-- May 29, 2013 (Kurt Beschorner) -- n=3779: c3734(3273860067......) = 23015411969617478375235679 * x3709(1422464247......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=680021699 n=3779: x3709(1422464247......) = 759986851282075821024937829468317 * c3676(1871695866......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=1562656322 n=3835: c2785(1111099999......) = 1709342336622152343323420442234001 * c2751(6500160770......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=3591532254 # 74970 of 100000 Phi_n(10) factorizations were cracked. -- May 27, 2013 (Maksym Voznyy) -- n=4819: p4673(4716180024......) is definitely prime. # Certification is available at: http://stdkmd.com/nrr/cert/Phi/index.htm#CERT_PHI_4819_10 -- May 25, 2013 (Kurt Beschorner) -- n=3775: c2994(3010203789......) = 984476563404852663966309212351 * c2964(3057669325......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=3233913715 -- May 22, 2013 (Alfred Reich) -- n=21368: p10659(3610172412......) is definitely prime. # Certification is available at: http://stdkmd.com/nrr/cert/Phi/index.htm#CERT_PHI_21368_10 -- May 19, 2013 (Kurt Beschorner) -- n=3769: c3714(3076899290......) = 773722825983815576978750717 * c3687(3976746177......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=181898141 -- May 19, 2013 (Ray Chandler) -- n=47184: p15713(1000000009......) is definitely prime. # Certification is available at: http://stdkmd.com/nrr/cert/Phi/index.htm#CERT_PHI_47184_10 -- May 6, 2013 (Kurt Beschorner) -- n=3725: c2942(1838734959......) = 28824730739547083567963816825201 * c2910(6379018683......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=3915767936 n=3731: c2881(1111110999......) = 1393618039649908239521419283947 * c2850(7972851731......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=3165478486 n=3733: c3685(4453916683......) = 98418972815087123802181759918571711 * c3650(4525465523......) # ECM B1=1e6, sigma=1360808061 # 74969 of 100000 Phi_n(10) factorizations were cracked.