241<16> × 20052825578413972683439<23> × 8233092761593144402822483320263210585403751721844674332680841492939048196927906521910909651471017387797784856109773305305219019097368269489524674586868909564970953708525618882585559274850126705416440481673640555243839212242656028792937191<238>
9×10286-5 = 8(9)2855<287> = 5 × 6131 × 8932181 × 87029747106409<14> × 98199467871054346294229<23> × 80318135585978215878394721<26> × 381891948639626296472846579<27> × 1253870535431751405953671821437121705110681179757501265145204559376931200216595765500914189530326748751702336863129481021296358061563633190262207481549857231356471531344478012477071066791<187>
9×10287-5 = 8(9)2865<288> = 5 × 599 × 673 × 25149013011478849<17> × [17754550147263353595841280870763714585146147199678991258133276429025920238500167338239159788279642175059258152357490872863470109144281382949616461055467856351187975775612231654324583653443616836480754683990219555016470129087062394849320166595935810161701271422749113<266>] Free to factor
9×10288-5 = 8(9)2875<289> = 5 × 49380439 × 562852132651998813825761946779<30> × [64762445909842251644307906452301027057610944177990235201706160792889019134777931445269778792562143987747985085045315363127965714651863980425920051113162045459501483101795917735593614825118114805621750229050552432063234292135129920839613589478243727579<251>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:3718033609 for P30 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10289-5 = 8(9)2885<290> = 5 × 17 × 41 × [25824964131994261119081779053084648493543758967001434720229555236728837876614060258249641319942611190817790530846484935437589670014347202295552367288378766140602582496413199426111908177905308464849354375896700143472022955523672883787661406025824964131994261119081779053084648493543758967<287>] Free to factor
9×10290-5 = 8(9)2895<291> = 5 × 61 × [2950819672131147540983606557377049180327868852459016393442622950819672131147540983606557377049180327868852459016393442622950819672131147540983606557377049180327868852459016393442622950819672131147540983606557377049180327868852459016393442622950819672131147540983606557377049180327868852459<289>] Free to factor
9×10291-5 = 8(9)2905<292> = 5 × 7 × 167 × 4847477441126611529990492136196562102401<40> × [317645127054766991542836412685639144843442632386396325081158375477876959340633531156374750193397624995094742180923277952102034322006807033057582747621945026930436413485888167250536229511255930478003933235505025871768482058698766167906069561037382671<249>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2519666876 for P40 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10292-5 = 8(9)2915<293> = 5 × 238841 × 2090889329241944390191<22> × 6919340188708024783221080629<28> × 1920215423629315136534031272551<31> × [2712801026626499792396678931309700981459876724634258019387874879355810091107539278499769720481658839578746921043645637937108476949411278701748814394444494714059597952814599199641763230513079422625373073678851<208>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:613771714 for P31 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
9×10293-5 = 8(9)2925<294> = 5 × 102881 × 80015740142791<14> × 14959381012898809<17> × 1461666446772337030897048093816754318599241243446662437508336959233672929370626994471958246728304207148699106945523376137543494604404760827747331192630857324453520198923301995338558449282479138633396316211441355962342332644834628344166690256461480525276856241<259>
9×10294-5 = 8(9)2935<295> = 5 × 412 × 79 × 88261 × 1171345601<10> × 73601031813776013441721<23> × 5802059597043497105453309<25> × 2224134422543085494867996911<28> × [138037373101749895752611616439587247390471241871106985986813863293490008978344634479745480737643621641850036910147224453971823519117952210308970448826204072664298845023972760668739707305691628285217079<201>] Free to factor
9×10295-5 = 8(9)2945<296> = 5 × 97 × 18662493495954823<17> × 9943312792017894646583024317653692655619790104114250792032763163488697417516364860752412725476906299719102630799541116339428121304714995245133610080223927855360778684062085426133562390747564986248170588654445691984586206914865280730997376396996830233440997378927753460625485929<277>
9×10296-5 = 8(9)2955<297> = 5 × 725987942969<12> × [247938001923106425556183512530099537601319483160674066425895031784574342421719536208707126727681648190344851352305020845120916348604908452049529646270634303129727959403619967200353655161475544381052815743267291820631911026709143628061579877325743653840678251138753451426536097437946871<285>] Free to factor
9×10297-5 = 8(9)2965<298> = 5 × 7 × 31 × 1361 × 3583 × 276337 × 297233 × 1989176445711734593<19> × 465453657595371545159<21> × 40325521261980392345913329749559<32> × 697483368481735373979077178854131335047946223<45> × [795258231214760635230820804733063039546645465709039134928099862953802989408997193399869706221843433522608212578182570682113085801421742254557027472870573458132471<162>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2333541716 for P32 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) (Dmitry Domanov / GMP-ECM 7.0.5 B1=11000000, sigma=3:1935941518 for P45 / February 13, 2023 2023 年 2 月 13 日) Free to factor
9×10298-5 = 8(9)2975<299> = 5 × 19 × 8971 × 55255575761<11> × 258501915947408801<18> × [7393297335989763151509630952722265947280003741388762316498409936849812158436869483066528561232508399861398131318784551057811157488424589441438394461677404736189293598661349014337258315349825015503060836149533234536838079048439595748251888958643734730496129933340991<265>] Free to factor
9×10299-5 = 8(9)2985<300> = 5 × 41 × 15908647409<11> × 275965881295183615584267075953043409606592219645958959755773690253637730806809551052162553110629689639318876568351910917908900642380125830736733153215388497765306090353255870719701887023191264885012717042011036778157806894104908516418451915442174968530602398885808535114815193394072099671<288>
9×10300-5 = 8(9)2995<301> = 5 × 29 × 463102769841671<15> × 51460558517818743751<20> × 46599879262223234244371<23> × 1172953359403533317698126915699<31> × [47649362909909571630857897628626494117483981857663710241563077682278332943945107664660506190024690871122625106308539553826702077192414104600105466199340237068249574532597454137403083088565603394698289120587202659<212>] (Eric Jeancolas / GMP-ECM 7.0.4 B1=1000000, sigma=1:2866761680 for P31 / December 19, 2022 2022 年 12 月 19 日) Free to factor
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